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Test of the Day for IBPS SO Prelims 2017


हम आपको टेस्ट ऑफ़ दी डे प्रदान कर रहे हैं जो RBI Assistant Mains आदि जैसी आगामी परीक्षाओं में आपकी काफी सहायता करेगा.

Q1. बंधन बैंक लिमिटेड एक भारतीय बैंकिंग और वित्तीय सेवा कंपनी है जिसका मुख्यालय कोलकाता, पश्चिम बंगाल में है. बंधन, जो 2001 में एक __________ कंपनी के रूप में शुरू हुआ.

स्माल फाइनेंस

Bandhan Bank Limited is an Indian banking and financial services company headquartered in Kolkata, West Bengal.Bandhan, which started as a micro-finance company in 2001, received banking licence by Reserve Bank of India in 2014.

Q2. सामूहिक उत्तरदायित्व के सिद्धांत पर एसईएसी(SEAC's) का कार्य है. SEAC में "A" से क्या तात्पर्य है?


The State Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC)'s function on the principle of collective responsibility. The Chairperson shall endeavour to reach a consensus in each case, and if consensus cannot be reached, the view of the majority shall prevail.

Q3. पन्ना नेशनल पार्क एक राष्ट्रीय उद्यान है, यह कहाँ स्थित है -

मध्य प्रदेश

Panna National Park is a national park located in Panna and Chhatarpur districts of Madhya Pradesh.

Q4. सिटी यूनियन बैंक लिमिटेड एक भारतीय बैंक है. सिटी यूनियन बैंक का मुख्यालय कहां है?

उत्तर प्रदेश
पश्चिम बंगाल

The City Union Bank Limited is an Indian bank. Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu is the headquaters of City Union Bank.

Q5. एलटीवी अनुपात एक ऋण जोखिम मूल्यांकन अनुपात है जो वित्तीय संस्थाओं और अन्य उधारदाताओं को बंधक के लिए स्वीकृती से पहले जांच करता है. LTV में "V" से क्या तात्पर्य है?


The Loan-To-Value ratio (LTV ratio) is a lending risk assessment ratio that financial institutions and others lenders examine before approving a mortgage.

Directions (6-10): नीचे दिए गए प्रत्येक प्रश्न में चार कथन दिए गए है जिनका अनुसरण तीन निष्कर्ष संख्या I, II और III द्वारा किया जाता है. ज्ञात तथ्यों से भिन्न होने पर भी आपको कथन को सत्य मानना है. सभी निष्कर्षो का अध्ययन कीजिये और निर्धारित कीजिये कि कौन सा निष्कर्ष तर्कपूर्ण से कथन का अनुसरण करता है.. 

Q6. कथन: 
कुछ पेन बुक है.
सभी बुक टेबल है.
 कुछ टेबल कैट है.
सभी कैट डॉग है.
I. कुछ डॉग पेन है.
II. कुछ कैट पेन है.
III. कुछ डॉग बुक है.
IV. कुछ टेबल पेन है.

कोई भी अनुसरण नहीं करता है
केवल II अनुसरण करता है
केवल IV अनुसरण करता है
III और IV अनुसरण करता है
केवल III अनुसरण करता है

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Q7. कथन: 
कुछ बेट मेट है.
कुछ मेट डेस्क है.
कुछ डेस्क चेयर है.
कुछ चेयर पिंस है.
I. कुछ पिंस डेस्क है.
II.कुछ चेयर बेट है.
III. कुछ चेयर मेट है.
IV. कुछ डेस्क बेट है.

कोई भी अनुसरण नहीं करता है
केवल I अनुसरण करता है
केवल II अनुसरण करता है
केवल III अनुसरण करता है
केवल IV अनुसरण करता है

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Q8. कथन:
सभी कॉइन नोट है.
कोई नोट यूरो नहीं है.
कुछ यूरो दीनार है.
सभी दीनार डॉलर है.
I. कुछ डॉलर नोट है.
II. कुछ दीनार यूरो है.
III. कोई डॉलर नोट नहीं है.
IV. कुछ डॉलर कॉइन है.

केवल I अनुसरण करता है 
केवल II अनुसरण करता है
केवल III अनुसरण करता है
या तो I या III अनुसरण करता है
या तो I या III और II अनुसरण करता है

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Q9. कथन: 
सभी गोल्ड सिल्वर है.
कुछ सिल्वर आयरन है.
सभी आयरन गन है.
कुछ गन वाच है.
I. कुछ वाच आयरन है.
II. कुछ गन सिल्वर है.
III. कुछ सिल्वर गोल्ड है.
IV. कुछ गन गोल्ड है.

I और II अनुसरण करता है
II और III अनुसरण करता है
I, II और III अनुसरण करता है
सभी, I, II, III और IV अनुसरण करता है
इनमे से कोई नहीं

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Q10. कथन:
 कुछ ग्रास फ़ील्ड है.
कुछ फ़ील्ड ग्रीन है.
 सभी ग्रीन ट्री है.
सभी ट्री विलेज है.
I. कुछ विलेज फील्ड है.
II. कुछ विलेज ग्रास है.
III.कुछ ट्री ग्रास है.
IV. कुछ ट्री फील्ड है.

I और II अनुसरण करता है 
II और III अनुसरण करता है
I, II और III अनुसरण करता है
सभी I, II, III और IV अनुसरण करता है
इनमे से कोई नहीं

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Q11. एक आदमी 9 किमी प्रति घंटे स्थिर पानी में तैर सकता है. वह धारा की प्रतिकूल दिशा में 21 किलोमीटर की दूरी और धारा की अनुकूल दिशा में 21 किलोमीटर की दूरी कुल 7 घंटे में पूरा करता है. नदी की धारा की गति का ज्ञात कीजिये.

2√3 km/h
3√3 km/h
3 km/h
4 km/h
इनमे से कोई नहीं

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Q12. एक शहर की वर्तमान जनसंख्या 52,650 है. यदि जनसंख्या प्रति वर्ष 10% की दर से कम हो  रही है, तो दो वर्ष पूर्व शहर की जनसंख्या क्या थी?


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Q13. एक शंकु की ऊचाई एक समद्विबाहु त्रिभुज के परिमाप का 2/5 है, समद्विबाहु त्रिभुज की समान और असमान भुजाएं क्रमश: 11 सेमी और 13 सेमी है, यदि शंकु का व्यास 15 सेमी है, तो शंकु का आयतन (घन सेमी)में कितना है? (π= 22/7 )


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Q14. एक निश्चित दर से एक निश्चित राशि पर दो वर्षों का चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज, चार वर्षों के लिए 11%  की दर से उसी राशि पर अर्जित साधारण ब्याज के बराबर है. चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज की दर ज्ञात कीजिए?


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Q15. एक व्यक्ति 9 घंटे में 135 किलोमीटर की कुल दूरी को कवर करता है. वह ओला केब द्वारा 21 किमी/घंटे की गति के साथ यात्रा का कुछ हिस्से पूरा करता है और ई-रिक्शा द्वारा यात्रा का शेष भाग 14 किमी / घंटे की गति के साथ पूरा करता है. वह ई-रिक्शा द्वारा कितनी दूरी को कवर करता है?

110 किमी
106 किमी
105 किमी
108 किमी
104 किमी

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Directions (16): In question given below there are two statements, each statement consists of two blanks. You have to choose the option which provides the correct set of words that fits both the blanks in both the statements appropriately and in the same order making them meaningful and grammatically correct. 

Q16. (1)In military ______________ salami slicing denotes divide and conquer process of threats and alliances used to _______________ opposition. 
(2)In the _______________ of the saints you do ‘want to keep your lamps lit' to _______________ your fear.

oratory, inspire
dialogue, thrash
parlance, overcome
expression, expose
phrase, silence

The word “parlance” means a particular way of speaking or using words, especially a way common to those with a particular job or interest. The word fits perfectly into both the sentences as the phrases, “In military parlance” and “In the parlance of the saints”, make these sentences meaningful signifying the meaning of the sentence.
 The other word “overcome” means defeat (an opponent). In sentence (1), “to overcome opposition” makes a better sense in the context of the meaning and in the sentence (2) “overcome your fear” fits into the sentence meaningfully. Hence “parlance, overcome” is the correct set of words.

Directions (17-18): Rearrange the following sentences to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions that follow. 

Q17. If sentence (C), “Free speech in India has been under threat from three sources—governments that either censor or ban artistic work, social groups that have appointed themselves as protectors of what they define to be group interest and thugs whose arc of violence goes all the way to killing those they disagree with.” is the first sentence of the paragraph, then what is the sequence of other sentences after rearrangement? 
(A)All political parties have tried to suppress it over the past seven decades.
(B)This is not the time to resurrect the tired old debates about which regime is most responsible for attacks on freedom of expression.
(C)Free speech in India has been under threat from three sources—governments that either censor or ban artistic work, social groups that have appointed themselves as protectors of what they define to be group interest and thugs whose arc of violence goes all the way to killing those they disagree with.
 (D)The founding principle of a liberal republic is that individual freedom is more important than group identity.
(E)Parliament needs to strengthen legal protections for free speech, and dismantle restrictions such as those on hurting religious feelings that are embedded in Section 295A of the Indian Penal Code.
(F)That belief is weak in both government as well as Indian society.


If (C) is the first sentence, the correct sequence of other sentences after rearrangement should be BAEDF. The phrase “whose arc of violence goes all the way to killing those they disagree with” in the first sentence gives a clue that the sentence (B) should follow sentence (C) and similarly (A) makes a connection with sentence (B). Thus sentences in the sequence of CBAEDF form a coherent paragraph which is about the suppression of freedom of expression in the present Indian society. Hence (a) is the correct option.

Q18. If sentence (C), “We even have strident demands for reduction in income-tax rates, as a supply-side stimulus for pushing up GDP growth rates.” is the last sentence of the paragraph, then which of the following sentences does not fit into the paragraph formed after rearranging other sentences? 
 (A)Renowned tax expert John Kay recently observed that the share of income tax in OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) governments’ revenue had fallen, whereas consumption tax share had gone up.
 (B)This could be through greater spending on public goods, including primary health and education.
(C)We even have strident demands for reduction in income-tax rates, as a supply-side stimulus for pushing up GDP growth rates.
(D)Consumption taxes are less distortionary, easier to administer and monitor, are applicable to every transaction, and can be buoyant even with slight tweaks.
(E)This is a matter of great joy and success for the tax collector, but a matter of great dismay to the economist.
(F)Consumption cannot be hidden, unlike income or savings. Hence despite being unfair and regressive, they have become more popular worldwide.


If sentence (C), “We even have strident demands for reduction in income-tax rates, as a supply-side stimulus for pushing up GDP growth rates.” is the last sentence of the paragraph, then it can be inferred that sentences in the sequence of DFAEC form a coherent paragraph. The paragraph so formed relates to the implications of consumption tax. However, sentence (B) finds no alternative to being matched with as the sentence talks about greater investment on public goods, primary health, etc. which has no relevance to the given paragraph. Hence (d) is the correct option as the sentence (B) does not belong to the coherent paragraph.

Directions (19): The following question consists of a sentence which is divided into three parts which may contain grammatical errors. If there is an error in any part of the sentence, find the correct alternatives to replace those parts from the three options given below each question to make the sentence grammatically correct. If there is an error in any part of the sentence and none of the alternatives is correct to replace that part, then choose (d) i.e. None of the (I), (II) and (III) as your answer. If the given sentence is grammatically correct or does not require any correction, choose (e) i.e. No correction required as your answer. 

Q19. ISRO should have the capacity to launch PSLV missions (I)/once in three months and could have 
(II)/ completed the IRNSS constellation in early 2015. (III) 
(I) ISRO has the capacity to launch PSLV missions 
(II) once in three months and shall have 
(III) completed the IRNSS constellation early 2015

Only (I)
Both (I) and (III)
Both (II) and (III)
None of the (I), (II) and (III)
No correction required

There is a small error in only first part of the sentence, the phrase “ISRO should have the capacity” should be replaced by “ISRO has the capacity” as it can be well inferred from the second part of the sentence that it talks about the considerable fact which is true and existent. The verb “should have” changes the meaning of the sentence, thus “has” is the correct grammar usage. Other two parts of the sentence are absolutely correct defining and expressing the meaning of the sentence both grammatically and contextually. Hence (a) is the correct option.

Directions (20): In each of the given questions an inference is given in bold which is then followed by three paragraphs. You have to find the paragraph(s) from where it is inferred. Choose the option with the best possible outcome as your choice. 

Q20. Sports injury may cause damage to a child's mental growth. 
(1)Many papers have shown that all it takes for your child to suffer brain damage is just one concussion. But before your son suffers a concussion, there must have been hundreds if not thousands of sub-concussions while playing various sports. The damage is permanent because the brain does not have any ability to regenerate itself.
 (2)Concussions and TBI do real damage to the brain. Concussions and TBI occur when the brain suddenly shifts within the skull — usually as the result of a sudden blow, jolt or change of direction (e.g., whiplash). A football tackle, being hit with a baseball or softball, heading a soccer ball or tripping and falling are just a few of the athletic scenarios that can result in TBI. 

(3)Some experts warn parents that there could be potential dangers to having children specialize in one sport year-round at a young age because of the physical toll it can take on a young athlete’s body before he or she has matured.

Only (1)
Only (3)
Both (1) and (2)
Both (2) and (3)
All (1), (2) and (3)

Passage (1) focuses on possible injuries that a child may suffer in sports, more specifically the brain damage that can cause severe mental disabilities and hamper one’s growth. Similarly, passage (2) describes the effects of concussions and TBI that can be fatal to one’s growth both physically and mentally. Thus both these paragraphs generate the same inference i.e. “Sports injury may cause damage to a child's mental growth.” Whereas, passage (3) talks about the same issue but it is to be noted that it focuses only on the physical strain that a child’s body undergoes before he/she attains maturity. Hence (c) is the correct option.


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