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English Quizzes For RBI Assistant Mains/ ESIC UDC Mains 2022 : 23rd April – Practice Test

English Quizzes For RBI Assistant Mains/ ESIC UDC Mains 2022 : 23rd April – Practice Test | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Practice Test

(1-3): In the sentences given below, four words have been highlighted and
placed in a sentence. Identify the correct sequence of the words in the
sentence. Also, one of the given words will need to be replaced. Identify the
correct sequence and the correct replacement and mark that option as your


Q1. Atomic (A) in
Finland have created a pumpkin-shaped
radioactive (B) nucleus
that throws off
physicists (C) in a rare kind of protons (D) decay.

(a) No rearrangement required

(b) DCBA; D- Behemoth

(c) BACD; C- Embroil

(d) CADB; all words are correct

(e) BDAC; A- Intrepid


Q2. Retail inflation, as measured by the consumer price threshold
, rose to a 17-month high of 6.95 per cent in March,
significantly surpassing
index (B)
estimates making it the third straight month that the inflation has come in
above the upper
consensus (C) of the Reserve Bank of
India’s inflation targeting
knight (D).

(a) No rearrangement required

(b) BCAD; D- framework

(c) ADBC; A- repeal

(d) BDCA; B- admonish

(e) CDBA; all words are correct


Q3. The United States has invasion (A) six “electronic attack” aircraft (B) to northern Europe, adding to its military forces (C) in the region after Russia’s deployed (D) of

(a) No rearrangement required

(b) ADBC; B- austere

(c) DBCA; – all words are correct

(d) CDBA; C- recovering

(e) BACD; D- imposing


(4-6): In the following questions, a phrase is given in bold whose meaning
can be inferred from one of the highlighted words/phrases of four sentences
given below each phrase. Choose the most appropriate meaning of the phrase
among the four options that can also be replaced by the given phrase without
altering the meaning of the sentence. If none of the sentences conveys the
correct meaning, choose (e) i.e., “None of the above” as your answer.

Q4. Carried out

(a) Intensely mortified at this
humiliation, the king fell sick, and henceforth his health
failed rapidly.

(b) After Jenny saw a shark in
the ocean 25 feet away, she swam
amok to the beach.

(c) Tests are conducted to determine the efficiency of a new drug.

(d) Their dance step is intended
imitate the dance of a peacock in the rain.

(e) None of the above.


Q5. Lay off

(a) We had to fire just over 30% of our workforce as part of the takeover.

(b) As soon as she turned the
faucet on, the hot water
scalded her

(c) Many authors prefer to write under a fictitious name.

(d) The decision of the judge
was very

(e) None of the above.


Q6. Weeds out

(a) The hangar was large enough
house at least six planes.

(b) I have a great program that deletes unwanted files.

(c) Travelers often search for cheap hostels o stay in.

(d) Politicians are invariably
hypocritical as none of their campaign promises are
delivered after the elections.

(e) None of the above.


(7-10): A word has been given in each question and has been used in the
sentences given below. Identify the statements where the word has been used in
a contextually and grammatically correct manner.


Q7. Decorum

(i) The saint’s decorum proved
to be correct.

(ii) One expects people in the public eye to conduct their
personal lives with a certain

(iii) In the decorum,
the snow hurtled down all the sides of the mountain.

(a) only (iii)

(b) only (ii)

(c) both (iii) & (i)

(d) both (ii) & (iii)

(e) All of these


Q8. Touted

(i) Testing is being touted as the means of making the U.S. education system competitive, even

(ii) An example of a hyperbole is that he would have touted away his fortune for a good night’s sleep.

(iii) The service cut will eliminate over 8,000 jobs, just
when the government is priding itself on its much-
touted Economic Action Plan for job creation.

(a) only (ii)

(b) only (iii)

(c) both (i) & (ii)

(d) both (i) & (iii)

(e) All of these


Q9. Indolent

(i) Although Hank can be indolent on his days off, he always gives one hundred percent at work.

(ii) The biggest indolent in
his life was his inability to judge people correctly.

(iii) Indolent
people are hard for me to understand, because hard work always pays off to some

(a) both (i) & (iii)

(b) only (i)

(c) both (iii) & (ii)

(d) only (ii)

(e) All of these


Q10. Enmity

(i) She had to gain enmity of the principal to sit in the exam.

(ii) After the unfortunate event, a bitter feeling of enmity emerged between the two camps.

(iii) It is not advisable to gamble one’s future on an enmity.

(a) only (ii)

(b) only (i)

(c) only (iii)

(d) both (ii) & (iii)

(e) All of these




S1. Ans. (d)

Sol. The correct sequence of the given words will be CADB.

The correct sentence formed
Physicists (C)
in Finland have created a pumpkin-shaped atomic (A) nucleus that throws off protons (D) in
a rare kind of
radioactive (B) decay.

Hence, option (d) is the most suitable answer choice.

S2. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct sequence of the given words will be BCAD.

Also, ‘knight’ does not fit in the given statement and must
be replaced with ‘framework’.

The correct sentence formed is: Retail inflation, as measured
by the consumer price
index (B),
rose to a 17-month high of 6.95 per cent in March, significantly surpassing
estimates making it the third straight month that the
inflation has come in above the upper
threshold (A) of
the Reserve Bank of India’s inflation targeting
framework (D).

Hence, option (b) is the most suitable answer choice.

S3. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct sequence of the given words will be DBCA.

The United States has deployed (D) six “electronic attack” aircraft (B) to northern Europe, adding to its military forces (C) in the region after Russia’s invasion (A) of

Hence, option (c) is the most suitable answer choice.

S4. Ans. (c)

Sol. The phrase “carried out” means perform
or conduct (test, experiment)

Thus, among the given four statements, only the third
sentence provides the exact meaning of the phrase and the highlighted word “conducted
can be replaced by the given phrase without altering the intended meaning of
the sentence.

Hence option (c) is the correct choice.

S5. Ans. (a)

Sol. The phrase “lay off” means an act of
ending a worker’s job, esp. when the worker has done nothing wrong

Thus, among the given four statements, only the first
sentence provides the exact meaning of the phrase and the highlighted word “stranded
can be replaced by the given phrase without altering the intended meaning of
the sentence.

Hence option (a) is the correct choice.

S6. Ans. (b)

Sol. The phrase “weed out” means to reduce
in number, to choose only the best and get rid of the others
. Thus, among
the given four statements, only the second sentence provides the exact meaning
of the phrase and the highlighted word “deletes” can be replaced by the
given phrase without altering the intended meaning of the sentence.

Hence option (b) is the correct choice.

S7. Ans. (b)

Sol. Among the given sentences, decorum has been
used correct in statement (ii) only.

Hence, option (b) is the most suitable answer choice.

Decorum- behaviour in keeping with good taste and

S8. Ans. (d)

Sol. Among the given sentences, touted has been used
correct in statements (i) and (iii).

Hence, option (d) is the most suitable answer choice.

Tout- to make much of; promote, talk up.

S9. Ans. (a)

Sol. Among the given sentences, indolent has been
used correct in statements (i) and (iii).

Hence, option (a) is the most suitable answer choice.

Indolent — wanting to avoid activity or work.

S10. Ans. (a)

Sol. Among the given sentences, enmity has been used
correct in statement (ii).

Hence, option (a) is the most suitable answer choice.

Enmity- a state or feeling of active opposition or


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English Quizzes For RBI Assistant Mains/ ESIC UDC Mains 2022 : 23rd April – Practice Test | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1