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Daily Vocab for Various Competitive Exams

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Daily Vocab for Various Competitive Exams | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1
Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word ListLearn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list. Here are a few words and phrases from articles published in a reputed Newspaper.

In the preceding two years before her last, a close relative of mine swayed between periods of lucidity when she reminisced about days past and other times when she retreated into an unknowable inner sanctum from where her Alzheimer’s spanned outwards. As her disease worsened, the boundaries of her mind’s states — wakefulness, sleep, dream and emptiness — coalesced. Her words rose and scrambled until, like a river that had run its course in summer, she drifted into a forbidding quiet. Amidst those frenzied last days, her one constant source of refrain was about her persistent need to visit the temple town of Guruvayur and pray to the deity of boy Krishna. What was remarkable was even as the memories of her family and eight children dissolved, the idea of this godhead became the masthead that the outside world could see even as the maelstrom of her being swirled and ultimately sank. Years later, I discovered that many Alzheimer’s patients demonstrate similar recurring obsessive behaviour. A singular strand from memory or experience to which they return. For example, afflicted mothers insist on picking up their (now well grown up) children from school, and so on. In my relative’s mind, it was clear that her commitment to the practice of devotion and the act of devotedness to Krishna were among the great private truths of her being. This religiosity, even when she was well, was not a form of public theatre but rather a set of axiomatic truths on which her mental universe rested upon. The accompanying ritual and pilgrimage that she practised her whole life had found mutually reinforcing strength from a worldview that was permeated with ‘enchantment’. Omniscient deities, incantations, evil eyes, spells, the caprice of powerful Vedic gods, malefic gaze of little gods of forests and family estates, as well as the folly of fate were the constants of that world. Throughout her life, she believed she was vulnerable to the cruelties and compassion contained within these phenomena. The upside of this architecture of beliefs was that it granted her mental worlds with a texture, specificity and a situatedness which allowed her to locate herself in the world without great effort. The great quandary of our times — the need to “find oneself” — never afflicted her.
1. Sway: (verb) : एक ओर झुकना
Meaning: move or cause to move slowly or rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to side.
Synonyms: bend, lean, swing, waver, wobble, fluctuate, lurch
Antonyms: straighten, stabilize, stay, hold, remain
2. Lucidity: (noun) : स्पष्टता
Meaning: clarity of expression; intelligibility.
Synonyms: clarity, purity, transparency
3. Reminisce: (verb) : स्मरण करना
Meaning: indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events.
Synonyms: look back, remind, bethink, cite, recall
Antonyms: disregard, forget, ignore, neglect, repress
4. Coalesce: (verb) : संगठित होना
Meaning: come together to form one mass or whole
Synonyms: consolidate, fuse, integrate, unite, adhere, amalgamate, associate, commingle
Antonyms: divide, separate, detach, disjoin, dissociate, loosen
5. Forbid: (verb) : रोकना, निषेध करना
Meaning: refuse to allow (something).
Synonyms: ban, deny, deprive, enjoin, exclude, hinder, impede
Antonyms: admit, allow, approve, assist, encourage, facilitate, forward, free
6. Maelstrom: (noun) : हंगामा
Meaning: a situation or state of confused movement or violent turmoil.
Synonyms: chaos, turbulence, turmoil, confusion, disorder, uproar
Antonyms: calm, harmony, order, peace
7. Frenzied: (adjective) : अत्यंत क्रोधपूर्ण
Meaning: excited or uncontrolled.
Synonyms: agitated, delirious, feverish, frantic, frenetic, furious, rabid
Antonyms: balanced, calm, collected, peaceful, pleased, unexcited
8. Axiomatic: (adjective) : सिद्ध
Meaning: self-evident or unquestionable.
Synonyms: aphoristic, absolute, assumed, certain, fundamental, indubitable, manifest
Antonyms: misunderstood, questionable, uncertain
9. Permeate: (verb) : आरपार निकलना
Meaning: spread throughout (something); pervade.
Synonyms: imbue, impregnate, infuse, percolate, seep, steep, suffuse
Antonyms: dehydrate, dry
10. Quandary: (noun) : असमंजस
Meaning: a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation.
Synonyms: difficulty, dilemma, impasse, plight, predicament, uncertainity, bewilderment, puzzle
Antonyms: solution, boon, success, advantage

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