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Daily Vocabulary : 11 अप्रैल, 2020

Daily Vocabulary : 11 अप्रैल, 2020 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Bankersadda आपको Daily Vocabulary  प्रदान करता है जिससे आप आगामी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी को और बेहतर बना सकते होहम आपको यहाँ  11 अप्रैल, 2020 की वोकेबलरी प्रदान कर रहे हैं. 

STATUTORY (adjective) : वैधानिक
Meaning: decided, controlled, or required by law.

अर्थ: कानून द्वारा तय, नियंत्रित या आवश्यक।
Synonyms: legitimate, permissible, admissible, allowable.
Antonyms: unconstitutional, illegal, irrelevant, unofficial.
Usage: She’s below the statutory age for school attendance.

Premonition (NOUN): चेतावनी
Meaning: a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant.

अर्थ: एक मजबूत भावना जो कुछ होने वाली है, विशेष रूप से कुछ अप्रिय।
Synonym: foreboding, presage, presentiment, prognostication, insight, intuition
Sentence: He had a premonition of imminent disaster.

PURITANICAL (adjective) : सख़्त
Meaning: having or displaying a very strict or censorious moral attitude towards self-indulgence.

अर्थ: स्व-भोग के प्रति बहुत सख्त या असंवेदनशील नैतिक रवैया रखना या प्रदर्शित करना।
Synonyms: prudish, puritan, prim, priggish.
Antonyms: lecherous, indulgent, indecent, debauched.
Usage: It just shows that those endless puritanical bromides about the perils of fixating on individual designers are wasted breath.

MILEAGE (noun) : लाभ
Meaning: actual or potential benefit or use to be derived from a situation or event.

अर्थ: किसी स्थिति या घटना से उत्पन्न होने वाला वास्तविक या संभावित लाभ या उपयोग।
Synonyms: advantage, utility, gain, profit.
Antonyms: inappropriateness, uselessness, worthlessness, loss.
Usage: There may indeed be mileage in developing the church hall as a community.

FARCE (noun) : स्वांग
Meaning: an absurd event.

अर्थ: एक बेतुकी घटना।
Synonyms: travesty, sham, masquerade, charade.
Antonyms: solemnity, reverence, seriousness, sobriety.
Usage: We need to get more good referees like him, or the game is going to become a complete farce.

 REPUGNANT (adjective) : प्रतिकूल
Meaning: extremely distasteful; unacceptable.

अर्थ: अत्यंत अरुचिकर; गवारा नहीं।
Synonyms: abhorrent, repulsive, offensive, nauseous.
Antonyms: appealing, desirable, felicitous, pleasing.
Usage: The racist words were repugnant to everyone in the auditorium.

SPECK (NOUN): धब्बा
Meaning: a small discoloration or spot especially from stain or decay

अर्थ: विशेष रूप से दाग या क्षय से एक छोटा मलिनकिरण या स्पॉट
Synonyms: ace, bit, crumb, glimmer blot, dot
Antonyms: paragon, excellence
Sentence: There was not a speck of dust anywhere

CARCASS (noun) : शव
Meaning: the dead body of an animal.

अर्थ: एक जानवर का मृत शरीर।
Synonyms: corpse, cadaver, remains, relics.
Antonyms: revival, alive, essence, resurrection.
Usage: There were a couple of dead animal carcasses on the ground as well.

INCUR (verb) : झेलना
Meaning: become subject to (something unwelcome or unpleasant) as a result of one’s own behavior or actions.

अर्थ: किसी के स्वयं के व्यवहार या कार्यों के परिणामस्वरूप (कुछ अप्रिय या अप्रिय) हो जाता है।
Synonyms: provoke, earn, arouse, induce.
Antonyms: avoid, shun, elude, evade.
Usage: The surgery wasn’t what scared the sick man, it was all of the medical bills he would incur from the procedure.

FATALITY (NOUN) : मृत्यु-दर
Meaning: the quality or state of causing death or destruction

अर्थ: मृत्यु या विनाश करने का गुण या स्थिति
Synonyms: casualty, loss, prey, victim
Antonyms: harmer, injurer, assassin, killer
Sentence: Seatbelt use significantly reduces the risk of a fatality during a traffic accident

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Daily Vocabulary : 11 अप्रैल, 2020 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1