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HINDU Newspaper Vocabulary for IPPB and IBPS Exams 2017

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Meaning: (of a child) having developed certain abilities or inclinations at an 
earlier age than is usual or expected.
Synonym: ahead, gifted, talented,
Antonym: backward, slow
Sentence: “a precocious, solitary boy”

Meaning: a benefit which one enjoys or is entitled to on account of one’s job or position.
Synonym: donation, gift, lagniappe, largesse
Sentence: “the wife of a president has all the perquisites of stardom”

3.Persona non grata
Meaning: an unacceptable or unwelcome person.
Sentence: “Nabokov was persona non grata with the regime”

Meaning: having a ready insight into and understanding of things
Sentence: “it offers quite a few facts to the perspicacious reporter”

Meaning: make (someone) anxious or unsettled.
Synonym: worry, upset, unsettle, disturb, concern, trouble
Antonym: reassure, unperturbed, calm, composed
Sentence: “they were perturbed by her capricious behaviour”

Meaning: read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way.
Synonym: reread; proofread; decipher;
Sentence: “he has spent countless hours in libraries perusing art history books and catalogues

Meaning: an authoritative prohibition, in particular:
Synonym: prohibition, ban, bar, veto, proscription,
Antonym: :corroborate, support
Sentence: “army efforts to interdict enemy supply shipments”

Meaning: a person fighting against a government or invading force; a rebel or revolutionary.
Synonym: rebel, revolutionary, revolutionist, mutineer, agitator, subversive, guerrilla, anarchist
Antonym: loyal, government
Sentence: “an attack by armed insurgents”

Meaning: prolonged and tedious fuss or discussion.
Synonym: bother, commotion, trouble, rigmarole, chatter
Sentence: “mucking around with finances and all that palaver”

Meaning: (of food or drink) pleasant to taste.
Synonym: tasty, appetizing, pleasant-tasting; pleasant, acceptable, satisfactory,
Antonym: tasteless, insipid, unpalatable, disagreeable, unpalatable, unpleasant
Sentence: “a very palatable local red wine”

Meaning: put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure
Synonym: threaten, endanger, imperil, menace
Antonym: safeguard
Sentence: “a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize New York’s position as a financial centre

HINDU Newspaper Vocabulary for IPPB and IBPS Exams 2017 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

HINDU Newspaper Vocabulary for IPPB and IBPS Exams 2017 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1
HINDU Newspaper Vocabulary for IPPB and IBPS Exams 2017 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1
HINDU Newspaper Vocabulary for IPPB and IBPS Exams 2017 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_7.1