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English Quizzes for SBI PO, Clerk Prelims 2021 –28th June

English Quizzes for SBI PO, Clerk Prelims 2021 –28th June | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

In each of the following
sentences, there are two blank spaces. Below the sentences, there are five
options with a pair of words each. Fill up the sentences with the pair of words
that make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.


It is by now close to 50 years since Indira Gandhi brought the idea of
…………….. poverty into the electoral arena in India. ‘Garibi Hatao’ had
been her slogan. She actually took the country to some distance in the
…………….. direction.

eradicating, promised

removal, closed

revamp, promised

shaping, righteous

discard, persuasive


We are in the midst of yet another general election and with the
……………  of results on 23 May
2019, members of the 17th Lok Sabha will be chosen. Thus, in a hectic election
season, election news, in-depth coverage, analysis and opinion scattered across
the media ecosystem are but …………. 

declaration, lockingly

announcement, amaze

declaration, relative

announcing, glaring

declaration, glaringly 


No matter who wins the 2019 election battle, issues like poor politics,
corruption, growing income ……………. and communal churning will be
extremely difficult to halt, much less reverse. No wall will be high enough to
………….. India from these events.

disperse, shield

contrasted, protect

disparity, shield

likeness, protect

Both (b) and (c)


It’s indeed time for new political thinking, it’s time for new political
leadership, it’s time for retailoring our ………….. and above all it’s
time for a new form of government with …………… people from various
fields, not necessarily politics.

believe, eminent

crediting, imminent

real,  imminent

commonplace, eminent

notion, eminent


Q5.  The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda
Ardern, has rushed in effectively where the likes of Donald Trump fear or are
loath to tread. This indubitably is another feather in her cap, having
…………….. the aftermath of the Christchurch carnage so commendably as
to earn international …………… for her compassion and leadership.

handles, relegate

tackled,  acclaim

managed, approve

tackle, praise

pursuing, obscure


Choose the word which is
most SIMILAR in meaning to the word printed in bold below.



(a) Creamy

(b) Discomforting

(c) Brilliant

(d) Tempestuous

(e) Orderly



(a) Anxious

(b) Composed

(c) Nonsensical

(d) Whacking

(e) Motionless



(a) Deduce

(b) Refer

(c) Extradite

(d) Resultant

(e) Explain


Choose the word which is
most OPPOSITE in meaning to the word printed in bold below.



(a) Absolute

(b) Exemplary

(c) Unimportant

(d) Sub-standard

(e) Impeccable



(a) Aristocratic

(b) Elitist

(c) Clumsy

(d) Humble

(e) Pompous


Which of the following
phrases given below each sentence(s) should replace the phrase printed in bold
letters to make the sentence(s) meaningfully correct? Choose the best option
among the five given alternatives that reflect the correct use of phrase in the
context of the grammatically correct sentence(s). If the sentence(s) is correct
as it is, mark “No change required” as your answer.


Q11. Nandita Das
amplifies the liberal voice of the sub-continental icon by maintaining an artistic distance then being indulgent or

(a) by maintain an
artistic distance than

(b) by maintaining a
artistic distance than

(c) by maintaining an
artist distance than

(d) by maintaining an
artistic distance than

(e) No change required


Q12.  The arrest of Julian Assange, the head of the
anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks, has
renewed a global debate on balancing freedom
of expression with
considerations towards the national security of a country.

(a) has renew a global
debate on balancing freedom

(b) has renewed a global
debate of balancing freedom

(c) has renewed a global
debate on balance freedom

(d) has renewed a global
debate on balanced freedom

(e) No change required


Q13. In 1998, after
being acquitted of the charges, Mr. Sharma approached the City Civil Court
seeking compensation of Rs. 55 lakh for
the torture he had to undergoing.

(a) for the torture he
have to undergo.

(b) for the torture he had
to undergo.

(c) for the torture he had
too undergo.

(d) for the torturous he
had to undergo.

(e) No change required


Q14.  As per the provisions of the Act, every
person in the care and custody of the state shall have the right to HIV prevention, testing, treatment and
counselling services.

(a) shall had the right to
HIV prevention

(b) shall have the rightly
to HIV prevention

(c) shall have the right
to HIV prevent

(d) shall has the right to
HIV prevention

(e) No change required


Q15. In its October
monthly report, the bank once again chided eurozone governments for not working
hard enough to reduced public deficits.

(a) hard rather to reduce
public deficits

(b) hard enough to
reducing public deficits

(c) hard enough to reduce
public deficits

(d) hardly enough to
reduce public deficits

(e) No change required





S1. Ans.(a)

Sol. “eradicating,
promised” are grammatically and contextually correct fits for the blanks.


S2. Ans.(e)

Sol. “declaration,
glaringly ” are grammatically and contextually correct fits for the
blanks. ‘Glaringly’ means in a highly obvious or conspicuous manner.


S3. Ans.(c)

Sol. “disparity,
shield” are grammatically and contextually correct fits for the blanks.


S4. Ans.(e)

Sol.  “notion, eminent” are grammatically
and contextually correct fits for the blanks. “Notion” means a
conception of or belief about something. ‘Eminent’ means (of a person) famous
and respected within a particular sphere and ‘Imminent’ means about to happen.


S5. Ans.(b)

Sol. “tackled,
acclaim ” are grammatically and contextually correct fits for the blanks.


S6. Ans.(d)

Sol. Tumultuous: excited,
confused, or disorderly.

Tempestuous: characterized
by strong and turbulent or conflicting emotion.


S7. Ans.(b)

Sol. Nonchalant: (of a
person or manner) feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not
displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm.


S8. Ans.(a)

Sol. Extrapolate: extend
the application of (a method or conclusion) to an unknown situation by assuming
that existing trends will continue, or similar methods will be applicable.


S9. Ans.(d)

Sol. Quintessential: representing
the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.


S10. Ans.(d)

Sol. Snobbish: relating
to, characteristic of, or like a snob.

Snob: a person with an
exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth who seeks to associate
with social superiors and looks down on those regarded as socially inferior.


S11. Ans.(d)

Sol. “by maintaining
an artistic distance than” will be the correct phrase. “Than” is
used in introducing the second element in a comparison.


S12. Ans.(e)

Sol. No change required


S13. Ans.(b)

Sol. “for the torture
he had to undergo” is grammatically correct and meaningful.


S14. Ans.(e)

Sol. No change required.


S15. Ans.(c)

Sol. “hard enough to
reduce public deficits” is grammatically correct and meaningful.




English Quizzes for SBI PO, Clerk Prelims 2021 –28th June | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1