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Vocabulary with Hindi Meanings : 18 मई, 2020

Vocabulary with Hindi Meanings : 18 मई, 2020 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Bankersadda आपको Daily Vocabulary  प्रदान करता है जिससे आप आगामी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी को और बेहतर बना सकते होहम आपको यहाँ  18 मई, 2020 की वोकेबलरी प्रदान कर रहे हैं. 

Protracted(Adjective) : बढ़ाया हुआ
Meaning: lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual.

अर्थ: लंबे समय तक या अपेक्षित या सामान्य से अधिक समय तक चलने वाला।
Synonym: prolonged, extended
Antonym: curtail, shorten
Usage:The mandible is protracted and retracted in chewing.
IMPART(Verb) : प्रदान करना
Meaning:to transmit, bestow, or disclose

अर्थ: प्रसारित करना, सर्वोत्तम करना या प्रकट करना
Synonyms: impose,bestow
Antonyms: keep, withhold
Usage:Parents must impart common sense to their children.

Trailblazing(Adjective) : पथप्रदर्शक
Meaning: introducing new ideas or methods; innovative or pioneering.

अर्थ: नए विचारों या विधियों का परिचय; अभिनव या अग्रणी।
Synonym: innovative, radical
Antonym: conservative
Usage: “It’s a trailblazing result, ” says astrophysicist Sara Seager of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge.

SLEAZY (Adjective) : निराधार
Meaning: dirty, cheap, or not socially acceptable, especially relating to moral or sexual matters
अर्थ: गंदे, सस्ते, या सामाजिक रूप से स्वीकार्य नहीं, विशेष रूप से नैतिक या यौन मामलों से संबंधित
Synonyms: trashy, sordid
Antonyms: good, nice
Usage: This part of town is full of sleazy bars and restaurants.

Harping(Verb) : दोहराना
Meaning: talk or write persistently and tediously on (a particular topic).

अर्थ: किसी विशेष विषय पर लगातार और थकाऊ ढंग से बात करना या लिखना।
Synonym: dwell, reiterate, repeat
Antonym: forbid, fearfulness
Usage:He’s always harping on about lack of discipline

MANOEUVRE (noun) : कुशलता
Meaning: a carefully planned or cunning scheme or action.

अर्थ: सावधानीपूर्वक योजना या चालाक योजना या कार्रवाई।
Synonyms: stratagem, tactic, gambit, ploy.
Antonyms: innocence, candor, simplicity, incapacity.
Usage:A reasonable bridge building effort between activists and experts on both sides to try to address the issues through tactical maneuvers might be useful.

Blatant(Adjective) : ऊधमी
Meaning: (of bad behavior) done openly and unashamedly.

अर्थ: (बुरे व्यवहार का) खुलकर और निर्दयता से किया।
Synonym: flagrant, glaring
Antonym: inconspicuous, subtle
Usage: The whole episode was a blatant attempt to gain publicity.

MALADY (Noun) : रोग
Meaning: a disease or ailment.

अर्थ: एक बीमारी ।
Synonyms: affliction,disorder, illness, disability
Antonyms: comfort, health
Usage:in the olden days people were always suffering from some unknown malady.

SECLUSION (Noun) : तनहाई
Meaning: the state of being alone, away from other people

अर्थ: अकेले रहने की अवस्था, अन्य लोगों से दूर
Synonyms: remoteness, aloneness
Antonyms: open, public
Usage: In some societies women are kept in seclusion, so that they are hardly ever seen in public.

Encumbrance(Noun) : भार
Meaning: an impediment or burden.

अर्थ: एक बाधा या बोझ।
Synonym: hindrance, obstruction
Antonym: help, asset
Sentence: I felt I was being an encumbrance to them.
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Vocabulary with Hindi Meanings : 18 मई, 2020 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1