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English Quizzes, for SBI/IBPS PO Prelims 2021 – 4th November – Sentence improvement, filler

 English Quizzes, for SBI/IBPS PO Prelims 2021 – 4th November – Sentence improvement, filler | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Sentence improvement, filler

Directions (1
– 5): In each question below, a part is printed in bold. It may contain an
error. If so, find out which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below
should replace the part printed in bold in the following sentence to make the
sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct as it
is and ‘no correction is required’, mark (e) as the answer


Q1. When they start investigating, several
irregularities were detected.

(a) started investigate

(b) started an investigation

(c) start investigation

(d) started off investigation

(e) No correction required


Q2. You must be stopped these undesirable
activities immediately.

(a)must have been stopped

(b)may have been stopped

(c)might have been stopped

(d) must stop

(e) No correction required


Q3. Farmers in
our country suffer because of an over dependence on rain and the threat to natural calamities like floods.

 (a) threat of natural

(b) threat against natural calamities

(c) threatened due to natural calamity

(d) natural calamities threatened

(e) No correction required


Q4. Automation in
agriculture and farm management is considered a boon but in fact, it is not
true as they lid to more unemployment.

(a) it lids to more employment

(b) they lead to more employment

(c) they lead to more unemployment

(d) it leads to more unemployment

(e) No correction required


Q. 5. The
agricultural sector deserves more
than the industrial sector in our country.

(a) deserves attention more

(b) deserving more attention

(c) deserve more attention

(d) deserve to be attended more

(e) No correction required



(6-10): The question has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has
been omitted. Choose the set of two words for each blank that best fits the
meaning of the sentence as a whole.

_________ is China the world’s most populous country, with nearly 1.3
billion people, it is also the world’s fastest-growing economy, _________ more
than fourfold every year.

(a) Not only; expanding

(b) Merely; developing

(c) Hardly; growing

(d) Surprisingly; flourishing

(e) An example; evolving


Q7. It is only through continuation of responsible research
in climate engineering that the __________and risks of such interventions can
be fully ________ and provide the basis for informed decision-making. 

(a) Limitations, understood


(b) Restriction, assumed


(c) Hindrance, presumed


(d) Interruption, rejected


(e) Complication, 



Q8. Losing territories in Iraq and
___________ the heat of American and Russian air strikes in Syria, the Islamic
State is fast expanding its ______________ in stateless, civil war-stricken

(a)Recepting, existence

(b)Loving,  absence

(c) Desiring, appearance

(d) Effecting, residence

(e) Feeling, presence


Q9. Black-Berry has
_____________ thousands of jobs since it began restructuring its operations
____________ chief executive Johan Chen.

      (a)    discarded, by

      (b)    concealed, without

      (c)    shed, under

      (d)    yielded, along

      (e)    refrained, with


Q10. Turkey has blocked
__________ to Twitter to prevent the broadcast of images of ____________ in
southeast Turkey that killed 32 people.

      (a)    access, bombing

      (b)   connection, shelling

      (c)    approach, blast

      (d)    entry, attacks

      (e)    route, explosion


Directions (11-15): In the following passage there are blanks, each of
which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and
against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank
appropriately. Find out the appropriate words.


Although John
Wisdom’s writings in philosophy show clearly the influence of Wittgenstein,
they nevertheless also display a (91) originality. Despite the (92)
and difficulty of his style, a careful reading of Wisdom is seldom (93).
He is a unique kind of genius in philosophy.


This essay is an
excellent example of Wisdom’s repeated attempts to (94) the
ultimate bases of philosophical perplexity. A great deal of the time Wisdom is (95)
interested in finding out why metaphysicians feel compelled to utter such strange sentences (e.g. “Time is
unreal”, There are no material things”, etc).


Q11.   (a) concise          (b) virtual  (c) marked      (d) limited      (e) relative

Q12.   (a) individuality              (b) novelty (c) originality      (d) complexity        (e) creativity

Q13.   (a) unprofitable             (b) useful  (c)
advantageous  (d) unreliable        (e) durable

Q14.   (a) jettison                     (b)
delimit  (c) augment     (d) fortify        (e) explore

Q15.   (a) admirably                 (b) primarily (c) inadvertently (d) reluctantly    (e) happily



S1. (b); The
sentence is of past so past form of verb should be used.

The verb is
followed by a noun–which can be an abstract noun (investigation), gerund form
of verb

or to + infinitive (investigate).

S2. (d); must
is followed by first form of verb (stop) when we want to express, command,
order or


S3. (a);
Threat of– fear of (danger of)

S4. (d); ‘is’
used in the sentence expresses that “Automation agriculture and farm
management” stand

for a single
idea. So, singular pronoun (it) should be used.

S5. (e); No
correction required.



‘Not only;
expanding’ is the correct option.



understood’ is the correct use.

Limitations- a
limiting condition; restrictive weakness; lack of capacity.



Presence- the
state or fact of being present.



‘shed, under’
is the correct use.



bombing’ is the correct use.








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