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English Quizzes For RBI Assistant Mains/ ESIC UDC Mains 2022 : 31st March – PHRASE REARRANGEMENT

English Quizzes For RBI Assistant Mains/ ESIC UDC Mains 2022 : 31st March – PHRASE REARRANGEMENT | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1



(1-7): Given below the sentences each of which has been divided into four
parts. Each of the questions is then followed by the five options which give
the sequence of the rearranged parts. You must choose the option which gives
the correct sequence of the parts. If the sentence is already arranged in the
correct sequence or the correct sequence doesn’t match with any of the given
sequence, mark option (e).i.e. “None of the above” as your answer.


Q1. saver appears to be shaken (A)/ cases, the
confidence of the average (B)/ anticipated spurt in Covid-19 (C)/ as India
braces to deal with an (D)

(a) ADCB

(b) DCBA

(c) ABDC

(d) DABC

(e) None of the above


Q2. post the sharp cut of interest rates in
small savings (A)/ points could turn to banking and PSU debt funds (B)/ investors
looking for higher returns (C)/ products and bank deposits by up to 140 basis (D)

(a) CDAB

(b) DCAB

(c) CADB

(d) ADCB

(e) None of the above


Q3. in the case of IT firms, an adverse factor (A)/
over two-thirds of its revenue from exports (B)/ the overseas clients given
that the sector earns (C)/ is the expected delay in payments from (D)

(a) ADCB

(b) DCBA

(c) ABDC

(d) DABC

(e) None of the above


Q4. pressures and could see equity flows slow (A)/to
at least 10 percent in the month of March (B)/ industry is already seeing
redemption(C)/ experts believe that the mutual fund (D)

(a) CDAB

(b) DCAB

(c) CADB

(d) ADCB

(e) None of the above


Q5. restaurateurs are willing to pay (A)/salaries
for a month, but working (B)/ it without direct government support (C)/ capital
difficulties mean they can’t extend (D)

(a) ADCB

(b) DCBA

(c) ABDC

(d) DABC

(e) None of the above


Q6. rivalry, along with accepting contributions
(A)/ from individuals and organisations abroad(B)/ India is coordinating with
both the United States (C)/ and China without getting drawn into any
geopolitical (D)

 (a) CDAB

(b) DCAB

(c) CADB

(d) ADCB

(e) None of the above


Q7. would extend all possible help, even if
their employers fail them (A)/ that local administration and charitable
institutions (B)/ of states to “reassure” migrant workers (C)/ the Centre asked
the chief secretaries (D)

 (a) ADCB

(b) DCBA

(c) ABDC

(d) DABC

(e) None of the above


Q8. In
each of the following questions, five words are given out of which four are
similar to each other. Choose the word which is odd-one and mark as your

(a) Savage

(b) Benevolent

(c) Vicious

(d) Harsh

(e) Severe


Q9. In
each of the following questions, five words are given out of which four are
similar to each other. Choose the word which is odd-one and mark as your

(a) Masked 

(b) Disguise

(c) Concealment

(d) Veneer

(e) Revealed


Q10. In
each of the following questions, five words are given out of which four are
similar to each other. Choose the word which is odd-one and mark as your

(a) Unmelodic

(b) Inharmonious

(c) Tuneless

(d) Melodious

(e) Unmusical




S1. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct sequence is DCBA. The sentence
after rearrangement is,

As India braces to deal with an anticipated
spurt in Covid-19 cases, the confidence of the average saver appears to be

Hence, option (b) is the right answer choice

S2. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct sequence is CADB. The sentence
after rearrangement is, Investors looking for higher returns post the sharp cut
of interest rates in small savings products and bank deposits by up to 140
basis points could turn to banking and PSU debt funds. Hence, option (c) is the
right answer choice.

S3. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct sequence is ADCB. The sentence
after rearrangement is, In the case of IT firms, an adverse factor is the
expected delay in payments from the overseas clients given that the sector
earns over two-thirds of its revenue from exports.

Hence, option (a) is the right answer choice.

S4. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct sequence is DCAB. The sentence
after rearrangement is,

Experts believe that the mutual fund industry
is already seeing redemption pressures and could see equity flows slow to at
least 10 percent in the month of March.

Hence, option (b) is the right answer choice.

S5. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct sequence is ABDC. The sentence
after rearrangement is,

Restaurateurs are willing to pay salaries for a
month, but working capital difficulties mean they can’t extend it without
direct government support.

Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.

S6. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct sequence is CDAB. The sentence
after rearrangement is,

India is coordinating with both the United
States and China without getting drawn into any geopolitical rivalry, along
with accepting contributions from individuals and organisations abroad.

Hence, option (a) is the right answer choice.

S7. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct sequence is DCBA. The sentence
after rearrangement is,

The Centre asked the chief secretaries of
states to “reassure” migrant workers that local administration and charitable
institutions would extend all possible help, even if their employers fail them.

Hence, option (b) is the right answer choice.

S8. Ans. (b)

Sol. Benevolent is the odd-one. Hence, option
(b) is the right answer choice.

S9. Ans. (e)

Sol. Revealed is the odd-one. Hence, option (e)
is the right answer choice.

S10. Ans. (d)

Sol. Melodious is the odd-one. Hence, option
(d) is the right answer choice.


English Quizzes For RBI Assistant Mains/ ESIC UDC Mains 2022 : 31st March – PHRASE REARRANGEMENT | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1