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SBI PO Mains Memory Based Paper 2023: SBI PO मेंस मेमोरी बेस्ड पेपर 2023 -Download PDF

SBI PO Mains Memory Based Paper 2023

भारतीय स्टेट बैंक ने 05 दिसंबर 2023 को अपनी एसबीआई पीओ मेंस परीक्षा 2023 सफलतापूर्वक आयोजित कर ली है. देश भर के विभिन्न केंद्रों पर उम्मीदवार प्रोबेशनरी ऑफिसर की 2000 रिक्तियों के लिए उपस्थित हुए. Bankersadda की टीम ने SBI PO मेंस परीक्षा 2023 की पूरी समीक्षा कर ली है और जल्द ही यह अपना SBI PO मुख्य मेमोरी बेस्ड पेपर 2023 लेकर आ रहा है. हम SBI PO मेंस परीक्षा देने वाले उम्मीदवारों से अनुरोध करते हैं कि वे SBI PO मेंस मेमोरी बेस्ड पेपर PDF डाउनलोड करके जरूर पढ़ें. SBI PO मेंस मेमोरी बेस्ड पेपर उम्मीदवारों को विविध विषयों को समझने में मदद करेगा. हमारी टीम 09 दिसंबर 2023 तक SBI PO मेंस मेमोरी बेस्ड पेपर 2023 (SBI PO Mains Memory Based Paper 2023) PDF लेकर आएगी.

SBI PO Mains Exam Analysis 2023
SBI PO Mains Exam Analysis 2023, 05 December 
GA Questions Asked in SBI PO Mains Exam 2023 in Hindi

SBI PO Mains Memory Based Paper 2023, Download Link

एसबीआई पीओ मेन्स मेमोरी बेस्ड पेपर 2023 (SBI PO Mains Memory Based Paper 2023) विशेष रूप से उम्मीदवारों के लिए तैयार की गई टीम द्वारा प्रदान किया जाएगा ताकि उन्हें परीक्षा की जटिलता को समझने में मदद मिल सके. एसबीआई पीओ मेन्स मेमोरी बेस्ड पेपर 2023 (SBI PO Mains Memory Based Paper 2023) Adda247 ऐप पर PDF free में उपलब्ध कराया जाएगा और लिंक नीचे दिया जाएगा. मेमोरी बेस्ड पेपर में एसबीआई पीओ मेन्स परीक्षा 2023 में पूछे गए प्रश्नों को बारीकी से बताया गया है. उम्मीदवारों के पास नीचे दिए गए लिंक के माध्यम से एसबीआई पीओ मेन्स मेमोरी बेस्ड पेपर 2023 (SBI PO Mains Memory Based Paper 2023) PDF डाउनलोड करने का विकल्प है. पूरी पीडीएफ हमारी टीम द्वारा 09 दिसंबर 2023 तक जारी की जाएगी. तब तक आप एसबीआई पीओ मेन्स परीक्षा 2023 में पूछे गए कुछ प्रमुख प्रश्नों को चेक कर सकते हैं.

SBI PO Memory Based Paper 2023-Click Here To Download PDF (Link Inactive)


जब तक एसबीआई पीओ मेन्स मेमोरी बेस्ड पेपर 2023 लिंक एक्टिव नहीं हो जाता, तब तक उम्मीदवार नीचे दिए कुछ प्रश्नों का अभ्यास कर सकते हैं.

Reasoning Ability

Directions (1-5): Read the given information carefully and answer the questions based on it:

Five spouses sit in two parallel rows in such a way that five persons sit in each row. All the females sit in row 1 and face south while all the males sit in row 2 and face north. The persons of both rows face each other. The persons of row 1 likes different fruits and the persons of row 2 likes different flower. The fruits are Apple, Cherry, Mango, Orange, Papaya. The flowers are Lily, Rose, Daisy, Tulip, Orchid. The persons are B, C, E, K, L, M, R, S, U, T. The information of fruits, flowers and persons is not used in the same sequence as given.

Note: Spouses do not face each other. (Ex.- If A and B are spouse, then A and B do not face each other).

The one who likes Orange faces R’s husband who sits just left of S. K does not sit at any end. Two persons sit between C and E’s wife. The one who likes Daisy sits just right of B’s husband. M’s husband sits second to the right of the one who likes Orchid. L faces the one who likes Rose and sits just left of the one who likes Papaya. One person sits between M and the one who faces the one who likes Tulip. C sits just left of the one who likes Cherry. The number of persons sit to the right of the one who likes papaya is same as the number of persons sit to the left of the one who likes apple. E is not M’s husband. One person sits between S and T who is neither M’s husband nor sits at any end of the row. No person sits between the one who likes Cherry and the one who faces M’s husband. U doesn’t sit adjacent to E

Q1. Who among the following is the wife of K?

Q2. U’s wife likes which of the following fruit?

Q3. What is the position of T with respect to the one who likes Lily?

Q4. The person who faces S’s wife likes which of the following flower?

Q5. Who among the following sits at exactly middle of row 1?

Directions (9-13): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below-

Ten persons attend the seminar in two different months i.e., June and July in consecutive two weeks. Each month has one week. First week start from Monday to Sunday.

Note: P attends the seminar on double digit odd prime numbered date in the given month. No two adjacent days are vacant.

R attends the seminar two days before P. One person attends the seminar between P and I who attends the seminar in the month having odd number of days. I and Q attend the seminar on the same day. J attends the seminar after Q and before R on an even numbered date. As many persons attend the seminar between J and R as between I and L. L attends the seminar on an even numbered date. O attends the seminar three days after L. L attends after I. No one attends the seminar between O and K who attends the seminar on an odd numbered date. As many persons attend the seminar after K as before Q. M attends the seminar in the month having maximum number of days. N attends before Q.

Q9. How many persons attend the seminar between N and I?

Q10. Which among the following pair of persons attend the seminar on same day?

Q11. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and form a group. Who among the following person does not belong to the group?

Q12. On which among the following date and month N attends the seminar?

Q13. Which among the following statement(s) is/are true?

Data Interpretation & Analysis

Q1. Age of four sisters is equal to the four consecutive composite number and the age of eldest sister is multiple of 25 and the age of second eldest sister ten years ago is equal to 2 A , where A is the natural number. Find the age of youngest sister seven years hence will be (Given, Age of all the sisters < 100 years).

Q2. A large cube is cut into eight identical small cubes and the largest possible circle is drawn on each side of the smaller cubes. The sum of the diameter of two circles is 8 cm. Find one-third of the volume of the cylinder of maximum size which can be inscribed into the larger cube . (Take π= 3).

Q3. A man having speed x m/s (Where, x<4) takes 10 seconds to travel from point A to B and return to point A. Points A, B and C lie in such a way that a right triangle having hypotenuse AC, is formed after joining these points. If the man travels at √13 m/s, then he takes 5 seconds to travel the shortest distance between A and C. Find the distance (in metres) between A and B (Given, AB>BC).

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SBI PO Mains Memory Based Paper 2023: SBI PO मेंस मेमोरी बेस्ड पेपर 2023 -Download PDF | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

Q5. If the number of blue balls in C and D is same and the number of blue balls in bag D and red balls in A is same and the probability of picking a blue ball from C is Z, then find which of the following option/s is/are true.
Statement (I): Z = 99×
Statement (II): Z = Probability of picking a red ball from bag B if the blue balls in B is same to that of in C.
Statement (III): Z<0.33.

Q6. Ratio of the number of blue ball and the red ball in bag C is 5: 3 respectively and the number of red balls in D is thrice of the blue ball in bag C. Number of blue balls in bag C and B are same but half of the blue balls in bag A. Find the difference between the sum of the red and blue balls in bag A & B together and the sum of the blue and green in bag C & D together.

Directions (7-10): There are two series I and II are given. Solve both series and answer the questions given below.
Series I: a,   b+5,  c+8,   87,   412,    2185,    13336
Series II: 14,  20, (2y +24), 52, 82, 124, 180
1. 10bx 2 – (21-a)x + 3 = 0
Largest root =
Smallest root =
2. The product of y & any prime number will have unit digit 0.
3. The LCM of z and 5 is 15
4. c – z = 9
Q7. If in series I there are two wrong terms, then find these wrong terms.
Q8. Find the HCF of a and c.
Q9. Which of the following statement/s is/are true?
I. 4a + 16b = 36 + c
II. Cube root of a is the smallest prime number.
III. 2y = a + 14
Q10. Find the wrong number in series II.
Directions (11 – 15): The bar graph given below shows income (in 000’) of three females (Uma, Pallavi and Soniya) given and the line graph shows expenditure percentage of these three females. Read the both graphs carefully and answer the questions given below.

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SBI PO Mains Memory Based Paper 2023: SBI PO मेंस मेमोरी बेस्ड पेपर 2023 -Download PDF | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1

Q11. Find the difference between the credit limit of Uma’s and Pallavi’s card together and the Soniya’s card.
Q12. If the saving of Tanu is 14.5% of the income of the Soniya, then find the average of the saving of all the four females.
Q13. Ratio of the income of Uma and Raju is 2: 3 and Raju saved 80% of the salary. Find the credit limit issued to Raju is what percentage of the credit limit issued to Uma.
Q14. If the bank gives the interest of 20% on the amount deposited by these females on simple interest, then find the difference between the interest received by Uma and Pallavi after three years.
Q15. Uma spends 10% of the total expenditure on food and 30% on grocery whereas 40% on tuition fees and the remaining on house rent. If Uma and Soniya live in the same house and divided equal amount of the total rent of house, then find the rent of the house.



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