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RBI Assistant I IBPS Mains 14 October, 2020 English Quiz : Attempt Now

 RBI Assistant I IBPS Mains 14 October, 2020 English Quiz : Attempt Now | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Directions (1-7): In each of the following questions given
below there are three blanks, each blank indicates that something has been
omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank which best fit to the meaning
of the sentence as a whole.

 Q1. The
programme named Innovate in India (i3) will
_______________ an investment of USD 250 million with USD 125
million as a loan from World Bank. It aspires to create an
________________ ecosystem to promote entrepreneurship and ________________ manufacturing in the

authorizing, inherited

enabling, indigenous

empowering, original

engaging, intrinsic

ordering, ingrained


Q2. GST will
make India a common market with common tax rates and procedures and remove
economic _______________. GST is
largely technology driven and will reduce the human _______________ to a great extent. GST is expected to ________________ ease of doing business
in India.

league, update

link, purify

blend, look up

bond, promote

interface, improve


Q3. Nobody’s
information is secure in an era of big ________________.
A recent report carried by tech news website Gizmodo revealed _________________ of how 62 per cent of
the population of the USA was _______________
“accidently” by a marketing company.

details, exposed

particulars, revealed

schedule, solved

components, drafted

elements, defined


Q4. The
Income-Tax Act cannot make Aadhaar compulsory when the Aadhaar Act claims ______________ is voluntary. The court
accepted the government’s argument that linking of Aadhaar and PAN would help _______________ black money and tax
evasion without any ______________
evidence to back its contention.

annihilate, experiment

vacate, provisional

eradicate, empirical

finish, possible

inhibit, virtual


Interestingly, green tea is a popular ____________
for heart patients and the ________________
qualities of tea will continue to glow as many tea companies, including the 150
year old Williamson Magor Group, will _______________
this charming product.

coarse, foster

lavish, preserve

lustrous, secure

splendiferous, protect

(e)medicine, restricted,


Organizations ________________ to reach ________________ and
often look to ________________ best practices of peer organizations to
do so.

(a) aspire,
perfection, emulate

(b) consider,
faults, evident

(c) regulate,
rejections, conquer

(d) articulate,
highlights, reduce

(e) induce,
optimism, forgo


Q7. The _________
closure of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic in India may _________ a
loss of over $400 billion in the country’s future _________.

(a) longing, reason,

(b) commit,
utter, policy

(c) approach, request,

(d) prolonged,
cause, earnings

(e) established,
demand, appointments


Directions (8-15):
Which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below each statement should
replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically
correction? If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is
required, mark (e) as the answer.

 Q8. The grim
job market has taken its toll on students,
of those
had hoped for a much better future.

(a) much of

(b) many of

(c) several of

(d) many of

(e) No
correction required


relationship we have with our clients
the cornerstone of our future.

(a) our client

(b) each clients

(c) our clients

(d) all clients

(e) No
correction required


Q10. Many
developed countries have been attempting
to buy agricultural land in other countries to meet their own demand.

(a) has been

(b) have being

(c) are being

(d) have been

(e) No
correction required


Q11. A nuclear
testing fills the air with radioactive dust and left the area uninhabitable

(a) and leaves

(b) also leaves

(c) and leaving

(d) and making

(e) No correction

Q12. Neither
Sam nor his friends wants to miss graduation

(a) nor his
friends wants for

(b) nor his
friends want to

(c) neither his
friends wants to

(d) nor his
friends wants to  

(e) No
correction required


Q13. The
colonel led a success raid against a rebel base.

(a) success
raid to

successfully raid against

(c) successful
raid against

(d) successful
raid with

(e) No
correction required


Q14. If you had
worked harder, you would have pass your exam.

(a) you would
have passed

(b) you have

(c) you may

(d) you had

(e) No
correction required

Q15. If you
hadn’t lied
to me before, I would have believed you.

(a) Whether you
have lied

(b)  If you had lie

(c) If you
wouldn’t lie

(d) Either you
had lied

(e) No
correction required


S1. Ans. (b)

Sol. Witness means see (an event, typically
a crime or accident) happen.

Enabling means allowing to happen.

Indigenous means originating or occurring naturally
in a particular place; native.

S2. Ans. (e)

Sol. Barrier means a circumstance or
obstacle that keeps people or things apart or prevents communication or

Interface means a point where two systems, subjects, organizations,
etc. meet and interact.

S3. Ans. (a)

Sol. Exposed means reveal the true,
objectionable nature of (someone or something).

Memorandum means a note recording something for
future use.

Contrivance means the use of skill to create or bring
about something, especially with a consequent effect of artificiality.

S4. Ans. (c)

Sol. Enrollment means the action of
enrolling or being enrolled.

Eradicate means destroy completely; put an end to.

Empirical means based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation
or experience rather than theory or pure logic.

Annihilate means destroy utterly; obliterate.

S5. Ans. (d)

Sol. Prescription means an instruction
written by a medical practitioner that authorizes a patient to be issued with a
medicine or treatment.

Splendiferous means splendid.

Coarse means rough or harsh in texture.

Lavish means sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious.

S6. Ans. (a)

Sol. Aspire
means to have a strong desire to have or do something

means the state of being perfect or without fault

Emulate means
to try to do something as well as, or better than, somebody

Forgo means to
decide not to have or do something that you want

S7. Ans. (d)

Sol. Prolonged
means continuing for a long time

Cause means a
thing or person that makes something happen

Earnings means
the money that a person earns by working

S8. Ans.(b);

S9. Ans.(c);

S10. Ans.(e);

S11. Ans.(a);

S12. Ans.(d);

S13. Ans. (c)

Sol. ‘success
raid against’ should be replaced by ‘successful raid against’ as an adjective
i.e. ‘successful’ is required to qualify the noun ‘raid’.

S14. Ans. (a)

Sol. Replace
‘you would have pass’ by ‘you would have passed’ to make the sentence correct.
The third conditional mood expresses a situation that could have only happened
in the past if a certain condition had been met. That’s why we use the modal
auxiliary verb + have + the past participle.

S15. Ans. (e)

Sol. The given
sentence is grammatically correct.



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RBI Assistant I IBPS Mains 14 October, 2020 English Quiz : Attempt Now | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1