1. DEMEAN : नीचा दिखाना
Meaning: cause a severe loss in the dignity of and respect for (someone or something).
Synonyms: degrading, humiliating, inglorious, abject
Antonyms: admire, elevate, honor, laud
Example: We should not demean any profession.
2. PURPORTEDLY (adverb) कथित रूप से
Meaning: As appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; allegedly.
Synonyms: professedly, supposedly, seemingly, superficially.
Antonyms: absolutely, authentically, certainly, earnestly.
Usage: The fans found a bat purportedly signed by Virat Kohli.
3. RELENT (verb) नरम पड़ना
Meaning: to cease resistance (as to another’s arguments, demands, or control).
Synonyms: concede, give in, submit, succumb.
Antonyms: combat, confront, counter, defy.
Example: Because my mother is very angry, she won’t relent on my severe punishment.
Meaning: a thing of little value or importance.
Synonyms: bagatelle, inessential, nothing
Antonyms: lot
Example: We should not trouble the CEO over such trifles.
5. SCOFF (Verb) – व्यंग्य
Meaning: speak to someone or about something in a scornfully derisive or mocking way.
Synonyms: mock, deride, ridicule
Antonyms: flatter, praise, compliment
Example: The rude rich boy thought it was fun to scoff at the poor people at his school.
6. INURE (verb) सहनशील बनाना
Meaning: accustom (someone) to something, especially something unpleasant.
Synonyms: accustom, habituate, acclimatize, adapt.
Antonyms: enervate, enfeeble, debilitate, incapacitate.
Usage: The hardship of army training inured her to the rigors of desert warfare.
7. REVERE (verb) सम्मान
Definition: feel deep respect or admiration for (something)
Synonyms: respect, admire, cherish, appreciate.
Antonyms: blaspheme, desecrate, profane, violate.
Usage: If you want to achieve any goal, revere the process & success will follow.
8. ABOMINATE : घृणा करना
Meaning: to hate something very much
Synonyms: abhor, despise
Antonyms: love, like
Example: They abominated the idea of red tapism.
9. PROFANE : अपवित्र
Meaning: vulgar and inappropriate
Synonyms: coarse, nasty
Antonyms: kind, polite
Example: They have profaned the long upheld traditions of the Temple.
10. RATIFIED= पुष्टि करना
Meaning: confirmed or made official
Synonyms: approve, confirm
Antonyms: deny, destroy
Example: The proposal was ratified by the concerned authority.
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