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Adda247 is Hiring Intern Content Writers for Blogs, Articles, Job Notification

Adda247 is Hiring Intern Content Writers for Blogs, Articles, Job Notification | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

सरकारी नौकरी की तैयारी के लिए Adda247 देश का No.1 प्लेटफार्म है. आज जब COVID-19  के समय में सभी टीचर्स घर पर बैठ कर पढ़ा रहे हैं और स्टूडेंट्स ऑनलाइन क्लासेज़ ले रहे हैं, तो ऐसे समय में ऑनलाइन एजुकेशन की importance और भी बढ़ गयी है. 

Adda247 आप सभी के लिए एक शानदार मौक़ा लेकर आया है , जहां हम आपको दे रहे हैं हमारी बेस्ट टीम के साथ काम करने की amazing opportunity! आप हमारे साथ एक  Intern Content Writers for Blogs के तौर पर काम कर सकते हैं, आपके पास होना चाहिए passion, जो हमारे ब्लॉग के लिए लिख सके interesting and innovative कंटेंट. 

Go through the details given below and share a sample article written by you along with your CV to Details on how to apply for this post are given below.


Post- Intern Content Writer & Project-Based Freelancers for Defence exams Content

Eligibility- Flair for writing, good command over English Language

Preferred- candidates who have knowledge of bank, SSC, Defence and govt. job examinations and its preparation.

Who can apply? – Both freshers and experienced content writer willing to work as freelancers.

Nature of Work- Work from home

Salary- Best in the Industry

How to apply for Intern Content Writer & Project-Based Freelancers for Defence exams in Adda247?

Send a sample article written by you on Bank or SSC or Defence Exam Preparation along with your CV to

Keep the subject line of your email as- Freelancer/Intern Content Writer- <your name> for Blogs or Defence Exam

Guidelines for the article required to be sent with the job application on email.

  1. You can choose to write an article on any bank or SSC exam preparation, it can be for IBPS PO, SBI PO, RBI Grade B, SSC CGL etc.
  2. Article should be uniquely created by the candidate and must not have any plagiarism.
  3. Article’s word limit – 600 to 700 words
  4. Article should also have 5 FAQ’s- frequently asked questions with their answers at the end.
  5. Mention your article’s title at the beginning.
  6. Article should convey the writer’s idea and justify the title set by the writer.
  7. There should not be any grammatical mistakes.

Register here for Freelancer Content Writer Job Opportunity with Adda247

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SBI PO 2020 IBPS PO 2020 SBI Clerk 2020 IBPS Clerk 2020
RBI Grade B 2020 RBI Assistant 2020 LIC AAO & AE SEBI Grade A 2020

Adda247 is Hiring Intern Content Writers for Blogs, Articles, Job Notification | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

Adda247 is Hiring Intern Content Writers for Blogs, Articles, Job Notification | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1