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Daily Vocabulary Word 16th September, 2022- Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings

 Daily Vocabulary Word 16th September, 2022- Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Vocabulary अब हर Competitive Exam का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा बन चुकी हैं. चाहे बात बैंकिंग की हो या SSC की या किसी अन्य प्रतियोगी परीक्षा की सभी परीक्षाओं में vocabulary एक important part होती है. Reading comprehension को Solve करने से लेकर किसी भी को Solve करने के लिए Vocabulary अच्छी होना ज़रूरी है. इसलिए, Hindi Bankersadda आपको Daily Vocabulary प्रदान करता है जिससे आप आगामी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी को और बेहतर बना सकते होहम आपको यहाँ  Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings 16th September, 2022 की Vocabulary दे रहे हैं.

UNFLINCHING (Adjective) : बेहिचक

  • Meaning: showing no signs of slackening or yielding in one’s purpose
  • अर्थ: किसी के उद्देश्य में ढील का कोई संकेत नहीं दिखना
  • Synonym: determined, dogged, grim, implacable, relentless, unappeasable
  • Antonym: slackening, softening, yielding
  • Usage: He was unflinching in his determination to see that justice was done.

FERVOUR (Noun) : जोश

  • Meaning: great warmth and earnestness of feeling
  • अर्थ: भावना की बड़ी गर्मजोशी और ईमानदारी
  • Synonym: ardor, passion, zeal.
  • Antonym: impassiveness, impassivity, insensibility, insensibleness
  • Usage: Surprised by the fervor that her parents’ old love letters contained when she discovered them in the attic.

DEROGATORY(Adjective) : अपमानजनक 

  • Meaning: showing a critical or disrespectful attitude.
  • अर्थ: आलोचनात्मक या अपमानजनक रवैया दिखाना।
  • Synonyms: disparaging, slighting, pejorative, belittling
  • Antonyms: complimentary, appreciative, favorable, flattering
  • Usage:  He made some derogatory comment/remark about her appearance.

INFIRM(Adjective) : कमजोर

  • Meaning: ill or needing care, especially for long periods and often because of old age
  • अर्थ: बीमार या देखभाल की आवश्यकता, विशेष रूप से लंबे समय तक और अक्सर बुढ़ापे के कारण
  • Synonyms: ailing, ill
  • Antonyms: healthy, strong
  • Usage:  She was too elderly and infirm to remain at home.

RENDER(Verb) : कारण 

  • Meaning: to cause someone or something to be in a particular state
  • अर्थ: किसी विशेष अवस्था में किसी के या किसी के होने का कारण
  • Synonyms: deliver, cause
  • Antonyms: hold, keep
  • Usage:  Billions have been spent, but not one gallon of the estimated 54m gallons of waste has been rendered harmless.

SCURRY (verb) : घबरा कर चलना 

  • Meaning: (of a person or small animal) move hurriedly with short quick steps.
  • अर्थ: किसी व्यक्ति या पशु का जल्दी में तेज-तेज चलना
  • Synonyms: scamper, scuttle, dash, rush.
  • Antonyms: amble, stroll, crawl, saunter.
  • Usage: We have come to see the tornado in all of its glory, not the ant-like humans that scurry about in its path.

ABERRATION (Noun) : पतन 

  • Meaning: a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an unwelcome one.
  • अर्थ: जो सामान्य या अपेक्षित, आम तौर पर एक अनिच्छुक है, उसका जाना।
  • Synonyms: anomaly, deviation, divergence, abnormality, irregularity, variation,
  • Antonyms: normality, usualness, conformity. regularity
  • Example: A person with one blue eye and one green eye is said to have a genetic aberration.

SWINDLE (Verb): ठगी 

  • Meaning: obtain (money) fraudulently.
  • अर्थ: बईमानी से धन प्राप्त करना 
  • Synonyms: bilk, con, deceive, defraud, fleece
  • Antonyms: help, give
  • Example: You have to be careful when buying products on the internet, as some sellers may try to swindle you into paying more money than the product is worth.

Infringe : उल्लंघन करना, अतिक्रमण करना

  • Meaning: actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.).
  • अर्थ: (एक कानून, समझौते, आदि) की शर्तों को सक्रिय रूप से तोड़ दें।
  • Synonyms: violate, breach, break, transgress, violation
  • Antonyms: obey, comply, follow, observe
  • Usage in a sentence: They claim that his use of the name infringes on their copyright.

Encrypt : कूट रूप देना

  • Meaning: convert (information or data) into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access.
  • अर्थ: विशेष रूप से अनधिकृत पहुंच को रोकने के लिए एक कोड में (सूचना या डेटा) परिवर्तित करें।
  • Synonyms: encode, encipher, code, inscribe
  • Antonyms: interpret, decode, decipher, decrypt, translate
  • Usage in a sentence: The software will encrypt the message before it is sent.

Daily Vocabulary Word 16th September, 2022- Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1