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आरबीआई ग्रेड-बी के लिए अंग्रेजी की प्रश्नोतरी

English Questions for Dena Bank PO Exam 2017

प्रिय छात्रों, यह परीक्षा का समय है. RBI Grade- B की परीक्षाएं आने वाले दिनों या महीनों में होने वाली है. हल ही में, कई परीक्षाओं में  New Pattern English Questions पूछे गए है. अत: हम आपको कठिन स्तर के 15 English Questions प्रदान कर रहे है, उनका अभ्यास कीजिये.
Directions (1-15): Four sentences are given with a blank in each. Five words are also given. The blank in each sentence can be filled by one or more of the four words given. Similarly, each word given in the choices can go into any number of sentences. Identify the number of sentences each word can go into and mark as your answer the maximum number of sentences any word can go into.
Q1. A. In the scuffle, the innocent man received a hard __________.
B. It is immodest for a man to __________ his own trumpet.
C. His sudden death came as a hard __________ to his family.
D. The garden was in full __________ during spring.
(a) bloom
(b) shock
(c) blow
(d) jolt
(e) time

Q2. A. The weather being unconducive, we had to __________ the journey.
B. He decided to __________ from his partner and set up his own establishment.
C. Being an early riser, he wakes up at the __________ of dawn.
D. There is a __________ on the bottle.
(a) break 
(b) crack
(c) half
(d) separate
(e) stop
Q3. A. The little girl has a __________ face.
B. It is __________ obvious that he was lying.
C. He was sitting __________ on his illegal earnings, while his colleagues were struggling to make both ends meet.
D. He did not have a __________ idea about the matter.
(a) lovely
(b) clear
(c) fair
(d) faint
(e) pretty
Q4. A. He does not __________ any ill feelings against anyone.
B. A __________ was appointed to take care of his ailing mother.
C. The foster mother tried to __________ the infant with great care.
D. A lot of patience is required to __________ an aged person.
(a) nature
(b) maid
(c) bear
(d) nurse
(e) feed
Q5. A. The policeman on __________ nabbed the thieves.
B. I cannot argue with you any more, I am dead __________.
C. The mother had to __________ the stubborn child.
D. He is so invincible that none can __________ him.
(a) convinced
(b) beat
(c) duty
(d) knock
(e) console
Q6. A. India and Russia __________ an excellent bilateral relationship.
B. Due to a crash in the overseas market, __________ market in India was also badly affected.
C. According to the law, women are also entitled to a __________ in the ancestral property.
D. Every job has its own __________ of problems.
(a) stock
(b) portion
(c) posses
(d) share
(e) claim
Q7. A. The Government has introduced several __________ recovery schemes to make sick industrial units pay.
B. The Indian cricket team has organized an __________ match for earthquake victims.
C. Being located in a backward area the college receives a/an __________ from the Education Department.
D. The Research Scholars received a/an __________ from the University to develop their project.
(a) benefit
(b) aid
(c) grant
(d) loan
(e) help
Q8. A. The innocent lady could not see through his evil __________.
B. The intricate __________ on this fabric, makes it more attractive.
C. He employed a famous architect to __________ his house.
D. The psychologist observed a change in the child’s behaviour __________.
(a) intention
(b) pattern
(c) design
(d) model
(e) build
Q9. A. If the company has made a project, it is entirely __________ to the sincere efforts of the recovery team.
B. The train is __________ to arrive early in the morning.
C. Based on his appraisal, he is __________ for a promotion shortly.
D. The advance, which was __________ to me, was paid well on time.
(a) expected 
(b) due
(c) credited
(d) scheduled
(e) offered
Q10. A. The __________ of interest on Public Provident Fund has been lowered in the recent budget.
B. We can __________ him as a good orator.
C. The __________ of every commodity at the Super Market, is fixed.
D. He had to pay a heavy __________ for his mistake.
(a) price
(b) rate
(c) rank
(d) sum
(e) fine
Q11. A. The rich miser had never any money to __________ for the poor.
B. I like to play badminton during my __________ time.
C. The government has decided to __________ the physically handicapped people from paying tax.
D. You should __________ no effort, in order to achieve your target.
(a) free
(b) offer
(c) exempt
(d) spare
(e) leave
Q12. A. He built a palatial house with his __________ gotten wealth.
B. Many children were taken __________ after consuming adulterated sweets.
C. The __________ feeling, which developed over the years, between the couple, culminated in a divorce.
D. The superstitious villagers considered the poor widow as a/an __________ omen.
(a) bad 
(b) sick
(c) ill
(d) evil
(e) negative
Q13. A. Hunting of __________ animals is prohibited by the forest department.
B. The participating teams were asked to abide by the rules of the __________.
C. The trickster felt snubbed when he was beaten at his own __________.
D. All the actors who enacted the __________ were felicitated by the chief guest.
(a) game
(b) play
(c) wild
(d) performance
(e) trick
Q14. A. The mango tree did not __________ any fruit this year.
B. The students were asked to __________ in mind the instructions given by the examiner.
C. The two sisters, do not __________ any resemblance to each other.
D. Unable to __________ the stress and strain involved in his profession, he decided to take a long holiday. 
(a) endure
(b) keep
(c) yield
(d) bear
(e) withstand
Q15. A. West Indies is one of the few cricketing nations which was able to __________ genuine fast bowlers.
B. The farmer made a lot of profit by selling his __________ at the market.
C. Apart from all his other talents, he could also __________ a few documentaries pertaining to Indian Culture.
D. The traffic Police asked him to __________ his driving license.
(a) yield
(b) produce
(c) make
(d) procure
(e) show
आरबीआई ग्रेड-बी के लिए अंग्रेजी की प्रश्नोतरी | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

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