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English Language Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023-30th March

Directions (1-10): Two columns are given in each question and each column has three parts of a sentence. Choose the most suitable pair, which makes a grammatically correct and contextually coherent statement.

(i) there is much confusion in placing events in history
(ii) the French Revolution was a period of significant
(iii) the Trojan War, as described in The Iliad, is

(iv) believed to have taken place in the 12th century BCE
(v) political and social upheaval in France
(vi) within Precambrian time are classified independently

(a) Only (i)-(v)
(b) Both (ii)-(v) and (iii)-(iv)
(c) Only (ii)-(vi)
(d) Both (i)-(v) and (iii)-(iv)
(e) None of these

(i) in the European Union, the focus is currently on
(ii) it would be wrong to consider youth as a part of
(iii) most youngsters rely on in-person internships

(iv) about services that are at the brink of closure
(v) is that all of them are offered opportunities.
(vi) to develop their core transferable skills

(a) Only (ii)-(vi)
(b) Only (i)-(iv)
(c) Both (iii)-(v) and (ii)-(vi)
(d) Only (iii)-(vi)
(e) Both (i)-(iv) and (iii)-(vi)

(i) through this compromise, social purpose controls
(ii) unemployment occurs when people who are
(iii) econometrics, the statistical and mathematical

(iv) able and willing to work cannot find employment
(v) while analysts of law addressed another doctrinal area
(vi) and decisions are influenced by central governments

(a) Only (i)-(v)
(b) Only (ii)-(iv)
(c) Only (iii)-(iv)
(d) Both (i)-(vi) and (ii)-(iv)
(e) None of these

(i) recycling and waste reduction efforts can help
(ii) most of the time, downturns stem primarily from
(iii) the reduction of plastic waste is crucial

(iv) connected to considerations of an egalitarian view
(v) in conservation of natural resources and reduce pollution
(vi) to prevent harm to wildlife and ecosystems

(a) Only (i)-(iv)
(b) Only (ii)-(v)
(c) Both (iii)-(iv)
(d) Both (i)-(v) and (iii)-(vi)
(e) None of these

(i) reflection on perfect goodness is best achieved
(ii) before investors jump entirely on the
(iii) in economic theory, taxes on wealth are bad for growth,

(iv) since they discourage saving and investment.
(v) are three quite different systems of theology
(vi) the exception of some perfunctory closing remarks

(a) Only (i)-(vi)
(b) Only (iii)-(iv)
(c) Both (ii)-(vi) and (i)-(iv)
(d) Both (iii)-(iv) and (i)-(vi)
(e) Both (ii)-(v) and (iii)-(vi)

(i) the typical annual wage for all occupations in this
(ii) air pollution from transportation and industrial activity
(iii) prioritizing testing and vaccine distribution will help

(iv) bottomed out in the wake of economic recession
(v) is made up of non-profit and state-run programs
(vi) can cause significant harm to human health and the environment

(a) Only (i)-(iv)
(b) Both (i)-(vi) and (ii)-(v)
(c) Only (ii)-(vi)
(d) Only (ii)-(v)
(e) None of these

(i) The labour market refers to the market for labour, including
(ii) Monetary policy involves the management of the money
(iii) In this way, the evolution-theoretic foundation of rhetorical

(iv) supply and interest rates to influence economic activity
(v) the supply and demand for labour and wages paid to workers
(vi) that specifies laws that hold in special circumstances only

(a) Only (i)-(v)
(b) Only (ii)-(iv)
(c) Only (i)-(vi)
(d) Both (i)-(v) and (ii)-(iv)
(e) None of these

(i) if you want to go the more traditional route, you
(ii) he formed a charitable organization bearing his name
(iii) the woman suggested I immediately get a scan

(iv) utilizes herbs and acupuncture treatments
(v) done to see what condition my lungs were in
(vi) all the different elements that you need to get right

(a) Only (ii)-(iv)
(b) Only (i)-(vi)
(c) Only (iii)-(iv)
(d) Only (iii)-(v)
(e) None of these

(i) the initiative from the tech giant could draw more tech industries
(ii) internal-combustion engines can be delineated in
(iii) there is a common strategy for creators that started

(iv) terms of a series of thermodynamic events
(v) but only by publishing the modified rates here
(vi) in the coming years, bringing in jobs and people

(a) Only (i)-(vi)
(b) Both (ii)-(vi) and (iii)-(iv)
(c) Both (ii)-(iv) and (i)-(vi)
(d) Only (ii)-(v)
(e) Both (ii)-(v) and (i)-(vi)

(i) the frantic woman upended her purse dumping all
(ii) the sun beat down mercilessly, turning
(iii) it took him seven months and during that

(iv) the desert into an unrelenting furnace
(v) journey, he met some very friendly people
(vi) and the driver didn’t stay on the track

(a) Only (ii)-(iv)
(b) Both (i)-(vi) and (ii)-(v)
(c) Only (i)-(vi)
(d) Both (ii)-(iv) and (iii)-(v)
(e) None of these

Directions (11-15): In the following paragraphs two words have been omitted from each paragraph. Three words have been suggested for each blank in two columns. Choose the set of words that will make the paragraph grammatically correct and contextually coherent.

Q11. The __________ of the project required the team to work together to meet the tight __________.

(a) (A)-(F)
(b) (A)-(D)
(c) (B)-(E)
(d) (B)-(D)
(e) None of these

Q12. The teacher scolded the students for their __________ behavior and warned them that such ___________ would not be tolerated in the classroom.

(a) (A)-(D)
(b) (B)-(E)
(c) (C)-(D)
(d) (A)-(F)
(e) (C)-(F)

Q13. The team’s ___________ to the company’s new policy was mixed, with some members expressing ___________ while others had concerns.

(a) (A)-(D)
(b) (A)-(E)
(c) (B)-(F)
(d) (C)-(D)
(e) None of these

Q14. The CEO of the company announced the launch of a new ___________ campaign to ___________ brand awareness in the market.

(a) (A)-(E)
(b) (B)-(E)
(c) (C)-(D)
(d) (A)-(D)
(e) (B)-(F)

Q15. The old building was _____________ down to _____________ for a new shopping mall.
(a) (A)-(D)
(b) (C)-(E)
(c) (B)-(F)
(d) (C)-(D)
(e) None of these


S1. Ans (b)
Sol. Both (ii)-(v) and (iii)-(iv) can be joined to form grammatically correct and contextually complete sentences. The sentences thus formed are, “The French Revolution was a period of significant political and social upheaval in France,” and “The Trojan War, as described in The Iliad, is believed to have taken place in the 12th century BCE.”

S2. Ans (d)
Sol. (iii)-(vi) can be joined to form a grammatically correct and contextually complete sentence. The sentence thus formed is, “Most youngsters rely on in-person internships to develop their core transferable skills.”
S3. Ans (b)
Sol. (ii)-(iv) can be joined to form a grammatically correct and contextually complete sentence. The sentence thus formed is, “Unemployment occurs when people who are able and willing to work cannot find employment.”

S4. Ans (d)
Sol. Both (i)-(v) and (iii)-(vi) can be joined to form grammatically correct and contextually complete sentences. The sentences thus formed are, “Recycling and waste reduction efforts can help conserve natural resources and reduce pollution,” and “The reduction of plastic waste is crucial to prevent harm to wildlife and ecosystems.” “Crucial to” is the only collocation possible for phrase (iii), and thus, must be connected to phrase (vi).

S5. Ans (b)
Sol. (iii)-(iv) can be joined to form a grammatically correct and contextually complete sentence. The sentence thus formed is, “In economic theory, taxes on wealth are bad for growth, since they discourage saving and investment.”

S6. Ans (c)
Sol. (ii)-(vi) can be joined to form a grammatically correct and contextually complete sentence. The sentence thus formed is, “Air pollution from transportation and industrial activity can cause significant harm to human health and the environment.” Since the concern of phrase (ii) is air pollution, and thus, phrase (iv) best completes it as it indicates the damage by pollution.

S7. Ans (d)
Sol. Both (i)-(v) and (ii)-(iv) can be joined to form grammatically correct and contextually complete sentences. The sentences thus formed are, “The labour market refers to the market for labour, including the supply and demand for labour and wages paid to workers,” and “Monetary policy involves the management of the money supply and interest rates to influence economic activity.”

S8. Ans (d)
Sol. (iii)-(v) can be joined to form a grammatically correct and contextually complete sentence. The sentence thus formed is, “The woman suggested I immediately get a scan done to see what condition my lungs were in.”

S9. Ans (c)
Sol. Both (i)-(vi) and (ii)-(iv) can be joined to form grammatically correct and contextually complete sentences. The sentences thus formed are, “The interest from the tech giant could draw more tech industries in the coming years, bringing in jobs and people.” and “Internal-combustion engines can be delineated in terms of a series of thermodynamic events.”

S10. Ans (d)
Sol. Both (ii)-(iv) and (iii)-(v) can be joined to form grammatically correct and contextually complete sentences. The sentences thus formed are, “It took him seven months and during that journey, he met some very friendly people,” and “The sun beat down mercilessly, turning the desert into an unrelenting furnace.”

S11. Ans (b)
Sol. The sentence suggests that the project was challenging and required a lot of effort and coordination to complete. The word “complexity” refers to the degree of difficulty involved in the project. The second blank refers to the timeframe for completing the project, which is a “deadline.” Option B, “milestone,” does not fit the sentence’s context as it refers to a significant achievement or stage in a project. Option C, “objective,” refers to a goal or aim, but it does not make sense in this context. Hence, option A is the most suitable answer.

S12. Ans (c)
Sol. The sentence talks about the teacher scolding students for their behavior and warning them about not tolerating such behavior. The appropriate words to fill the blanks are ‘unethical’ and ‘defiance’ from Column I and Column II, respectively. Therefore, the correct combination is (c) (C)-(D).

S13. Ans (b)
Sol. Reaction: a response to something.
Enthusiasm: intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
Culpability: responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame.
Dissatisfaction: the feeling of discontentment.
Resistance: the refusal to accept or comply with something.
Remorse: deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.

S14. Ans (c)
Sol. The sentence talks about the launch of a new campaign to increase brand awareness in the market. The appropriate words to fill the blanks are ‘boost’ and ‘brand’ from Column II and Column I, respectively. Therefore, the correct combination is (c) (C)-(D).

S15. Ans (c)
Sol. “Torn down”, defined as “demolish something, especially a building” and “make way”, defined as “allow room for someone or something else” are the best substitutions for the blanks, and thus, option (c) gives the appropriate answer.

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English Language Quiz For Bank Foundation 2023-30th March