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Daily Vocab For Various Competitive Exams: 3rd July 2018

Dear Aspirants,
Daily Vocab For Various Competitive Exams: 25th June 2018
Vocabulary is an important part of English that helps you deal with all kinds of questions in objective as well as descriptive papers of various exams. You can learn new words daily from our Daily Word List. Learn the words and make your own sentences on the basis of the given word list. Here are a few words and phrases from articles published in a reputed Newspaper.

On December 1, 1948, Professor K.T. Shah rose to make an impassioned speech in the Constituent Assembly. “The autocrat, the despot,” he warned, “has always wished, whenever he was bankrupt of any other argument, just to shut up those who did not agree with him.” Along with many other members of the CA, he was objecting to the wide range of restrictions that had been imposed upon fundamental rights in the draft Constitution. Drawing attention to the multiple “Public Safety Acts” and “Defence of India Acts” that had been the favourite weapons of the colonial regime, speaker after speaker expressed the concern that, despite the best intentions of the Assembly, the Constitution could easily be interpreted to authorise the continuation of these hated laws.
The arrest of five individuals in early June, ostensibly for instigating the riots at Bhima-Koregaon at the beginning of the year, throws the fears expressed in the CA into sharp relief. The accused, who include activists and lawyers, have been booked under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA). An examination of the UAPA shows how, in one overarching “anti-terrorism law”, vast discretionary powers are conferred upon state agencies, judicial oversight is rendered toothless, and personal liberty is set at naught.
The UAPA authorises the government to ban “unlawful organisations” and “terrorist organisations” (subject to judicial review), and penalises membership of such organisations. The problems begin with the definitional clause itself. The definition of “unlawful activities” includes “disclaiming” or “questioning” the territorial integrity of India, and causing “disaffection” against India. These words are staggeringly vague and broad, and come close to establishing a regime of thought-crimes. The problem of excessive breadth is then carried over into the “membership clauses”, which are the heart of the UAPA. “Membership” of unlawful and terrorist organisations is a criminal offence, and in the latter case, it can be punished with life imprisonment. But the Act fails entirely to define what “membership” entails. Are you a “member” if you possess literature or books about a banned organisation? If you express sympathy with its aims? If you’ve met other, “active” members? These are not theoretical considerations: chargesheets under the UAPA often cite the seizure of books or magazines, and presence at “meetings”, as clinching evidence of membership.

1. Impassioned:(adjective)  : जोशपूर्ण
Meaning: having or expressing great depth of feeling
Synonyms: ardent, blazing, burning, charged, demonstrative, emotional, fervent, fervid, feverish, fiery, flaming, glowing, hot-blooded, incandescent, intense, passional, passionate, red-hot, religious, torrid, vehement, warm, warm-blooded
Antonyms: cold, cool, dispassionate, emotionless, impassive, unemotional

2. Despot: (noun) : तानाशाह
Meaning: a person who uses power or authority in a cruel, unjust, or harmful way
Synonyms: caesar, dictator, oppressor, tyrant

3. Ostensibly:(adverb) : प्रकट रूप से
Meaning: to all outward appearances
Synonyms: apparently, evidently, presumably, putatively, seemingly, supposedly
Antonyms: implausibly, impossibly, improbably, incredibl

4. Instigating: (adjective) : भड़काना
Meaning: serving or likely to arouse a strong reaction
Synonyms: charged, edgy, exciting, inciting, instigative, piquing, provocative, provoking, stimulating
Antonyms: subduing

5. Naught: (noun) : शून्य
Meaning: the numerical symbol 0 or the absence of number or quantity represented by it
Synonyms: aught, cipher, goose egg, nil, nothing, o, oh, zero, zilch, zip

6. Integrity: (noun) : अखंडता
Meaning: conduct that conforms to an accepted standard of right and wrong
Synonyms: character, decency, goodness, honesty, morality, probity, rectitude, righteousness, rightness, uprightness, virtue, virtuousness
Antonyms: badness, evil, evildoing, immorality, iniquity, sin, villainy, wickedness

7. Staggeringly: (adverb) : अत्यधिक
Meaning: to a large extent or degree
Synonyms: astronomically, big-time, broadly, colossally, considerably, enormously, extensively, greatly, highly, hugely, largely, massively, monstrously, monumentally, much, sizably, stupendously, tremendously, utterly, vastly
Antonyms: little, negligibly, nominally, slightly

8. Vague: (adjective) : अस्पष्ट
Meaning: not seen or understood clearly
Synonyms: blear, bleary, blurry, dim, faint, foggy, fuzzy, gauzy, hazy, indefinite, indistinct, indistinguishable, misty, murky, nebulous, obscure, opaque, pale, shadowy, unclear, undefined, undetermined
Antonyms: clear, definite, pellucid

9. Disaffection: (noun) : असंतोष
Meaning: the loss of friendship or affection
Synonyms: alienation, disgruntlement, estrangement, souring
Antonyms: reconcilement, reconciliation

10. Discretionary: (adjective) : विवेकाधीन
Meaning: subject to one’s freedom of choice
Synonyms: elective, optional, voluntary
Antonyms: compulsory, mandatory, nonelective, nonvoluntary, obligatory, required

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