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Vocabulary with Hindi Meanings : 16 मई, 2020

Vocabulary with Hindi Meanings : 16 मई, 2020 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Bankersadda आपको Daily Vocabulary  प्रदान करता है जिससे आप आगामी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी को और बेहतर बना सकते होहम आपको यहाँ  16 मई, 2020 की वोकेबलरी प्रदान कर रहे हैं. 

ECHELON (noun) विभाग
Meaning: a level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society.
अर्थ: किसी संगठन, पेशे या समाज में एक स्तर या रैंक।
Synonyms: status, rank, grade, stratum.
Antonyms:  slope, unemployment, unsettle.
Usage: The prominent college ranks among the top echelon of schools in the nation.
CUTTING EDGE (adjective) अग्रणी
Meaning: highly advanced; innovative or pioneering.
अर्थ: अत्यधिक उन्नत; अभिनव या अग्रणी।
Synonyms: progressive, revolutionary, trailblazing, novel.
Antonyms: conventional, customary, established, traditional.
Usage: The best militaries in the world have to be cutting edge and always purchase the latest technology.
ESOTERIC (Adjective):  गुप्त
Meaning: mysterious, obscure
अर्थ: रहस्यमय, अस्पष्ट
Synonyms: abstruse, mystical
Antonyms: common, familiar
Usage: The medical research was so esoteric that only a few physicians could actually understand the results.
 EMANCIPATE : स्वतंत्र करना
Meaning: to give people social or political freedom and rights
अर्थ: लोगों को सामाजिक या राजनीतिक स्वतंत्रता और अधिकार देना
Synonyms: discharge, liberate
Antonyms: confine, restrain
Usage: Produce a bill to emancipate the slaves in the District of Columbia, or, if you prefer it, to emancipate those born hereafter.
SHUNT (Verb) : अलग धकेलना
Meaning: to push or shove something
अर्थ: किसी चीज को धकेलना या हटाना
Synonyms: avoid, deter
Antonyms: aid, allow
Usage: It’s unfortunate that our society tends to shunt older workers to retirement before they are ready.
UNABATED (Adjective): अक्षीण
Meaning: without any reduction in intensity or strength.
अर्थ: तीव्रता या शक्ति में कमी के बिना।
Synonyms: incessant, persistent
Antonyms: intermittent, relenting
Usage:They danced all night with unabated energy.
GRANULAR (adjective) : बारीक/ दानेदार 
Meaning: Resembling or consisting of small grains or particles.
अर्थ: छोटे दाने या कणों से मिलकर या मिलकर।

Synonyms: powdery, grainy, gritty, sandy.
Antonyms: soft, fine, smooth, glossy.
Usage: In the dry state, granular soil particles can be easily separated and identified.

ABHORRENT (Adjective) : घृणित 
Meaning: inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant.
अर्थ: घृणा और घृणा को प्रेरित करना; प्रतिकूल।
Synonyms: detestable, hateful, abominable, repugnant
Antonyms: acceptable, agreeable, alluring, delightful
Usage: Jack’s abhorrent behavior caused him to get kicked out of the restaurant.
INGRESS (Noun) : प्रवेश / दखल 
Meaning: the action or fact of going in or entering; the capacity or right of the entrance.
अर्थ: भीतर जाने या प्रवेश करने की क्रिया या तथ्य; प्रवेश की क्षमता या अधिकार।
Synonyms: entrance, access, admittance, approach
Antonyms: egress, exit
Usage: If you sit in front of the doorway, you are creating a safety hazard by blocking the path of ingress into the hospital.
DEFIANCE(Noun) : अवज्ञा/ अनादर 
Meaning: behavior in which you refuse to obey someone or something
अर्थ: वह व्यवहार जिसमें आप किसी को या किसी चीज़ को मानने से इंकार करते हैं
Synonyms: balkiness, forwardness
Antonyms: compliance, submission
Usage: In defiance of the ceasefire, rebel troops are again firing on the capital.
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Vocabulary with Hindi Meanings : 16 मई, 2020 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1