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IBPS RRB PO Mains Cut off 2021 Out: IBPS RRB PO मेन्स कट ऑफ 2021 जारी, Check State-Wise Cut-off & Marks

IBPS RRB PO Mains Cut off 2021 Out: IBPS RRB PO मेन्स कट ऑफ 2021 जारी, Check State-Wise Cut-off & Marks | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

IBPS RRB PO Mains Cut off 2021 Out: IBPS RRB PO मेन्स कट ऑफ 2021 जारी, Check State-Wise Cut-off & Marks

IBPS RRB PO Cut off 2021: IBPS RRB PO मेन्स कट ऑफ 2021: बैंकिंग कार्मिक चयन संस्थान ने 20 अक्टूबर 2021 को IBPS की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर IBPS RRB PO मेन्स कट ऑफ 2021 (IBPS RRB PO Mains Cut off 2021) जारी कर दी है. अब वे सभी उम्मीदवार जो IBPS RRB PO मेन्स परीक्षा ,में शामिल हुए थे, अब वे IBPS RRB PO मेन्स की श्रेणी-वार और राज्य-वार कट-ऑफ को चेक कर सकते हैं. उम्मीदवार नीचे इस आर्टिकल में IBPS RRB PO मेन्स कट ऑफ 2021 (IBPS RRB PO Mains Cut off 2021) औए इससे जुड़ी अन्य महत्वपूर्ण डिटेल चेक कर सकते है.

IBPS RRB PO Mains Scorecard & Result 2021

IBPS ने 20 अक्टूबर 2021 को IBPS RRB PO मेन्स परीक्षा 2021 का स्कोर कार्ड जारी कर दिया है. जिन उम्मीदवारों ने मेंस परीक्षा दी है, वे अब अपना स्कोर चेक कर हैं और जन सकते है कि उनकी मेंस परीक्षा की परफोर्मेंस कैसी रही? आपको बता दें कि इससे पहले बैंकिंग कार्मिक चयन संस्थान ने 13 अक्टूबर 2021 को अपनी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर IBPS RRB PO मेन्स रिजल्ट 2021 (IBPS RRB PO Mains Result 2021) जारी कर दिया है. अब वे सभी उम्मीदवार जो 25 सितंबर 2021 को आयोजित IBPS RRB PO मेन्स परीक्षा में शामिल हुए हैं, वे इस आर्टिकल में अपना आरआरबी पीओ Mains स्कोरकार्ड और IBPS मेन्स परीक्षा का रिजल्ट देख सकते हैं. 

Click here to check IBPS RRB PO Mains Scorecard 2021

Click Here To Check IBPS RRB PO Mains Result 2021

IBPS RRB PO Mains Cut Off 2021 Out

आईबीपीएस ने आधिकारिक तौर पर IBPS RRB PO मेन्स कट ऑफ श्रेणी-वार की जारी कर दी है. यहाँ उम्मीदवार राज्य-वार डिटेल टेबल में चेक कर सकते है. ये 200 में से आईबीपीएस आरआरबी पीओ मेन्स कट ऑफ हैं।

ANDHRA PRADESH 72.31 63.81 82.81 82.81 82.81 59.56 78.56 52.63 NA
ASSAM 61.56 60.81 68.88 73.75 73.88 39.69 64.38 64.75 NA
BIHAR 57.25 45.63 82.19 82.19 82.19 49.31 66 63.94 NA
CHHATTISGARH 56.94 61.19 71.25 61.25 76.94 NA 42.19 52.69 NA
GUJARAT 67.44 59.06 80 81.81 81.81 NA 52.06 41.31 NA
HARYANA 67.81 43.81 82.69 91.81 91.81 60.38 79.06 83.94 NA
HIMACHAL PRADESH 72.94 72.81 71.31 86.25 92 44.25 55.13 63.94 NA
JAMMU & KASHMIR 65.5 45.81 59.44 66.56 79.25 NA 50.19 60.38 NA
JHARKHAND 54.06 61.75 77.19 80.25 84.31 NA 61.81 43.56 NA
KARNATAKA 68.63 56.44 68.63 68.63 68.63 51.63 62.13 65.19 49.69
KERALA 68.31 39.5 88.88 72.5 91.13 NA 77.44 40.88 77.44
MADHYA PRADESH 65.13 55.81 79.81 82.94 82.94 48.13 52.75 80.13 NA
MAHARASHTRA 80.13 55.13 80.13 80.13 80.13 54.06 96.31 109 55.63
MEGHALAYA 53.5 57.75 54.19 57.75 57.75 NA NA NA NA
MIZORAM NA 94.44 52 59.69 NA NA NA NA NA
ODISHA 62.94 49.19 81.88 81.88 81.88 41 60.19 72.88 NA
PUDUCHERRY 87.63 NA 87.63 NA 87.63 NA NA 89.63 NA
PUNJAB 69.5 93.88 78.81 93.88 93.88 NA 43.81 78.5 58.94
RAJASTHAN 68.13 68.19 86.94 89.31 89.31 47.38 44.69 43.88 54.94
TAMIL NADU 80.38 38.94 83.25 81.06 83.25 NA 41.81 60.81 NA
TELANGANA 74.81 71.5 80 80 80 52.06 62.13 40.63 NA
TRIPURA 66.31 51.81 71 58.81 78 NA NA 62.5 NA
UTTAR PRADESH 62.06 49.81 75.38 82.38 82.38 35.13 61 77.56 55.38
UTTARAKHAND 62.19 65.13 76.06 82.31 94.81 NA 40.25 52.69 NA
WEST BENGAL 69 47.75 71.5 76.94 84.56 37.56 48.5 73.25 NA



IBPS RRB PO Previous Year Cut Off

IBPS RRB PO Cut-off For 2020 Prelims Exam

 यहाँ IBPS द्वारा जारी राज्य-वार कट-ऑफ दी जा रही हैं. उम्मीदवारों को फाइनल सिलेक्शन सुनिश्चित करने के लिए भर्ती बोर्ड द्वारा जारी कट-ऑफ को क्लियर करना होगा. IBPS RRB PO के पद के लिए उम्मीदवारों की भर्ती प्रीलिम्स परीक्षा, मेंस परीक्षा और उसके बाद इंटरव्यू के आधार पर की जाएगी. साथ ही, जबकि IBPS RRB क्लर्क के लिए चयन प्रीलिम्स और मेंस परीक्षा के आधार पर की जाएगी.

State IBPS RRB PO Cut off 2020
  General OBC
Uttar Pradesh 47 46.75
Haryana 60.5  
Madhya Pradesh 44.25  
Karnataka No Vacancies announced  
Gujarat 59.75 59.75
Telangana 48.25  
Bihar 48  
Andhra Pradesh 52.75  
Uttarakhand 61  
Odisha 62.75  
Himachal Pradesh 56.5  
Tamil Nadu 54 54
Rajasthan 66  
West Bengal 52  
Punjab 59  
Assam 41  
Chhattisgarh 43.25  
Jammu & Kashmir 52  
Kerala No Vacancies announced  
Maharashtra 47.25 47.25
Jharkhand 54.25 54.25

Click here to Download IBPS RRB PO Previous Year Papers

IBPS RRB Cut Off 2020 For Mains Exam

IBPS released the cut-off marks for IBPS RRB PO 2020 based on the difficulty level of questions in all the sections. IBPS released the category wise cut-off marks of IBPS RRB PO 2020 which we will be looking at in the table below:

State/UT General SC ST OBC EWS
Andhra Pradesh 76.38 61.94 52 76.38 76.38
Arunachal Pradesh NA NA 43.44 43.44 NA
Assam 72.44 56.06 51.56 66.88 70.31
Bihar 77.31 52.25 46.25 77.31 77.31
Chhattisgarh 75.50 56.56 45.69 75.50 71
Gujarat 56.75 41.94 50.94 50.94 52.19
Haryana 91.81 67.38 40.31 79.88 90.50
Himachal Pradesh 88.38 65.63 68.56 69.31 83.25
Jammu & Kashmir 89.88 70.50 51.25 65.06 80.81
Jharkhand 82.25 53.13 53.75 74.88 80.25
Karnataka NA NA NA NA NA
Madhya Pradesh 77.13 58 44.31 74.44 77.13
Maharashtra 73.56 71 48.94 73.56 73.56
Manipur 65.06 65.06 63.31 65.06 65.06
Meghalaya 58.50 46.19 58.50 58.50 58.50
Mizoram 64.06 54.44 64.06 40.63 NA
Nagaland NA NA 44.75 NA NA
Odisha 85.63 63.25 57.94 85.63 85.63
Puducherry NA 67.69 NA 63.56 NA
Punjab 92.38 66.88 34 73 81.81
Rajasthan 47.63 39.13 47.63 36.75 47.63
Tamil Nadu 81.06 72.88 33.44 81.06 57.56
Telangana 70.81 64.31 60.88 70.81 70.81
Tripura 80.44 65.50 59.69 72.19 65
Uttar Pradesh 70.56 52.56 29.50 64.19 70.56
Uttarakhand 100.38 100.38 59.63 82.75 100.38
West Bengal 80.94 62.75 47.56 63.56 69

Also Check: 

IBPS RRB PO Cut-Off 2019

IBPS RRB PO (Officer Scale-I) 2019 Prelims exam was conducted on 4th August 2019. Given below is the Cut Off list for IBPS RRB PO Officer Scale I 2019 Prelims exam is mentioned below.

State Name State-wise Cut-Off (UR)
Andhra Pradesh 58.50
Assam 41.50
Bihar 58
Chhattisgarh 55.50
Gujarat 43.50
Haryana 64.50
Himachal Pradesh 59.75
Jammu & Kashmir 55.25
Jharkhand 59.5
Karnataka 46.25
Kerala 61
Madhya Pradesh 54.70
Maharashtra 56
Punjab 63.50
Odisha 55.75
Rajasthan 58.50
Tamil Nadu 55.25
Telangana 54
Uttar Pradesh 58.75
Uttarakhand 65
West Bengal 55.25

IBPS RRB PO Mains Cut Off 2019

Given below is the state-wise mains cut-off for IBPS RRB PO 2019.

States RRB Cut off
Arunachal Pradesh 66.56
Andhra Pradesh 79.81
Bihar 86.25
Chhattisgarh 84.94
Gujarat 55.19
Haryana 92.19
Himachal Pradesh 91.06
Jammu & Kashmir 93.88
Jharkhand 91.13
Karnataka 57.44
Kerala 95.69
Madhya Pradesh 82.56
Maharashtra 54.75
Manipur 68.63
Meghalaya 63.94
Mizoram 92.94
Nagaland NA
Odisha 80.13
Puducherry 91.19
Punjab 99.19
Rajasthan 88.69
Tamil Nadu 86.00
Telangana 71.56
Tripura 60.44
Uttar Pradesh 87.81
Uttarakhand 102.81
West Bengal 87.44
Assam 74.56

Now that you know the previous year’s cut-off, you can start preparing now in full gear. This previous year’s cut-off will act as a goal for you that you must work hard to achieve every time you take a mock.

IBPS RRB 2020 PO Cut Off Prelims

IBPS RRB PO (Officer Scale-I) 2021 Prelims result is already declared and aspirants are expecting a cut-off to check their performance in this exam. Given below is the Cut Off list for IBPS RRB PO (Officer Scale-I) 2020-21 Prelims exam is mentioned below.

State IBPS RRB PO Cut off 2020
  General OBC
Uttar Pradesh 47 46.75
Haryana 60.5  
Madhya Pradesh 44.25  
Karnataka No Vacancies announced  
Gujarat 59.75 59.75
Telangana 48.25  
Bihar 48  
Andhra Pradesh 52.75  
Uttarakhand 61  
Odisha 62.75  
Himachal Pradesh 56.5  
Tamil Nadu 54 54
Rajasthan 66  
West Bengal 52  
Punjab 59  
Assam 41  
Chhattisgarh 43.25  
Jammu & Kashmir 52  
Kerala No Vacancies announced  
Maharashtra 47.25 47.25
Jharkhand 54.25 54.25

IBPS RRB PO Cut Off  2020 Mains

IBPS released the cut-off marks for IBPS RRB PO 2020 based on the difficulty level of questions in all the sections. IBPS released the category wise cut-off marks of IBPS RRB PO 2020 which we will be looking at in the table below:

IBPS RRB PO Prelims Cut Off 2018:

IBPS has declared the online prelims exam result and Score Card for the post of Officer Scale-I (PO).

The Statewise Cut-offs for Officer Scale – I (PO) are:

State Cut-off
Uttar Pradesh 50.00
Haryana 57.00
Maharashtra 47.50
Karnataka 44.25
Gujarat 48.25
Telangana 45.25
Bihar 45.00
Andhra Pradesh 52.50
Uttarakhand 54.00
Odisha 50.50
Himachal Pradesh 59.75
Tamil Nadu 43.25
Rajasthan 50.50
West Bengal 48.50
Punjab 54.75
Chhattisgarh 53.50
Tripura 29.25
Jammu & Kashmir 47.25


Cleared the IBPS RRB PO Mains Result 2021, Preparing for Interview? Fill This Form for Any Assistance for IBPS RRB PO Interview


FAQs: IBPS RRB PO Cut Off 2021

Q. What is the expected cut-off of the IBPS RRB PO Mains Exam 2021?

Ans. The IBPS RRB PO mains expected cut-off has been mentioned above in this article.

Q. How can I check state-wise IBPS RRB PO Cut off 2021?

Ans. You can check here IBPS RRB PO Cut-Off 2021 state-wise in this article.

Q. What was the cut-off of UP for IBPS RRB PO in 2021?

Ans. The IBPS RRB PO Cut off 2021 is 54.5

IBPS RRB PO Mains Cut off 2021 Out: IBPS RRB PO मेन्स कट ऑफ 2021 जारी, Check State-Wise Cut-off & Marks | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1