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IBPS Clerk 2022 के लिए सिलेक्टेड Shweta Srivastava की Success Story

IBPS Clerk 2022 के लिए सिलेक्टेड Shweta Srivastava की Success Story | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Success Story of Shweta Srivastava Selected As IBPS Clerk 2021: बैंकिंग और कार्मिक चयन संस्थान ने आईबीपीएस की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर IBPS PO, Clerk, and SO फाइनल रिजल्ट 2021 जारी कर दिया है. हमारी टीम की ओर से उन सभी उम्मीदवारों को बहुत बधाई, जिन्होंने अपनी मेहनत से अपनी ड्रीम जॉब पाकर, सफलता हासिल की है. Adda247 वर्षों से बैंकिंग क्षेत्र के उम्मीदवारों की मदद का हर संभव प्रयास करता है ताकि वो अपने सपने पूरे कर सकें. जब हमारी मदद से कोई स्टूडेंट्स बैंकिंग परीक्षा में सफलता प्राप्त करता हैं, तो हमें सबसे ज्यादा ख़ुशी होती है. हम उन सभी सफ़ल उम्मीदवारों को अपनी सक्सेस स्टोरी Hindi Bnakersadda के साथ Share करने के लिए invite करते हैं, जिन्होंने बैंकिंग की परीक्षा में सफलता प्राप्त की है. आज हम यहाँ IBPS Clerk 2022 के लिए सिलेक्टेड Shweta Srivastava की Success Story शेयर कर रहे है:

Success Story of Shweta Srivastava Selected As IBPS Clerk 2021

Hello everyone. My name is Shweta Srivastava and belong to Uttarakhand. I got selected in PNB as a clerk in UP.

My preparation journey was started in August 2018. It took me approx 3.5 years to get the job and I want to tell you why I took this long time so that no one do this mistake.
At starting I completed 1-year of offline coaching of SSC from Aug 2018 to Aug 2019 then came home and studied for SSC and BANKING. I completed my syllabus of SSC ( including algebra, trigonometry, etc) and 3-4 months were used in this process. My first mistake was that I did not use any mock tests during the coaching and revision, and then in march corona came. I gave SSC CHSL, CGL, and SBI Clerk but failed.

During the corona period, I thought thoroughly and decided to take one path for the destination and decided to go for the bank preparation. And I purchased the ADDA mock test for the first time in my life, my maths is good but my English is average, and never solved any puzzle before. And 3 months I used test series for prelims only and cracked RRB clerk, Ibps clerk in the first attempt but not gave my best in main exams due to a lack of practice of mains mock test and current affairs because I started mains preparation after prelims but failed in both mains in Feb 2021.
Then I realized that I should take English and GS more seriously, then I purchased PM and a textbook and decided to cover daily current affairs. From March 2021 to June I started completing the playlist of mains level questions of quant and reasoning from youtube only and followed 2 teachers in quant and 1 in maths. With daily current affairs of Ashish Gautam sir on Adda.

Then I gave all 6 prelims and cleared 4 prelims –

In RRB PO mains I got panic attacks due to a lack of confidence then I started meditation and I realized that each student should do it.
In RRB PO I can clear reasoning sectional cutoff just by 0.5 and overall 0.75
In RRB Clerk I got an overall 118.5 cutoffs was 128.
In IBPS PO cutoff was 80.75 and I got 78.75.

And finally, in CLERK, I got selected with 49.5 marks and the cutoff was 36. It was my 6th mains of bank exam.
Nov to Jan I studied a lot and gave my best for IBPS PO preparation, in these 3 months I watch daily current affairs of Ashish Gautam sir, Sometimes I studied 5,6,7, and more hours to complete the daily tasks.

At last, I want to say to aspirants that, give your best, practice more and more u can do, At the first set, a daily target for 3 months only, and u will definitely see the changes in you. Mock test + daily current affairs+ youtube video of quantitative aptitude and reasoning (2 daily). U can crack easily the exam. Consistency leads to success. I want to give credit for my victory to my parents they supported me a lot in all aspects and the teachers, without them nothing is possible.

IBPS Clerk 2022 के लिए सिलेक्टेड Shweta Srivastava की Success Story | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

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IBPS Clerk 2022 के लिए सिलेक्टेड Shweta Srivastava की Success Story | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1