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Quants Hacks | Percentage to Fraction Value

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Quants Hacks | Percentage to Fraction Value | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

संख्यात्मक अभियोग्यता एक कठिन खंड है. कई बैंक परीक्षाओं में दो स्तरीय परीक्षा होती है अर्थात प्राथमिक और मुख्य. उनमें से कई ने अपना परीक्षा प्रारूप बदल दिया है और प्रत्येक खंड के लिए 20 मिनट का अनुभाग समय दिया है. संख्यात्मक अभियोग्यता प्रत्येक परीक्षा के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है खंड है और इसके लिए प्रत्येक उम्मीदवार के पास एक बेहतर रणनीति होना आवश्यक है क्योंकि यह वह खंड है जो आपको पूरे अंक दिला सकता है. आप भले ही भाषा के खंड में प्रश्नों के उत्तर देते समय अटक सकते हैं लेकिन यह खंड आपको पूरे अंक दिलाने में सहायक हो सकता है.

तो इस खंड में आपकी सहायता करने के लिए Adda247 आपके लिए लेकर आया है संख्यात्मक अभियोग्यता के लिए कुछ ट्रिक्स जो परीक्षा के दौरान आपका समय बचा सकती हैं.

Multiplication technique-

Percentage to Fraction value and vice versa plays an important role in Simplification. It makes the calculation easier in the exam. So go through these values and try to understand the logic.

75% of 4016
is very easy when we know the fraction value of 75%
Fraction value of 75% is 75/100 i.e. 3/4
95% of 25519
if you don’t know fraction value 25519 then it this takes time to solve
break 25519 into (20+ 5519)%
20%=1/5, and 5519 = 1/19

A fraction is proper and Improper.

Proper fraction where the numerator is less than the denominator.
Example- 3/4, 17/19.

Improper fraction where the numerator is more than the denominator. We have to make numerator always less than the denominator.
Example- 17/12, 12/7
Note- Always make numerator less than the denominator.
we write 17/12= 1 5/12

Recurring Decimals– recurring decimal is produced by all the denominator which is not divisible by 2 or 5.

In competitive exam percentage to fraction value, up to 20 is asked.
(A) 1/2= 50/100= 50%, 
3/2= 3*50%=150%,
5/2= 5*50%=250%

(B) 1/3= 1/3*100=33.33%( Recurring decimal)
2/3= 2*33.33%=66.66%,
4/3= 4* 33.33 but this is not easy we can write it as (1+1/3)*100=100%+33.33=133.33

(C) 1/4= 25%
5/4 is improper fraction, split it into= (1+1/4)*100=100%+25%=125%
6/4= 3/2*100=150% or if you know table of 25 then directly 6*25=150
7/4= split it (1+3/4)*100=175% or 25*7=175

(D) 1/5= 20%,
6/5= 120%

(E) 1/6=16.66% or 1623
5/6=5*16.66=83.33% or we can break it into (1-1/6)*100=100%-1623=8313

Note- 100-1623= subtract 17 from the 100 and then subtract 3-2.

all the subtraction in fractions happens as above

(F) 1/7=14.28% or 1427,
2/7=28.56 %
3/7= we multiply 3*14 2/7= 3*(14+2/7)%= 42%+6/7%=42.85
4/7=4*(1427)=56+8/7=57 1/7
6/7= 1-1/7=100-1427=8557

(G) 1/8= 12.5%,
5/8= 62.5%,

(H). 1/9= 11.11%,
4/9= 44.44%,
[ Note the trend]- same value before and after decimal

(I). 1/10=10%

(J). 1/11=9.09%,
 2/11= 18.18%, 3/11=27.27%, 4/11= 36.36 [ Note the trend]- same value before and after decimal

K. 1/12=8.33%, 5/12= 41.66 [ Recurring]

L. 1/13= 7913%

M. 1/14=7214, 3/14=21.42%

N. 1/15=61015=623=6.66 or divide and multiply by 2 in numerator and denominator=2/30, 4/15=8/30

Note- if denominator has 5 in its unit place make it 10.

O. 1/16=6416=6.25, 3/16=18.75, 5/16= 5*(6.25)=31.25

P. 1/17=51517

Q. 1/18=559

R. 1/19=5519

S. 1/20= 5%

Now convert a percentage to fraction value-

1. 10623= 100%+623
fractional value of 100%=1, and 623%=1/15= 16/15
2. 15717= 100%+ 5717
fractional value of 5717= 4/14= 1+4/14=18/14=9/7
3. 61623= 600%+ 16 2/3
600%=6, 1623= 1/6= 6+1/6=37/6.

Some Solved Examples-

1. 4%*275=
 we write 4% as 4/100=1/25

256.25% of 1120=
we write 56.25% as (50%+6.25%) 
Fractional value of 50%=1/2 and 6.25%=1/16
Now (50%+6.25%) of 1120=560+1/16*1120=560+70=630

395% of 25 5/19=

Note- a% of b is same as b% of a

we write it as 25519% of 95=
We can write- 25519%= 20%+5519%
the fractional value of 20%=1/5 and 5519=1/19

481.25% of 128=
81.25= (75%+6.25%)*128=13/16*128=13*8=104

5.206 ¼%*14.4=
we can split this fraction as
(200%+ 6 ¼%)*14.4=28.8+0.9=29.7

6. 91 2/3*1320=
Case 1-we can write (9123) as (75%+16 2/3%)
Fractional value of 75=3/4, and 1623=1/6
Case2- we can also write as (100%-813%)=1-1/12=11/12*1320= 1210.

7. 24267of 714= 
we can write 242 6/7 as (200%+42 6/7%)*714=
fractional value of 4267 is 3/7
  the denominator has 1/7 i.e. it is somewhere multiple of 1427

8. 12.32% of 1555=
write (1555)%= 1000%+500%+50%+5%
1555% of 32=(1000%+500%+50%+5%) of 32=320+160+16+1.6=497.6

Do it yourself-by Percentage to Fraction 

1. 9119*135=
2. 72 ½ of 1280=
3. 34313of 450=
4. 12669of 54=
5. A is 20% of (B+C+D), C is 20% less than (A+B+D). Find the ratio of A:C

You will post your solutions and methods in comment section for any query contact moderators.

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