Example: Political parties must frame their campaign as a referendum not on leadership but on democratic values.
1. Referendum [ref-uh-ren-duh m] : मतसंग्रह
Noun: the principle or practice of referring measures proposed or passed by a legislative body, head of state, etc., to the vote of the electorate for approval or rejection; a measure thus referred; a vote on such a measure.
Synonyms: election, poll, vote, mandate.
Example: Yes Bank has eliminated about 2,500 jobs -more than 10% of its workforce -citing increased redundancy, poor performance and the impact of digitisation.
2. Redundancy [ri-duhn-duh n-see] : फालतूपन
Noun: the state of being redundant; superfluous repetition or overlapping, especially of words; a redundant thing, part, or amount; superfluity; the provision of additional or duplicate systems, equipment, etc., that function in case an operating part or system fails, as in a spacecraft.
Synonyms: repetition, overabundance, wordiness, superfluity, excess, prolixity, tautology.
Antonyms: lack, need, want.
3. Plummet [pluhm-it] : सीसे का भार
Noun: a piece of lead or some other weight attached to a line, used for determining perpendicularity, for sounding, etc.; the bob of a plumb line; something that weighs down or depresses.
Verb: to plunge.
Synonyms: collapse, crash, decline, decrease, descend, dip, dive, drop, drop down, fall, nose-dive, plunge, sink, skid, tumble, downturn, dump, precipitate, stoop, swoop.
Antonyms: ascend, go up, grow, increase.
Example: NO COMPROMISES HERE Union government lays down stringent guidelines, tells central and state forces to foil any infiltration bid by the Rohingyas.
4. Foil [foil] : पन्नी
Verb: to prevent the success of; frustrate; balk; to keep (a person) from succeeding in an enterprise, plan, etc.
Noun: a defeat; check; repulse.
Synonyms: antithesis, background, complement, counterblow, defense, guard, setting.
Example: Even as the Rohingya migrant crisis is snowballing into a massive political issue, the central government is sealing every possible entry point to stem infiltration into India, especially at a time when the Mamata Banerjee government is known to be sympathetic to the migrant issue.
5. Snowball [snoh-bawl] : बर्फ की गेंद
Verb: to throw snowballs at; to cause to grow or become larger, greater, more intense, etc., at an accelerating rate.
Noun: a ball of snow pressed or rolled together, as for throwing; any of several shrubs belonging to the genus Viburnum, of the honeysuckle family, having large clusters of white, sterile flowers; a confection of crushed ice, usually in the shape of a ball, which is flavored with fruit or other syrup and served in a paper cup.
Synonyms: escalate, heighten, intensify, multiply, proliferate, swell, widen, advance, aggrandize, aggravate, amplify, annex, augment, boost, broaden, build, burgeon, deepen.
Antonyms: decrease, lessen, lower, weaken.
Example: You used a little wooden gizmo to push in a marble stuck in the mouth of a bottle and guzzled the sweet, fizzy drink with the marble dancing around inside.
6. Gizmo [giz-moh] : उपकरण
Noun: a gadget or device.
Synonyms: appliance, contraption, device, instrument, tool, widget, contrivance, doohickey, machine, thingamabob, thingamajig, whatchamacallit, mechanical device.
7. Guzzle [guhz-uh l] : लालची की तह भोजन करनेवाला
Verb: to drink, or sometimes eat, greedily, frequently, or plentifully.
Synonyms: carouse, gobble, imbibe, knock back, quaff, slosh, swig, swill, bolt, booze, cram, devour, englut, gorge, gormandize, ingurgitate, slop, soak, tipple.
Antonyms: abstain, open, sip.
8. Fizzy [fiz-ee] : सनसनाना
Adjective: bubbly; fizzing.
Synonyms: aerated, bubbling, bubbly, carbonated, gassy, sparkling, spumante.
Antonyms: flat, still.
Example: If yes, what might be the contours of a political strategy that would enable it to pose a credible challenge to the BJP juggernaut?
9. Contour [kon-too r] : रूप रेखा
Noun: the outline of a figure or body; the edge or line that defines or bounds a shape or object; contour line; Phonetics. a distinctive pattern of changes in pitch, stress, or tone extending across all or part of an utterance, especially across a sentence, and contributing to meaning.
Verb: to mark with contour lines; to make or form the contour or outline of.
Synonyms: curve, silhouette, delineation, figuration, figure, form, lineament, lines, relief, shape.
10. Juggernaut [juhg-er-nawt, -not] : विनाशकारी बल या वस्तु
Noun: (often lowercase) any large, overpowering, destructive force or object, as war, a giant battleship, or a powerful football team; (often lowercase) anything requiring blind devotion or cruel sacrifice.
Synonym: barrage, cavalcade, campaign, steamroller, blitz, drive, enterprise, expedition, junket, odyssey, pilgrimage.