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English Quizzes For SBI PO Mains 2023 – 19th January

Directions (1-8): In the following questions a paragraph is given with two blanks. The paragraph is then provided with five options which consist of the words that can fill the given blanks. Choose that option as your answer which can fill the given blanks in the exact order as given in the option. If none of the given options fills the given blanks then choose option (e), ‘None of these’ as your answer.

Q1. Pakistan ___________________ raises this bogey of nuclear escalation every time it engages in some action in terms of ________________ terrorists across.
(a) repeatedly, sending
(b) exercised, budgeted
(c) constraints, struggles
(d) approached, motivational
(e) attract, considered

Q2. Attention needs to be ______________ to both cyclical and structural dimensions of India’s present ____________________ slowdown
(a) infrastructure, functionality
(b) paid, economic
(c) sought, remote
(d) willing, sharing
(e) developed, funding

Q3.Private corporate and public sectors were the _________________ sectors, financing their deficits from the ____________________ savings of the household sector.
(a) proven, altered
(b) premium, stiffed
(c) deficit, surplus
(d) steering, operational
(e) enable, lever

Q4.Another area that needs ____________________ attention is the financial system, which must be __________________ to lend more.
(a) hassles, removal
(b) arrangement, profitability
(c) lost, simplify
(d) immediate, activated
(e) mixed, average

Q5. Policymakers were clearly under __________________ to do something to allay the fears of foreign investors, so the _________________ of SEBI’s move is no surprise.
(a) sober, sorority
(b) synchronization, timid
(c) options, prioritize
(d) demonetization, luckily
(e) pressure, timing

Q6. India had been ________________ to adopt nationalism as a creed but is now tilting towards ________________ nationalism.
(a) slow, majoritarian
(b) betrayal, malfunctioned
(c) basic, international
(d) approximation, interface
(e) percentile, distant

Q7. The post of CDS can _______________ either to a transformation of the defence forces or it could sink with a _________________ mandate
(a) expansion, component
(b) lead, middling
(c) small, products
(d) multiplier, empirical
(e) output, respective

Q8. Vivekananda was a __________________ of a multicultural nation rooted in religious _____________________ and modernity
(a) provide, purview
(b) adversely, impacted
(c) proponent, tolerance
(d) notional, offset
(e) increased, capital

Directions (9-12): Read the following passage and answer the following questions.
Paragraph 1: Describing India-China summits as marking a “new era” in bilateral relations follows a predictable pattern, and both sides are guilty. Rarely have such summits deserved these high sounding labels. There are exceptions. The Vajpayee-Hu Jintao summit in 2003 _______________ the Special Representatives mechanism to seek a political settlement to the boundary issue. China acknowledged Sikkim as part of the Indian Union. The Manmohan Singh-Wen Jiabao summit in 2005 had more ‘significant outcomes’. India and China were able to conclude the Political Parameters and Guiding Principles for the Settlement of the India-China Boundary Question.

Paragraph 2: This document is important in that it conceded two very important principles from the Indian perspective. One, it accepted that obscure geographical features would be a basis for determining the border. For India this means the Himalayan watershed. Two, there was an acknowledgement that interests of “settled populations” must be taken into account while arriving at a border settlement. This was a code phrase for the status of Tawang which China claims. During Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to India in April 2005, the Chinese side shared official maps showing Sikkim in the same colour wash as the rest of India.

Q9. According to the passage, what does the italicized part ‘significant outcomes’ refer to?
(a) The relationship between India and China was followed by a predictable pattern.
(b) Both the countries agreed to certain terms on the basic of Vajpayee-Hu Jintao summit held in the year 2003.
(c) Increased significance of the bilateral relationship between the two countries in order to settle India-China border issue.
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(e) None of these

Q10. Which of the following words can fill in the blank to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct?
(a) Established
(b) Elaborative
(c) Estranged
(d) Ergonomic
(e) Instantaneous

Q11. Which of the following words, opposite of the word given in bold, should replace the given word in bold in the passage?
(a) Behest
(b) Prominent
(c) Lethargy
(d) Brazen
(e) Abrogate

Q12. Which of the following is the best way of writing the line given italics in the paragraph, without changing its intended meaning?
(a) The document agreed over two extremely crucial principles from the Indian viewpoint.
(b) The Chinese point of view denied arriving at border settlement.
(c) The summit could successfully bring necessary outcomes beneficial for both nations.
(d) Both (b) and (c)
(e) None of these

Directions (13-15): In each question below, a word is given followed by four pairs. Choose the pair which states either the synonyms or the antonyms or a synonym and an antonym of the given word. If none of the four pairs are correct then choose “None of these” as your answer choice.

(a) Sodality, Accelerated
(b) Appetite, Longing
(c) Animated, Encouraged
(d) Excessively, Embrace
(e) Assisted, Ceased

(a) Peculiarity, ordinary
(b) Reluctant, Willing
(c) Frustrated, Grumbled
(d) Practicable, Continuation
(e) Certainly, Evoked

(a) Automated, Unable
(b) Moment, Stage
(c) Period, Responsive
(d) Genuine, Sincere
(e) Understandings, Defector


S1. Ans. (a)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (a). All other options are contextually and meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (a).

S2. Ans. (b)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (b). All other options are contextually and meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (b).

S3. Ans. (c)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (c). All other options are contextually and meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (c).

S4. Ans. (d)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (d). All other options are contextually and meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (d).

S5. Ans. (e)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (e). All other options are contextually and meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (e).

S6. Ans. (a)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (a). All other options are contextually and meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (a).

S7. Ans. (b)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (b). All other options are contextually and meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (b).

S8. Ans. (c)
Sol. The correct answer choice is option (c). All other options are contextually and meaningfully incorrect. So our correct answer choice is option (c).

S9. Ans. (c)
Sol. Referring to the concluding line of the paragraph 1, the answer can be inferred from, ‘India and China were able to conclude the Political Parameters and Guiding Principles for the Settlement of the India-China Boundary Question’. Hence, option (c) is the most suitable answer choice.

S10. Ans. (a)
Sol. Option (a) ‘established’ can fill in the blank given in passage 1 to make it contextually meaningful and grammatically correct.
Established- Having existed or done something for a long time and therefore recognized and generally accepted.
Elaborative- Something that provides additional details or information
Ergonomic- relating to or designed for efficiency and comfort in the working environment.
Instantaneous- occurring or done instantly, existing or measured at a particular instant.

S11. Ans. (b)
Sol. Option (b) is the most suitable answer choice.
Prominent- important; famous
Behest- A person’s orders or command
Lethargy- A lack of energy and enthusiasm
Brazen- Bold and without shame
Abrogate- Repeal or do away with a law, right, or formal agreement
So, “Prominent” will replace “Obscure”

S12. Ans. (a)
Sol. Referring to the introductory lines of the given passage, the right answer choice option (a) can easily be deduced from the same.

S13. Ans. (b)
Sol. Appetite and longing are synonyms of the given word. Hence, option (b) is the right answer choice.

S14. Ans. (a)
Sol. “Peculiarity and Ordinary” are synonym and antonym respectively of the given word. Hence, option (a) is the right answer choice.
Quirk- a peculiar aspect of a person’s character or behaviour.

S15. Ans. (d)
Sol. “Genuine and Sincere” are synonyms of the given word. Hence, option (d) is the right answer choice.
Unfeigned- real, True

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English Quizzes For SBI PO Mains 2023 - 19th January