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English Quizzes, for SBI PO, Clerk Prelims 2021 – 30th June

 English Quizzes, for SBI PO, Clerk Prelims 2021 – 30th June | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Directions (1-5): Which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentences to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and there is no correction required (e) as the answer.

Q1. There has to be efficiently and accountable functioning of the administrative machinery, eradication of corruption, protection of the academic interests of youth, and the early conduct of pending elections to self-governing bodies.
(a)There has to be efficient and accountable functioning of the administrative machinery
(b) There has to be an efficient and accountable functioning of the administration machinery
(c) There have to be efficient and accountable function of the administrative machinery
(d) Their has to be efficient and accountable functioning of the administrative machinery
(e) No correction required

Q2. Contrary to the apprehensions raised, instead a few districts cornering the bulk of medical seats, the year saw much equitable distribution, with districts considered backward gaining substantial seats compared to the previous years.
(a) instead of few districts cornering the bulk of medical seats, the year saw more equitable distribution
(b) instead of the few districts corner the bulk of medical seats, the year saw more equitable distribution
(c) instead of a few districts cornering the bulk of medical seats, the year saw more equitable distribution
(d) instead of a few districts cornering the bulk of medical seats, the year saw more equitably distribution
(e) No correction required

Q3. The paradox of aid emphasizes the importance of good institutions to achieve better economic conditions in the developing world, and the ineffectiveness of foreign aid to achieve a substantial improvement in living standards in the absence of the right institutions.
(a) and the ineffectiveness of foreign aid to achieving a substantial improvement in living standards in the absence upon the right institutions.
(b) and the ineffectiveness of foreigner aid to achieving a substantial improvement on living standards in the absence of the right institutions.
(c) and the ineffectively of foreign aid at achieve a substantially improvement in living standards in the absence of the righteous institutions.
(d) and the ineffectiveness of foreign aid to achieving a substantial improvement in living standards in the absence of the right institutions.
(e) No correction required

Q4. It is time the country embark over a new estimation of the pantheon of modern India’s nation builders.
(a) It is time the country embarks on a new estimation of the pantheon
(b) It is time the country embarking in a new estimation of the pantheon
(c) It is time the country embarked at new estimation of the pantheon
(d) It is time the country embarked on a new estimation of the pantheon
(e) No correction required

Q5. Generations that living under British rule had a more equanimous and sympathetic view of the times though people fought for its end.
(a) Generations that lived under British rule have had a more equanimously and sympathetic view
(b) Generations that lived under British rule had had a more equanimous and sympathetic view
(c) Generations that lived under British rule has had a more equanimous and sympathetically view
(d) Generations that live under British rule had had a much equanimous and sympathetic view
(e) No correction required

Directions (6-10): In each of the following sentences, there is a blank space, followed by some choices of words given in options. You have to determine which of these words fits well in all making them meaningful and grammatically correct. Word can be modified according to the tense of the sentence keeping the meaning of root word intact . If none of these words fit well, mark your answer as none of these.

Q6. A. The cost of materials is an example of an ____ of a building project.
B. The Old Faithful geyser is an example of one ____ of the experience of Yellowstone Park.
C. Their gods are primarily human in ____ .
(e) race

Q7. A. This study has a broader ______ than previous studies on the subject have had. is important that a project is ______ correctly to ensure the budget can be accurately defined.
C. By the time we’d ______ out the problem, it was too late.
(e) seen

Q8. A. We need to find ways to _____ overcrowding in our schools.
B. She tried to ______ the tension by making a joke.
C. His latest book is a long, serious novel ______ only by the occasional joke.

Q9. A. The general used a long ruler to ____ on the map exactly where the troops would land.
B. We asked how to get to the rear entrance, and he ______ a path leading around the right side of the building.
C. A pronoun used as a direct object ________ the person or thing receiving the action.

Q10. A. My grandmother’s ring is my most ______ possession.
B. The island is ________ by walkers and conservationists
C. The ransom was to be paid in diamonds and ______ .
(c) amount
(e) code

Directions (11-15): In each question, there is pair of words/phrases that highlighted. From the highlighted word(s)/phrase(s), select the most appropriate word(s)/phrase(s) to form correct sentences. Then, from the options given, choose the best one.

I. He had argued that he received ineffective assistance of council(A)/counsel(B) at trial.
II.Witnesses say he was bleeding profusely but conscious(A)/conscience(B) and talking.
III.Each team will have to play on three concurrent(A)/consecutive(B) nights at least once.

I.Nearly all medical schools teach the importance of listening to patients and showing empathy(A)/sympathy(B).
II.We came to win the game and I thought we played specially(A)/especially(B) well in the first half.
III. He wrote in Latin an incorrect history of England, which is still extent(A)/extant(B).

I. It can even foment (A)/ferment(B) terrorism as people give up hope in good and honest government.
II.In other words, the euro zone is based on a gentleman’s agreement that’s widely flaunted(A)/flouted(B).
III.I soon realized that the efforts, though laudable(A)/laudatory(B), have a ways to go to meet the standard being set in my hometown.
(e) aab

I.The last one closed in October as the museum moves historic(A)/historical (B) objects out of its west wing for a major renovation beginning early next year.
II.It isn’t fair to imply(A)/infer(B) that cardiovascular disease is going away
III.Implementation can be a time-intensive(A)/intense(B) process in terms of training, data input, data conversion, and down time.

I.Getting these imports at a cheaper price, than(A)/then(B), is good news.
II.Nothing is more powerful than an idea that(A)/whose(B) time has come.
III.Ed’s house, that(A)/which(B) is located on thirteen acres, was completely furnished with bats in the rafters and mice in the kitchen


S1. Ans.(a)
Sol.There has to be efficient and accountable functioning of the administrative machinery

S2. Ans.(c)
Sol.instead of a few districts cornering the bulk of medical seats, the year saw more equitable distribution

S3. Ans.(e)
Sol.No correction required

S4. Ans.(d)
Sol. It is time the country embarked on a new estimation of the pantheon

S5. Ans.(b)
Sol. Generations that lived under British rule had had a more equanimous and sympathetic view

S6. Ans.(c)
Sol. Aspect is the correct choice as it fits in all statements and gives a coherent sense.

S7. Ans.(d)
Sol. scoped is the correct choice as it fits in all statements and gives a coherent sense.

S8. Ans.(b)
Sol. Relieve – to make (something) less boring, dull, etc., by including a part that is different. Option B is the correct choice as it fits in all statements and gives a coherent sense.

S9. Ans.(b)
Sol. Indicated to represent or be a symbol of (something or someone)

S10. Ans.(b)
Sol. Treasured is the correct choice as it fits in all statements and gives a coherent sense.

S11. Ans.(c)
Sol. Council is a group of people who get together to figure something out, or or a group chosen to give advice, like a student council. On the other hand, counsel is more slippery; it can act as a noun or a verb. As a noun, counsel is a synonym for advice, but it can also mean the act of giving that advice or refer to a person who gives legal advice. In fact, a lawyer who goes to trial for you is your counsel.
conscious-aware of and responding to one’s surroundings.
conscience-a person’s moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one’s behaviour.
concurrent-existing, happening, or done at the same time.
consecutive -following each other continuously.

S12. Ans.(d)
Sol. Empathy-the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune.
extant-still in existence; surviving.
extent-the area covered by something.

S13. Ans.(a)
Sol. Ferment-(of a substance) undergo fermentation
foment-instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action).

Flout, means to show a blatant disregard or contempt for. If you scoff when told what to do, you flout the rules.
Flaunt is to show off
laudatory-(of speech or writing) expressing praise and commendation.
laudable-(of an action, idea, or aim) deserving praise and commendation.

S14. Ans.(e)
Sol. Historical, like an event or an object, doesn’t have to concern all of human history or be of worldwide importance, it’s just something connected to the past
Historic describes something huge that happened in the past, something that affected human history.
To imply is to suggest something indirectly. To infer is to gather, deduce, or figure out
Intense means of severe strength or force; having strong feelings. An intense course, then, would be an extremely tough course, such as advanced nuclear science. Intensive means focused on one subject or area for a short time; extremely thorough.

S15. Ans.(c)
Sol. Than shows comparison and has words on either side.
sThen-at that time; at the time in question; after that; next; afterwards.

English Quizzes, for SBI PO, Clerk Prelims 2021 – 30th June | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

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English Quizzes, for SBI PO, Clerk Prelims 2021 – 30th June | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1

English Quizzes, for SBI PO, Clerk Prelims 2021 – 30th June | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1