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English Quiz For SBI PO, Clerk Prelims 2021- 13th April

English Quiz For SBI PO, Clerk Prelims 2021- 13th April | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Directions (1-10): in the following passage, there are
blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the
passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank
appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.


The world famous scientist, Albert
Einstein, called his brand of religion the ‘cosmic region’. On wonders, there
is this huge world which exists ….(1)…
of human being and which stands …..(2)…..
us like a great eternal riddle, at least partially accessible our inspection
and thinking”. And he went …(3)…. to
make the famed statement, “Science without religion is lame; religion without
science is blind”.

Raja Ramanna, who towered in the field of atomic science was also ….(9)….. interested in philosophy and well
….(5)……… with the scriptures. In one
of his lectures he made this ….(6)…
on the convergence of physics and metaphysics, “We know that Quantum
Entanglement is a physical fact and can also be ….(7)…… to larger than microscopic systems. It seems that we are all
tied up by this ………(8)……… connection
and it may become another way of communicating with another, leading to a collective
moksha were both chit and achit are fully ………(9)…………. Such a possibility, …………..(10)…………  remote, exists”.


Q1. (a) devoid

(b) independently

(c) lack

(d) that

(e) in spite


Q2. (a) with

(b) against

(c) behind

(d) before

(e) for


Q3. (a) far

(b) out

(c) off

(d) on

(e) away


Q4. (a) more

(b) deep

(c) seldom

(d) quiet

(e) keenly


Q5. (a) learned

(b) read

(c) acquainted

(d) taught

(e) studied


Q6. (a) observation

(b) correction

(c) modification

(d) rule

(e) decision


Q7. (a) extended

(b) neglected

(c) attached

(d) imperfect

(e) made


Q8. (a) detachable

(b) mysterious

(c) superficial

(d) imperfect

(e) electrical


Q9. (a) exchanged

(b) neglected

(c) dissolved

(d) exposed

(e) integrated


Q10. (a) if

(b) being

(c) though

(d) with

(e) very


Directions (11-15): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been
numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five
words/phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find
out the appropriate word/phrase in each case.

The provisions for ensuring universal access to
education are all very well, (11) we have the infrastructure in place
first. Brick and mortar schools need to precede open admission

and not the (12) way around. In that
sense, legislators’ assessment of ground realities is (13) target when
they endorse the closure of tens of thousands of low-cost private schools for
not meeting the minimum standards of land plot, building specifications and
playground area as laid out in the RTE Act. Instead of bearing down (14) on
private schools for failing to conform to abstract bureaucratic criteria,
efforts to bring about universal education should focus on upgrading and
expanding the existing government school infrastructure to accommodate all.
Only then can we ensure the much needed supply-demand (15) in the
education sector.


Q11. (a) unless   

(b) until

(c) executed       

(d) provided       

(e) exercised


Q12. (a) other    

(b) any                

(c) two                

(d) differ             

(e) after


Q13. (a) on         

(b) of                   

(c) often

(d) taken             

(e) off


Q14. (a) soft       

(b) more             

(c) less                

(d) only 

(e) hard


Q15. (a) need     

(b) equilibrium

(c) expectation   

(d) attempt        

(e) aspects




S1. Ans.(b)

Sol. independently

S2. Ans.(d)

Sol. Before

S3. Ans.(d)

Sol. on

S4. Ans.(e)

Sol. keenly

S5. Ans.(c)

Sol. acquainted

S6. Ans.(a)

Sol. observation

S7. Ans.(a)

Sol. extended

S8. Ans.(b)

Sol. mysterious 

S9. Ans.(e)

Sol. integrated

S10. Ans.(c)

Sol. though

S11. Ans. (d)

Sol. provided

S12. Ans. (a)

Sol. other

S13. Ans. (e)

Sol. off

S14. Ans. (e)

Sol hard

S15. Ans. (b)

Sol. equilibrium




English Quiz For SBI PO, Clerk Prelims 2021- 13th April | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1