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Daily Vocabulary for Bank Exams: 17th June 2019

Daily Vocabulary for Bank Exams: 17th June 2019 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1
Vocabulary is the base of English writing and speaking that creates an authentic and expressive aura around the person that puts this into practice. This vocabulary is prepared for banking aspirants from The Hindu Editorial keeping the focus on the upcoming banking and Insurance exams like SBI PO, SBI Clerk, LIC AAO mains, LIC ADO and EPFO Assistant. These words are influencing and will help you with all sorts of exams and interviews. “The pen is mightier than the sword” this statement justifies our intention. One can make their presence effective, change the course of a conversation or stand out in the crowd just by using the right set of words. “Isn’t it what you would want for the GD and Interview round?” From all the examination point of view, vocabulary is something that is going to help you with every step. We hope this article serves the purpose of strengthening your Basic English. Keep learning.

1. Indigenous(adjective)स्वदेशी
Meaning: originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
अर्थ:किसी विशेष स्थान पर स्वाभाविक रूप से उत्पन्न या उत्पन्न होना; देशी।
Synonyms: native, innate, inborn, primitive, congenital
Antonyms: alien, foreign
Usage: They were our indigenous peoples, our first peoples, our first speakers and our first hearers.
2. Futuristic(adjective)भविष्य
Meaning: having or involving very modern technology or design.
अर्थ:बहुत आधुनिक तकनीक या डिजाइन होना या होना।
Synonyms: innovative, modern, cutting edge, visionary
Antonyms: old, retro.
Usage: It almost seems futuristic in design, but you can have it right now. 
3. Intimidate(verb)धमकाना
Meaning: frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants.
अर्थ:डरना या ओवरवेट (कोई), विशेष रूप से उन्हें ऐसा करने के लिए जो कोई चाहता है।
Synonyms: dishearten, dismay, terrify
Antonyms: please, praise
Usage: Her boss intimidates her

4. COUP (noun)तख्तापलट 
Meaning: an instance of successfully achieving something difficult.
अर्थ:एक सरकार से अचानक, हिंसक, और अवैध रूप से बिजली जब्त करना।
Synonyms: accomplishment, achievement, attainment, triumph.
Antonyms: debacle, failure, downfall, fiasco.
Usage: Since our team is usually eliminated early in the competition, we considered it a major coup when we won the championship.: 

5. MELLOW (adjective)मधुर 
Meaning: (especially of a sound, flavour, or color) pleasantly smooth or soft; free from harshness.
अर्थ:विशेष रूप से ध्वनि, स्वाद और रंग) सुखद चिकनी या नरम; कठोरता से मुक्त।
Synonyms: dulcet, euphonious, melodious, mellifluous, mellifluent.
Antonyms: rugged, abrading, gruff, abrasive, harsh.
Usage: His mellow voice and his qualitative speech made everyone applaud him.
6. REPINE (verb)विलाप करना  
Meaning: feel or express discontent; fret.
अर्थ:महसूस या असंतोष व्यक्त; चिंता।
Synonyms: mope, languish, despondent, lament.
Antonyms: complacent, fulfilled, rejoice, contented.
Usage: The soldiers repine for their families when they are stationed overseas.
7. PRECARIOUS (adjective)अनिश्चित
Meaning: dependent on chance; uncertain.
अर्थ:संयोग पर निर्भर; अनिश्चित।
Synonyms: unsure, unpredictable, doubtful, dubious.
Antonyms: certain, stable, confirmed, definite.
Usage: As Finance Secretary I found that the finances of the state were in a precarious condition.
8. SMUG (adjective): आत्मसंतुष्ट
Meaning: having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one’s achievements.
अर्थ:अपने आप में या किसी की उपलब्धियों में अत्यधिक अभिमान होना या होना।
Synonyms: bighead, complacency, egotism, vainglory.
Antonyms: diffidence, bashfulness, demureness, shyness.
Usage: Because Rocky had a smug attitude during his meeting with the principal, he projected the image he was proud of his misdeeds.

9. Jeer (noun): मज़ाक उड़ाना
Meaning: a rude and mocking remark.
अर्थ:एक असभ्य और मजाकिया टिप्पणी।
Synonyms: hoot, ridicule, scuff, taunt
Antonyms: compliment, praise, flatter
Usage: Virat Kohli asked the crowd not to jeer Steve Smith
10. Quandary (noun):व्याकुलता
Meaning: a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation
अर्थ: कठिन परिस्थिति में क्या करना है, इस पर अनिश्चितता या अनिश्चितता की स्थिति।
Synonyms: dilemma, plight, bewilderment, uncertainty
Antonyms: enhance, certainty
Usage: Finds himself in the most awkward quandary situation.
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