English Language section विभिन्न बैंकिंग परीक्षाओं में बैठने वाले उम्मीदवारों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण सेक्शन है, क्योंकि इस सेक्शन में बिना अच्छा प्रदर्शन किये आप बैंकिंग परीक्षाओं को क्रैक नहीं कर सकते हैं. यह सेक्शन लगभग सभी बैंकिंग परीक्षाओं के मेंस और प्रीलिम्स दोनों परीक्षाओं का हिस्सा है. English Language को क्रैक करने के लिए Grammar में मजबूत पकड़ जरुरी है. अगर आप English Grammar के बेसिक क्लियर कर लें तो आप आसानी से इस सेक्शन में अच्छा प्रदर्शन कर सकते हैं. इस लेख के माध्यम से हम English Grammar का Present Tense कवर कर रहे हैं.
What is Present Tense?
The Present tense is further divided into four types:
Present Indefinite
Present Continous
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continous
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Present Indefinite:
The correct structure of the sentence of Present Indefinite will be:
SUB + V1/ V5+ ………
- Example: She work with an esteemed organization.
Also read,
Present Continous
The correct structure of the sentence in Present continous will be:
SUB + IS/ AM/ ARE+ V4 (V+ing)…..
Example: He is working in Canada.
Present Perfect
The correct structure of the sentence in present perfect will be:
SUB + has/have + V3 …..
- Example: I have been to malaysia twice.
Present Perfect Continous
The correct structure of the sentence in present perfect continous will be:
SUB + has/have + been+ V4 (V+ing) ….. + (for/ since + time)
Example: Mohit has been working at that company for five years.
Rules Related To Simple present tense for First Person Singular:
‘I’ + verb (base form) + object (optional)
1) I study hard for exams.
2) I go to work every day.
The formula of to convert it into negative sentences is:
‘I’ + do/ does not + verb (base form) + object (optional)
1) I do not work hard for exams.
2) I do not go to school everyday.
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Rule for converting it into Interrogative sentence is as follow:
Do/ Does + ‘I’ + verb (base form) + object (optional)?
1) Do I work hard for exams?
2) Do I go to school everyday?
Rule for converting it into negative interrogative sentences is as follow:
Do/ Does + ‘I’ + ‘not’ + verb (base form) + object (optional)?
1) Do I not work hard for exams?
2) Do I not go to school everyday?
Rules Related To Simple Present Tense for First Person Plural
1) We work hard for exams.
2) We go to school every day.
Just add do/does not after “We” to make it into negative sentence
1) We do not work hard for the exams.
2) We do not go to school everyday.
Rule for converting into interrogative sentences is as given below:
Do/ Does + ‘we’ + verb (base form) + object (optional)?
1) Do we work hard for the exams?
2) Do we go to work everyday?
Rule for converting it into negative interrogative sentences is as given below:
Do/ Does + ‘we’ + ‘not’ + verb (base form) + object (optional)?
1) Do we not work hard for the exams?
2) Do we not go to work everyday?
Also Read,
Rules Related To Simple Present Tense for Second Person
‘You’ + verb (base form) + object (optional)
1) You work hard for exams.
2) You go to school every day.
Rule for converting it into negative sentences is as given below:
‘You’ + do/ does not + verb (base form) + object (optional)
1) You do not work hard for the exams.
2) You do not go to school everyday.
Rule for converting it into Interrogative Sentence is as given below
Do/ Does + ‘you’ + verb (base form) + object (optional)?
1) Do you work hard for the exams?
2) Do you go to school everyday?
Rule For converting these sentences into negative interrogative sentences is as given below:
Do/ Does + ‘you’ + ‘not’ + verb (base form) + object (optional)?
1) Do you not work hard for the exams?
2) Do you not go to work everyday?
Rules Related To Simple Present Tense for Third Person Singular
He/ She/ Common Nouns/ Proper Nouns + verb (base form) with s/es at the end + object (optional)
1) She studies hard for exams.
2) Mother goes to work every day.
Rule for converting these sentences into negative sentences is as given below:
He/ She/ Proper Noun/ Common Noun + do/ does not + verb (base form) + object (optional)
1) She does not study hard for exams.
2) Mother does not go to work everyday
Rule for converting these sentences into interrogative sentences is given below:
Do/ Does + he/ she/ common noun/ proper noun + verb (base form) + object (optional)?
1) Does she study hard for the exam?
2) Does mother go to work everyday?
Rule for converting these sentences into negative interrogative sentences is as given below:
1) Does she not study hard for the exam?
2) Does mother not go to work everyday
Rules Related To Simple Present Tense Formula for Third Person Plural
Rule for simple present tense for Third Person Plural is as follows
They/ Common Nouns + verb (base form) + object (optional)
1) They work hard for exams.
2) Girls go to work every day.
Rule for converting these sentences into negative sentences is as given below:
They/ common noun + do/ does not + verb (base form) + object (optional)
1) They do not work hard for the exams.
2) Girls do not go to work everyday.
Rule for converting these sentences into interrogative sentences is as given below:
Do/ Does + They/common noun + verb (base form) + object (optional)?
1) Do they work hard for the exams?
2) Do girls go to work everyday?
Rule for converting these sentences into negative interrogative sentences is as given below:
1) Do they not work hard for the exams?
2) Do girls not go to work everyday?