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English Quizzes for SBI PO Prelims 2021 – 30th May

English Quizzes for SBI PO Prelims 2021 – 30th May | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1


Directions (1-5): In the
following questions, a part of the sentence is given in bold which may or may
not be fitting into the sentence either due to grammatical error or contextual
error. There are four expressions given below each sentence, out of which one
of them can be used to replace the existing highlighted phrase to make the
sentence both grammatically and contextually correct. Choose the most appropriate
alternative among the five options that determine the correct phrase that
should replace the phrase given in bold. If the phrase given in bold doesn’t
require any replacement, choose option (e) i.e., “No correction required” as
your answer.


The battle of Koregaon was fought on January 1, 1818, between the upper caste
army of the Peshwa empire of the Marathas on one side, and the East India
Company’s army manned by Mahars and its
British officers at the other

their British officers from the other.
(b) its British officers on the other
(c) its British officers in the other.
(d) their British officers on the other.
(e) No correction required


A girl was sleeping at night in her cabin that
suddenly her room filled with

and suddenly her room filled with
(b) as suddenly her room filled through
(c) when suddenly her room filled with
(d) that suddenly her room filled by
(e) No correction required


In 1885, a major strike against Jay Gould’s Southwestern Railroad System have won by the Knights of Labor.

has won by the
(b) won by the
(c) had been won by the
(d) has been won by the
(e) No correction required


Since everyone knew the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach, she started with a special meal.

she has started with a special meal.
(b) she has been started with a special meal.
(c) she had started an special meal.
(d) she is being started with a special meal.
(e) No correction required


The four-day DefExpo India, held from April 11 to 14 in Chennai is ambitiously positioned India as an
emerging defence manufacturing hub in the world, and as an exporter of defence
systems and components.

has ambitiously positioned India as an
(b) has positioning ambitiously India as an
(c) ambitiously position India as an
(d) had positioned India ambitiously as an
(e) No correction required

Directions (6-10): In the following questions, two sentences are
given. There may be an error in the sentence(s). Mark your answer accordingly
from the given options.


Q6. I. His cat is
more large than my dog.

II.I do badly in
math, but at least I’m not the worst.

(a)if there is an
error only in the first sentence;

(b) if there is
an error only in the second sentence;

(c) if there are
errors in both sentences; and

(d) if there is
no error in either of the sentences.

(e) If there are
more than two errors in either of the sentence.


Q7. I.Where did
you come from?

 II. This is something on which we must
meditate on.

(a)if there is an
error only in the first sentence;

(b) if there is
an error only in the second sentence;

(c) if there are
errors in both sentences; and

(d) if there is
no error in either of the sentences.

(e) If there are
more than two errors in either of the sentence.


Q8. I. Where is
your brother at?

II. She is an
United States senator.

(a)if there is an
error only in the first sentence;

(b) if there is
an error only in the second sentence;

(c) if there are
errors in both sentences; and

(d) if there is
no error in either of the sentences.

(e) If there are
more than two errors in either of the sentence.


Q9. I. The
creativity is a valuable quality in children.

II.I studied the
French in high school for four years.

(a)if there is an
error only in the first sentence;

(b) if there is
an error only in the second sentence;

(c) if there are
errors in both sentences; and

(d) if there is
no error in either of the sentences.

(e) If there are
more than two errors in either of the sentence.


Q10. I should
rewrite the introduction of my essay.

II. We’re cooking
for ten guests tonight.

(a)if there is an
error only in the first sentence;

(b) if there is
an error only in the second sentence;

(c) if there are
errors in both sentences; and

(d) if there is
no error in either of the sentences.

(e) If there are
more than two errors in either of the sentence.


(11-15): Which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace
the phrase given in bold in the
following sentences to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct.
If the sentence is correct as it is and there is no correction required (e) as
the answer.



Q11. With its very poor safety record, the Indian Railways would do well to concentrate on strengthening the
existing track system.

(a) With it’s very poor safety

(b) With its’ very poor safe record,

(c) With its very poorly safety

(d) With its very poor safely record,

(e) No correction required


Q12. Large farmers of Maharashtra typically has accessed to modern pumps, consuming huge amounts of water

(a) have access with modern pumps,

(b) has access by modern pumps,

(c) have accessed to modern pumps,

(d) have access to modern pumps,

(e) No correction required


Q13. The introduction of a nationwide
agriculture loan waiver in 1990 had a deleterious impact over the provision of rural credit, leading to a shortfall
in rural credit growth.

(a) impact in the provision of rural

(b) impact at the provision of rural

(c) impact on the provision of rural

(d) impact on the provisioning of
rural credit,

(e) No correction required


Q14. There is more to the proposition
that some persons are poor beyond
beliefs, and others is rich
beyond belief in India.

(a) some persons is poor beyond
belief, and others are rich

(b) some persons are poor beyond
belief, and others is rich

(c) some persons are poor beyond
beliefs, and others are richer

(d) some persons are poor beyond
belief, and other are richer

(e) No correction required


Q15. The Election Commission have told the Supreme Court that a plea by
a Gujarat Congress
leader challenging the use of None of the Above (NOTA)
option in the Rajya Sabha polls in the State is not maintainable

(a) has told the Supreme Court that a
plea by a Gujarat Congress

(b) had tell the Supreme Court that a
plea by a Gujarat Congress

(c) has said Supreme Court that a
plea by a Gujarat Congress

(d) has tells the Supreme Court that
a plea by a Gujarat Congress

(e) No correction required



Ans. (d)
Sol. “their British officers on the other” is the correct use making the
sentence meaningful and correct. ‘their’ is a pronoun used for plural subject
(East India’s Company’s army).

option (d) is the correct choice.

Ans. (c)

“when suddenly his room filled with” is the correct phrase to be replaced
making the sentence meaningful and correct.

 ‘when’ will be used in the form of conjunction
for indicting the ‘time’ in simple tense.

‘with’ is used as “by means of” comes before an INSTRUMENT (light)
whereas ‘By’ as a preposition indicates the way of doing something (action).

option (c) is the correct choice.

Ans. (c)

“had been won by the” is the correct use as the sentence is an incident of past
which no longer exists, therefore ‘had been’ will be used.

(a): ‘has’ is used with past participle to form present perfect tense. Here the
sentence is not in present tense.

(b): the sentence is in a passive voice, hence the use of ‘won’ is wrong.

(d): ‘Has been’ is used to indicate a past condition which continues to the
present. Hence option (d) is wrong

option (c) is the correct choice.

Ans. (e)

The given sentence is grammatically correct and contextually meaningful and
hence, it doesn’t require any further corrections. Therefore, option (e)
becomes the most suitable answer choice.

Ans. (a)

“has ambitiously positioned India as an” should replace the phrase given in

the sentence, “is ambitiously positioned India as an”, the sentence should not
be in the passive, it should be active, subject (DefExpo) is doer itself.

(b) is wrong as ‘has’ should have third form of verb (been) Moreover the
adjective ‘ambitiously’ should come before positioning.

(c) is wrong as the subject (DefExpo) is singular which will take plural verb.

(d) is wrong as the sentence could have been written in past but not in past
perfect unless a past evidence is mentioned in the sentence.


Sol. His
cat is larger than my dog.(For adjectives that are just one syllable, add -er
to the end)

I do badly
in math, but at least I’m not the worst.-irregular adjectives (and adverbs)
that don’t follow the normal rules. Hence II statement is correct.


Sol. ‘This
is something on which we must meditate’, is the correct sentence.

S8. Ans.(c)

Sol. Where
is your brother? is the correct sentence. It is the case of an unnecessary

She is a
United States senator. (when the first letter of a word is a vowel but is
pronounced with a consonant sound, use a)


Creativity is a valuable quality in children. This is the case of ‘zero
. Article is omitted before nouns that refer to abstract ideas.

‘I studied
French in high school for four years’. Many languages are not preceded by an

S10. Ans.(d)

Sol. There
is no error in either of the sentences.


Sol. No
correction required


farmers in Maharashtra typically have access to modern pumps,


impact on the provision of rural credit,


Sol. some
persons are poor beyond belief, and others are rich


Sol. has
told the Supreme Court that a plea by a Gujarat Congress

English Quizzes for SBI PO Prelims 2021 – 30th May | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1