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English Quizzes For SIDBI GRADE A 2023- 4th January

Directions (1-6): In each of the following sentences, there is a blank space, followed by some choices of words given in options. You have to determine which of these words fits well in all making them meaningful and grammatically correct. Word can be modified according to the tense of the sentence keeping the meaning of root word intact.

(I)He made ___________ of corruption against the administration
(II)The police are investigating ___________ that the mayor has accepted bribes.
(III)You’re making a serious _______ . Do you have any proof?

(I)Down the road, he could see a bus coming from the opposite _________.
(II)Excuse me. Could you please give me _________ to the movie theater?
(III)These discoveries have given a new _________ to their research.

(I)In this ________ , we were able to save enough money for a new car.
(II)It was her energetic and friendly ________ that got her the job.
(III)This church was built in the ________ of the English Gothic style.

(I)She retired from the company after 34 years of ________ .
(II)The lawyers offer their ______ for free to those who cannot afford to pay.
(III)Students go to health ________ for medical attention.

(I)This scandal has brought the whole enterprise into lasting ________.
(II)The prosecution ___________ the witness by showing that she had lied in the past.
(III) To our _______ , we failed to offer help when it was most needed.

(I)I appreciate your _______, but there’s really nothing you can do to help.
(II)She can handle the problem alone. There’s no need for you to _____ yourself.
(III)The governor needs to address voters’ ______ over the economy.

Directions (7-10): In the following sentences each contains two blanks, indicating that something has been left out of the sentence. Each answer choice contains one word or a set of words. Select the word or set of words, that, when inserted in the blank(s), best fits the context of the sentence.

Q7.Unlike the 2009 Green Movement, which was largely a product of the urban middle class youth in Tehran, the recent unrest in Iran _____ to reflect the economic grievances of the lower and working classes, alienated from institutional politics and ________ heavily from the consequences of an unjust and unequal management of the Iranian economy.
(a)walk, appreciating
(b)try, helping
(c)look, making
(d)seems, suffering
(e)customize, causing

Q8.The usually quiet City streets were alive with singing ____ wending their way towards the Central Station throughout the _______.
(a) crowds, night
(b)birds, manner
(c)songs, weak
(d)people, losses
(e)morning, process

Q9. The sudden increase in _________ for the stock causes its _______ to shoot up temporarily in the absence of additional supply.
(a)amount, size
(b)money, aim
(c)demand, price
(d)supply, style
(e)rush, outcome

Q10. The happy event was looked anxiously forward to by the ______ of Madras who had three months ago bid them farewell with anger on their brow and tears in their _______.
(a)man, dreams
(b)people, eyes
(c)crowd, pupil
(d)mob, glass
(e)nation, hands

Directions (11-15): In Question given below, there are two statements, each statement consists of a blank. You have to choose the option which provides the correct set of words that fits in the blanks in both the statements appropriately making them meaningful and grammatically correct.

Q11. A. He had a ____impression of rain pounding on the packed earth.
B. The judges determined that the law was too ____ to be fairly enforced.

Q12. A. These measures are designed to _______ an enemy attack.
B. Further police activity may _____ victims from being candid with police and in court for fear of future investigation.

Q13. A. The British traditionally _______ not to display much emotion in public.
B. New York is a pragmatic place, where people _____ to think more about the how than the why.
(a) young
(b) entrust
(c) conduct
(d) incite
(e) tend

Q14. A. When price becomes so _____ in consumer thinking, the system gets distorted.
B. Britain is on course for stronger growth in the final quarter after a surge in activity in the _____ services sector.

Q15. A. He kept on arguing and wouldn’t ___________ defeat.
B. He had to ___at the end of his term that he had failed to deliver it.


S1. Ans.(c)
Sol. The Correct choice is option C. Allegation- a statement saying that someone has done something wrong or illegal.

S2. Ans.(e)
Sol. The Correct choice is option E. Direction-a course along which someone or something moves, the management or guidance of someone or something.

S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. The Correct choice is option D. Manner-the way that something is done or happens, the way that a person normally behaves especially while with other people.

S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. The Correct choice is option B. Service- an organization, company, or system that provides something to the public.

S5. Ans.(b)
Sol. The Correct choice is option B. Discredit-harm the good reputation of, loss or lack of reputation or respect.

S6. Ans.(d)
Sol. The Correct choice is option D. concern-relate to; be about make (someone) anxious or worried.

S7. Ans.(d)
Sol. The Correct choice is option D.

S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. Choice A is the correct option giving coherent meaning to the sentence.

S9. Ans.(c)
Here hint is given i.e; ‘shoot up’. This phrase is used for price, which is given in C option. Hence the most appropriate choice is option C.

S10. Ans.(b)
Sol. Hence the most appropriate choice is option B.
Tears in eyes gives the coherent meaning to the sentence.

S11. Ans.(c)
Sol. vague-of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.

S12. Ans.(d)
Sol. deter-discourage (someone) from doing something by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences. Hence the most appropriate word is deter.

S13. Ans.(e)
Sol. Tend- regularly or frequently behave in a particular way or have a certain characteristic.

S14. Ans.(d)
Sol. Hence the most appropriate choice is option D.
Dominant-having power and influence over others; a dominant trait or gene.

S15. Ans.(b)
Sol. concede- admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it. Hence the most appropriate choice is option B.

English Quizzes For SIDBI GRADE A 2023- 4th January | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

English Quizzes For SIDBI GRADE A 2023- 4th January | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

English Quizzes For SIDBI GRADE A 2023- 4th January | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1



English Quizzes For SIDBI GRADE A 2023- 4th January