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English Quizzes For SBI Clerk Mains 2022 – 28th December

Directions (1-5): Five statements are given below, labelled a, b, c, d and e. Among these, four statements are in logical order and form a coherent paragraph. From the given options, choose the option that does not fit into the theme of the paragraph.

(a) The eight richest people in the world own half its wealth.
(b) India’s population has touched $1.3 billion mark and its economy is valued at up to $3 trillion.
(c) According to a study done by Oxfam, the richest 1 per cent of Indians owns 58 per cent of its economy.
(d) Now a wealthy person is idealised as a smart, intelligent person capable of making money.
(e) There was a time when a majority of the population used to believe that the disproportionate distribution of wealth was organised loot and there was regular rich-poor conflict.

(a) Science fiction loves and fears the hardware littering its worlds.
(b)Actually, humankind has not evolved biologically in the last 20,000 years, but surged ahead through mental products like politics, culture and technology.
(c)Our fascination with labour-saving devices is reflected in machines which slavishly tend to humans.
(d)And there is dark talk of the singularity — the point at which machine intelligence passeth human understanding, and reality baffles us.
(e)But the possibility of machines replicating and taking control inspires anxiety.

(a)The BJP’s astounding performance in the elections to the municipal corporations and other local bodies in Maharashtra and Odisha shows that the party’s juggernaut is simply unstoppable.
(b) The Maharashtra and Odisha results and other electoral successes in the recent past demolish the theory that the BJP’s electoral fortunes would dip in the wake of demonetisation.
(c)There is overwhelming support, throughout the country, for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his people-centric policies.
(d)The BJP’s electoral base has remarkably cut across the urban-rural divide.
(e)From Andaman and Assam to the latest round of local body polls, the narrative has been similar.

(a)“No hate, no fear, refugees are welcome here.”
(b)His executive order — now stayed by the courts — suspended the entry of all refugees for at least 120 days and those from Syria indefinitely.
(c)This protest anthem emanated from demonstrators gathered outside the White House, in front of the Statue of Liberty, and in airports across the United States, hours after President Donald Trump temporarily limited the entry of Muslims from seven Muslim-majority countries.
(d) The voices of public protest across India have been far too muted and infrequent.
(e)It also stipulated that among refugees let into the country, Christians will be prioritised over Muslims.

(a) It is worth checking out the number of Indian immigrants to these five countries
(b) If citizens are happier in a certain country, presumably people would want to migrate there, given a choice.
(c) Among India’s states, Madhya Pradesh was the first one to start a happiness department in 2016.
(d)The initial idea seems to have been to converge anti-poverty programmes directed at disabled, homeless, poor and old-age pensioners.
(e) In 2016, the top three countries were Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland and both Nepal and Bangladesh have higher ranks than India.

Directions (6-10): In each of the following questions, five options are given and you have to choose the one which has some or any grammatical error in it. In the questions where the fifth option is “all are correct” and all the given four options are correct choose option (e) as your choice.

(a) She was very much engaged in her work when the thieves entered into her house and took away a lot of things.
(b) Later, she lay in bed, tucked warmly under the covers as his boots clicked away from her on the hardwood floor – down the hall and into the den.
(c) Slowly carrying the full cups into the living room, she handed one to Alex.
(d) Imagine if someone had come to you on January 1, 1991, and said, “Before the end of the year, the Soviet Union will vote itself into nonexistence and peacefully break into fifteen republics”.
(e) Even most futurists have fallen into this trap.

(a) However, if you had been born in 1992, turning twenty the year I am writing this, and tried now to imagine life in 2062, you would suppose that everything is going to change.
(b) The worst thing was their terror of reaching the bottom of this great crack in the earth, and the natural fear that sudden death was about to overtake them at any moment.
(c) But in the excitement of carrying me to church my father lost the name on the way, very naturally, since it was one in which he had declined to have a part.
(d)Without considering for a moment he entrusted me in all the important work.
(e) All are correct.

(a) I’ve discovered that the latest batch of Naturals prefer not to be told what to do.
(b) More often than not, students prefer club activities to academic classes.
(c)He always insists that he prefers to go home to stay anywhere at night.
(d) I prefer to buy domestic rather than foreign products.
(e) All are correct.

(a) The islands derive their name from the sacred images found on them by the early European navigators.
(b) Sedimentary rocks largely comprised of minute fragments derived from the disintegration of existing rock.
(c) The traditions of the Somalis derive them from the same region.
(d) To derive the stellar velocity in the line of sight relative to the observer it was then necessary to assume that the normal wave-lengths of the stellar and terrestrial spectra are accurately known.
(e) It is perhaps as much from the impulse which Ernesti gave to sacred and profane criticism in Germany, as from the intrinsic excellence of his own works in either department, that he must derive his reputation as a philologist or theologian.

(a) They have got to live a man’s life, pushing all these things before them, and get on as well as they can.
(b) Analysts declared each successive generation might be “the first to have a lower standard of living than their parents.”
(c) If you have an unwavering commitment to an idea that all things will be good all the time, then that is irrational.
(d) The board of SBI has already given approval for hike of the bank’s stake in its two credit card joint ventures with General Electric Company to 74 per cent.
(e) John’s parents knew that he was addicted to gamble but they could not do anything to reform him.

Direction (11-15): The sentences given in each of the following questions, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labeled with a letter. From among the five choices given below each question, choose the most logical order of sentences that construct a coherent paragraph.

A. It is well known that different companies offer different trade margins.
B. There is the moral hazard that pharmacists will dispense the brand which offers them the biggest margin.
C. The best insurance for good quality is good regulation.
D. The current diktat by the MCI therefore will not reduce prices for the consumer.
E. Some commentators argue that brand names ensure quality and many doctors believe this.
F. The most effective way to maintain quality is to have periodic testing and stringent disincentives for poor quality.
G. The recent quality survey by the government found 26 of 32 samples from a particular plant of a prominent multinational drug company to be not of standard quality (NSQ).
H. This belief is ill-founded.


A. It means that BA of the generic drug is similar to that of the reference drug.
B. Some argue that bioavailability and bioequivalence (BA and BE) of generics may not be equal to the original brand.
C. Bioavailability refers to the rate and extent to which the active ingredient of the drug present becomes available at the site of action of the drug.
D. In order for a new generic drug to be licensed, it has to be bioequivalent to the reference drug.
E. Of the approximately 800 useful drugs known to modern medicine, bioequivalence is really only important for a few drugs with low solubility and high or low permeability, so the debate about BA and BE is somewhat misinformed.


A. Mr. Trump’s Democratic opponent, in an investigation concerning her private email server while serving as Secretary of State, and of incompetence.

B. No incumbent of the White House since Richard Nixon has fired a top law enforcement official probing the President or his close aides.

C. Nixon’s decision to sack the special prosecutor investigating the Watergate scandal backfired, unleashing a chain of events that led to his eventual resignation.

D. The reason Mr. Trump has given for ousting Mr. Comey is hardly convincing.

E. President Donald Trump’s decision to fire James Comey as the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation at a time when the agency is expanding a probe into the possible collusion between Mr. Trump’s campaign team and Moscow could well be a turning point in a scandal that is engulfing his administration.

F. The administration accuses Mr. Comey of having been unfair to Hillary Clinton,


A. There is a marked difference between the human world and the world of the divine.
B. We are all embodied creatures, occupy space and consume physical produce.
C. A crucial aspect of this difference is defined by the physicality of human beings.
D. Our body is the first model of the physical, and this body is also the problem for many notions of liberation.
E. The body is a problem because the physical, by definition, is always an entity that is constrained and bound by laws.


A. Like all religions, it too forgets that the digital and the ephemeral are always based on a foundation of the material, just like human life is always based on a foundation of loss and death.

B. Augmented reality is narcissistic and self-centred unlike religion in general.

C. Religions are always social. They are practised socially and are composed of social rituals.
D. But this new technological make-believe world which each one of us can create according to our desires and fantasies is not socially shared.

E. It insulates and creates an individual who can only end up being socially delusional.
It is the digital world, ephemeral, unlocated, seemingly free and floating, that beckons as the way out of the constraints of the human world.

F. This new technology mimics all that the old religion had to give in order to create a delusion of a new religion.



S1. Ans. (d)
Sol. Read the sentences, cabe forms a coherent paragraph. The paragraph is about richest people in the world that own half its wealth and richest people in India that owns 58 percent of its economy. Sentence (d) is not part of the paragraph as it talks about a wealthy person that represent as a smart, intelligent person which fails to connect with the other sentences of the paragraph. Hence sentence (d) is the right option.

S2. Ans. (b)
Sol. Going through all the sentences, we conclude that sentences aced forms a coherent paragraph. The paragraph is all about labour saving machines that passeth human understanding. Sentence (b) talks about humankind that has not evolved biologically in the last 20,000 years, which is different in theme from the other sentences. Hence sentence (b) is the correct choice.

S3. Ans. (e)
Sol. Sentences ACDB forms a coherent paragraph. The paragraph is about BJP’s victory in recent polls demolishes theories that its fortunes would decline after demonetization. Sentence (e) is not part of the paragraph as it is about the states Andaman and Assam which fails to connect with other sentences. Hence sentence (e) is the correct option.

S4. Ans. (d)
Sol. After reading the sentences, it can be inferred that sentences ACBE forms a coherent paragraph. This paragraph revolves around the theme of banning the entry of all refugees in U.S. and protests against Donald Trump’s decision whereas sentence (d) talks about protest across India that has been infrequent. Hence sentence (d) is not a part of the paragraph.

S5. Ans. (d)
Sol. Sentences BEAC form a coherent paragraph while sentence (d) is not a part of the paragraph. The paragraph is about Happiness index which is topped by Madhya Pradesh in India and Denmark in world while sentence (d) is about anti-poverty programmes. Hence sentence (d) fails to connect with other sentences and is the correct choice.

S6. Ans. (a)
Sol. Remove ‘into’ after ‘entered’ as ‘enter’ means ‘come into/go into’. So we can use either of the two in a sentence. For example, He went into the class. Or, He entered the class.

S7. Ans. (d)
Sol. Replace ‘in’ with ‘with’ as the correct grammatical structure is “entrust + somebody + with + something”. e.g. He entrusted me with some work.

S8. Ans. (c)
Sol. Replace ‘to stay’ with ‘rather than stay’ as when ‘prefer’ is used to compare two infinitives, ‘rather than’ is used instead of ‘to’. e.g. We preferred to read rather than write.

S9. Ans. (b)
Sol. Remove ‘of’ after ‘comprised’ as ‘of’ is not used after ‘comprise’ because “comprise = consist of”.
e.g. The book comprises five chapters.

S10. Ans. (e)
Sol. Use ‘gambling’ in place of ‘gamble’ as ‘addicted to, accustomed to, etc.’ are followed by gerund.
e.g. He is addicted to smoking.

S11. Ans.(e)
S12. Ans.(e)
S13. Ans.(a)
S14. Ans.(d)
S15. Ans.(c)

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