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Syllogism Concept: Concept on Few, Only a few, Only and Some not.

Syllogism Concept: Concept on Few, Only a few, Only and Some not. | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

एलआईसी एएओ 2019 के लिए कुछ दिन बचे हैं और एसबीआई पीओ, क्लर्क मेन्स आने वाले महीनों में आयोजित किया जाना है. Syllogism की अवधारणा छात्रों के लिए नई नहीं है और यह हर परीक्षा में पूछी जाती है. यह एक ऐसा विषय है जिसे बहुत कम समय में और 100% सटीकता के साथ हल किया जाता है. LIC AAO 2019 प्राथमिक परीक्षा में यह प्रश्न नए तरीके से पूछे गए थे. कुछ, केवल कुछ, और केवल की अवधारणा हर परीक्षा में आ रहे हैं इसलिए यह विषय महत्वपूर्ण है. हम आपको syllogism की कुछ अवधारणायें प्रदान कर रहे हैं.
सबसे पहले, हम Syllogism की कुछ बुनियादी अवधारणा से शुरू करते हैं

Syllogism में तीन प्रकार होते हैं-

1. सकारात्मक– जहाँ हम 100% निश्चित हैं.
2. नकारात्मक-इसमें, हमें यकीन है कि यह नहीं है
3. संभावना– इसमें हम 100% निश्चित नहीं होते है लेकिन संभावित मामला हो सकता है. सिओलॉगिज़्म में, एक निष्कर्ष जो 100% निश्चित नहीं है, यह संभावनाएं हो सकती हैं यानी हमें यह कहने में संदेह है लेकिन संभावना हो सकती है
1. Positive conclusion-

Example1. Statement

All books are pens.
All pens are copy.
Syllogism Concept: Concept on Few, Only a few, Only and Some not. | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1
Now Check for the conclusion

All book are copy– is right because all part of book in copy
All pen are copy-is right
Some books are pens– if all relation is follow then some relation is also follow
Some pens are books– is right
Some copy are pen– is right
All pens are book– This is doubtful we are only sure for some part of pen not all part of pen.

Here- In positive sentences Negative and possible conclusions are false.

2. Negative conclusion-statement
All books are pen
No pens is copy
Syllogism Concept: Concept on Few, Only a few, Only and Some not. | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1

No book is copy-here no pen is copy so no book is copy is right.
No copy is pen– is right.

3. Possible case- In syllogism, conclusion which is not 100% sure, it’s possibilities can happen i.e we are doubtful in saying it but possibility may occurs
All apple are mango
Some mango are orange
It is possible that all mango are apple
It is possible that some orange are not apple- right

Now the concepts which are asked in the exam in recent exams-

Only a few, a few introduced in banking exams.
Only a few– means only “some” not “all”.
1. Only a few A are B implies that-
Syllogism Concept: Concept on Few, Only a few, Only and Some not. | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1

1. Some A are B
2. All A are B is a possibility is false because Only a few A are B. All A cannot be B
3. all B can be A.

Some Painter are Brush
only a few brush is color
all red is color.

Syllogism Concept: Concept on Few, Only a few, Only and Some not. | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_7.1

All brush is color is a possibilty- is wrong here
All color is painter is a possibility is right

b) “few” is same as “some
1. few A are B implies that-
Syllogism Concept: Concept on Few, Only a few, Only and Some not. | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1

Some A are B
All A are B is a possibility
Some B are A.

c) Concept of Only

Syllogism Concept: Concept on Few, Only a few, Only and Some not. | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_9.1

Only “A is B” is same as “all B are A“.

1. Only Chairs are tables.
2. Some Chairs are Books

Syllogism Concept: Concept on Few, Only a few, Only and Some not. | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_10.1

Books being table is a possibility- Wrong here because the only chair is table no one else becomes Table, 

All book can be chair- Right, here possibility is ask 
all chair can be a book- Wrong if all chair are book then all table become book which violates the only chair is table statement.
Some more examples of-
1. Statement-
Only a few tests are exams
only a few tests are papers
all papers are interviews
Syllogism Concept: Concept on Few, Only a few, Only and Some not. | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_11.1

All test being exam is a possibility-wrong because of only a few tests are exam
No interview is a test- wrong we can’t say here. It is the doubtful and doubtful condition is false
4. Statement-
All Nuts are crackers
All crackers are chocolate
No chocolate is a  dairy milk
Syllogism Concept: Concept on Few, Only a few, Only and Some not. | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_12.1

Only chocolate are nuts- is wrong – here cracker is also nut so only chocolate is nut is not possible 
only nuts are chocolate.
No crackers are dairy milk- is right
The examination may combine it with “some not concept”
Some A is not B implies
All A are B is false
All B can be a possibility.
Note- In some not we check for-
if “All” is possible then “Some not” is false
Some lions are dogs
All dogs are rat
Some rats are not tiger

Syllogism Concept: Concept on Few, Only a few, Only and Some not. | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_13.1

Some tiger are not dog- wrong- here all tiger may be dogs so some not is false
Some rat are not lion- wrong we are not sure for some.
All tiger are lion- right.

This is the end of this course-

Ask your doubt in comment section

Thank You !!

Syllogism Concept: Concept on Few, Only a few, Only and Some not. | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_14.1Syllogism Concept: Concept on Few, Only a few, Only and Some not. | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_15.1  
Syllogism Concept: Concept on Few, Only a few, Only and Some not. | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_16.1