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SBI Clerk Mains English Language Quiz- 24th July 2019

SBI Clerk Main 2019 English Language Quiz- 24th July

SBI Clerk Main English Language Quiz

Is your DREAM to get selected in SBI Clerk 2019 recruitment? Well, then you must speed up your preparation as the Main exam which is the final step towards selection will take place on 10th August. The English Language is one of the subjects you’ll need to deal with and to help you keep your preparation up to the mark, here we provide you with a questionnaire of English Language to crack SBI Clerk Main. For other subjects, you can check the Dream SBI Clerk Selection Study Plan.

Directions (1-5): There are sets of statements in question given below which when connected using the correct sentence structure forms a complete single sentence without altering the meaning of the sentences given in the question. There are four options given below the question, choose the sentence that forms the correct formation of single sentence which is both grammatically correct and contextually meaningful. If none follows, choose (e) as your answer. 

Q1. The conception of the world and of human life is controlled by natural law; is alien to Hebrew thought in general; is alien to the prophetic and liturgical Hebrew literature.

Because the conception of the world and of human life as controlled by natural law has been alien to Hebrew thought in general but is alien to the prophetic and liturgical Hebrew literature.
The conception of the world and of human life as controls by natural law is alien not only to the prophetic and liturgical Hebrew literature but also to Hebrew thought in general.
Although the conception of the world and of human life is controlled by natural law is alien to the prophetic and liturgical Hebrew literature, so, it is also alien to Hebrew thought in general.
The conception of the world and of human life as controlled by natural law is alien not only to the prophetic and liturgical Hebrew literature but also to Hebrew thought in general.
None of the above is correct.
Among the given options, sentence (b) is grammatically (due to the usage of controls) and contextually incorrect. Sentences (a) and (c) are contextually different and structurally incorrect. They are not inferring the same meaning as per the demand of the question. Hence only option (d) forms the correct sentence which follows the sentences given in the question both grammatically and contextually.
Q2. She is the mother of Ur, the personified fire of hell; mastered by Hibil and thrown in chains down to the black water; in anger and pride made a violent onset on the world of light; imprisoned within seven iron and seven golden walls.
She is the mother of Ur, the personified fire of hell, who in anger and pride made a violent onset on the world of light, but was master by Hibil and thrown in chains down to the black water, and imprisoned within seven iron and seven golden walls.
She is the mother of Ur, the personified fire of hells, who in anger and pride make a violent onset on the world of light, but was mastered by Hibil and thrown in chains down to the black water, and imprisoned within seven iron and seven golden walls.
She is the mother of Ur, the personified fire of hell, who in anger and pride made a violent onset on the world of light, but was mastered by Hibil and thrown in chains down to the black water, and imprisoned within seven iron and seven golden walls.
She is the mother of Ur, the personified fire of hell, who was mastered by Hibil and thrown in chains down to the black water because in anger and pride he made a violent onset on the world of light and imprisoned within seven iron and seven golden walls.
None of the above is correct.
Among the given options, sentences (a) and (b) are grammatically and contextually incorrect.
In (a) mastered should be used but it is not the only error as the sentence structure is incorrect.
In (b) ‘made’ should be used in place of ‘make’
Sentence (d) is contextually different and structurally incorrect. It is not inferring the same meaning as per the demand of the question. Hence only option (c) forms the correct sentence which follows the sentences given in the question both grammatically and contextually.
Q3. The movement gradually assumed the form of terrorism; the natural result was that the reactionary tendencies of the government were strengthened; the movement was aimed at the assassination of prominent officials; the movement was aimed at the assassination of even the emperor himself.
The movement gradually assumed the form of terrorism because it aimed at the assassination of prominent officials and even of the emperor himself as the natural result was that the reactionary tendencies of the government were strengthened.
The movement gradually assumed the form of terrorism, and aimed at the assassination of prominent officials, and even of the emperor himself, and the natural result was that the reactionary tendencies of the government were strengthened.
The movement gradually assumed the form of terrorism and aimed at the assassination of prominent officials, and even of the emperor himself, because the natural result was that the reactionary tendencies of the government were strengthened.
The movement gradually assumed the form of terrorism, and aimed at the assassination of prominent officials, and even of the emperor himself, but the natural result was that the reactionary tendencies of the government was strengthen.
None of the above is correct.
Among the given options, sentence (d) is grammatically and contextually incorrect. Sentences (a) and (c) are contextually different and structurally incorrect. They are not inferring the same meaning as per the demand of the question. Hence only option (b) forms the correct sentence which follows the sentences given in the question both grammatically and contextually.
Q4. Gagern attempted to influence the Prussian Northern Union in the direction of the national policy; soon realizing the hopelessness of any good results from the vacillating policy of Prussia, he retired from the contest; he took part in the sessions of the Erfurt parliament; as a major in the service of the Schleswig-Holstein government, took part in the Danish War of 1850.
Gagern attempted to influence the Prussian Northern Union in the direction of the national policy, but he took part in the sessions of the Erfurt parliament, and, soon realizing the hopelessness of any good results from the vacillating policy of Prussia, he retired from the contest because as a major in the service of the Schleswig-Holstein government, took part in the Danish War of 1850.
Gagern attempted to influence the Prussian Northern Union in the direction of the national policy and soon realizing the hopelessness of any good results from the vacillating policy of Prussia, he retired from the contest, so he took part in the sessions of the Erfurt parliament and as a major in the service of the Schleswig-Holstein government, took part in the Danish War of 1850.
Gagern attempted to influence the Prussian Northern Union in the direction of the national policy, and he took part in the sessions of the Erfurt parliament but, soon realizing the hopelessness of any good results from the vacillating policy of Prussia, he retires for the contest, and, as a major in the service of the Schleswig-Holstein government, took part in the Danish War of 1850.
Gagern attempted to influence the Prussian Northern Union in the direction of the national policy and took part in the sessions of the Erfurt parliament but, soon realizing the hopelessness of any good results from the vacillating policy of Prussia, he retired from the contest, and, as a major in the service of the Schleswig-Holstein government, took part in the Danish War of 1850.
None of the above is correct.
Among the given options, sentence (c) is grammatically and contextually incorrect. Sentences (a) and (b) are contextually different and structurally incorrect. They are not inferring the same meaning as per the demand of the question. Option (c) is incorrect as ‘retired’ should be used in place of ‘retires’ Hence only option (d) forms the correct sentence which follows the sentences given in the question both grammatically and contextually.
Q5. It was close enough to catch broadcasts of Phillies baseball and Eagles football; the city of Brotherly Love; it was far enough away to be isolated; most of the brutality associated;
While it was close enough to catch broadcasts of Phillies baseball and Eagles football, it was far enough away to be isolated from most of the brutality associated with the city of Brotherly Love.
Since it was close enough to catch broadcasts of Phillies baseball and Eagles football for the city of Brotherly Love, it was far enough away to be isolated with most of the brutality associated.
As it was close enough to catch broadcasts of Phillies baseball and Eagles football, it was far enough away to been isolated from most of the brutality associated with the city of Brotherly Love.
Because it was close enough to catch broadcasts of Phillies baseball and Eagles football, it was far enough away to been isolated from most of the brutality associated with the city of Brotherly Love.
None of the above is correct.
Among the given options, sentence (c) is grammatically and contextually incorrect. Sentences (b) and (d) are contextually different and structurally incorrect. They are not inferring the same meaning as per the demand of the question. Hence only option (a) forms the correct sentence which follows the sentences given in the question both grammatically and contextually.

Directions (6-10): Select the phrase/connector (STARTERS) from the given three options which can be used to form a single sentence from the two sentences given below, implying the same meaning as expressed in the statement sentences. 

(1) Government has provided Rs 4 lakh crore for infrastructure. 

(2) It has given a boost to infrastructure like rail, road, air transport and power sector. 
(i)By providing Rs 4 lakh… 
(ii)Giving a boost to infrastructure… 
(iii)Though government has…
Only (i) is correct
Only (ii) is correct
Only (iii) is correct
Both (i) and (ii) are correct
All are correct
(i) By providing Rs 4 lakh crore for infrastructure, government has given a boost to infrastructure like rail, road, air transport and power sector.
(ii) Giving a boost to infrastructure like rail, road, air transport and power sector, government has provided Rs 4 lakh crore for infrastructure.
(1) The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) capped the prices of medical stents, which are used to treat coronary artery disease. 
 (2) It is an extreme regulatory measure necessitated by the market failure that afflicts the overall delivery of health care in India. 
(i)Capping the prices… 
(ii)While the National Phermaceutical… 
(iii)Now that the prices………
Only (i) is correct
Only (ii) is correct
Only (iii) is correct
Both (i) and (ii) are correct
Both (i) and (iii) are correct
Capping the prices of medical stents, which are used to treat coronary artery disease, by the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) is an extreme regulatory measure necessitated by the market failure that afflicts the overall delivery of health care in India.
(1) Antyodaya coaches are provided with bio-toilets for zero discharge of effluents. 
(2) These coaches will have toilet occupation indication lights provided at each end near the doorway with better visibility from compartments, a first in general class. 
(i)Since Antyodaya coaches are… 
(ii)Provided with bio-tiolets… 
(iii)Although these coaches will…

Only (i) is correct
Only (ii) is correct
Only (iii) is correct
Both (i) and (ii) are correct
None is correct.
Provided with bio-toilets for zero discharge of effluents, Antyodaya coaches will have toilet occupation indication lights provided at each end near the doorway with better visibility from compartments, a first in general class.
(1) India is a vibrant democracy today. 
(2) Politics in the battleground state is still influenced by the Hindu caste system, a social hierarchy with its origins in antiquity. 
(i)Even though India today… 
(ii)As India today is 
(iii)Despite India being a vibrant…
Only (i) is correct,
Only (ii) is correct,
Only (iii) is correct,
Both (i) and (iii) are correct,
Both (ii) and (iii) are correct
(i) Even though India today is a vibrant democracy, politics in the battleground state is still influenced by the Hindu caste system, a social hierarchy with its origins in antiquity.
(iii) Despite India being a vibrant democracy today, politics in the battleground state is still influenced by the Hindu caste system, a social hierarchy with its origins in antiquity.
(1) Grid-connected large-scale installations have received maximum attention. 
(2) There is slow progress on rooftop solar. 
(i) While grid-connected … 
(ii)Receiving maximum attention, the……. 
(iii) Slow progress on rooftop solar.…

Only (i) is correct,
Only (ii) is correct,
Only (iii) is correct,
Both (i) and (ii) are correct,
Both (ii) and (iii) are correct
(i) While grid-connected large-scale installations have received maximum attention, there is slow progress on rooftop solar.
Q11. Five statements are given below, labelled a, b, c, d and e. Among these, four statements are in logical order and form a coherent paragraph. From the given options, choose the option that does not fit into the theme of the paragraph.
At the same time, States cannot remain forever insulated from the need to upgrade educational standards.
The State has taken the legislative route to grant itself exemption from the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test , a uniform examination that will decide admission to medical courses all over the country.
It is a measured gambit by Tamil Nadu.
The Bills are likely to displease the Supreme Court, which insists that NEET marks be the sole basis for admission.
The two Bills passed by the State Assembly seek to retain its present admission system for under-graduate and post-graduate medical courses based on marks obtained by students in their higher secondary school examination.
Only option (a) is a correct choice as other options are forming a coherent paragraph and their logical sequence is cbed. Option (a) cannot come after option (d) hence is the correct choice.

Directions (12-15): Five statements are given below, labelled a, b, c, d and e. Among these, some or all statements are in logical order and form a coherent paragraph. From the given options, choose the option that does not fit into the theme of the paragraph. If all statements are in logical order choose none of these as your choice. 

(A) The Asia Summit will be accompanied by the India LPG Summit ‘Emerging Trends’. 

(B) The Association regularly organises interactive meetings between technical experts, members and key stakeholders to demonstrate the benefits of LPG. 
(C) The WLPGA Asia LPG Summit was recently inaugurated in Delhi. 
(D) India is today the world’s second biggest consumer of LPG in the domestic sector with annual consumption exceeding 18 million tonnes and about a 10% annual growth. 
(E) In this event, India will showcase its various initiatives such as the Ujjwala, Direct Benefit Transfer and ‘Give-it-up’ schemes aimed at increasing access of its population to LPG.
only (E)
Both (B) and (D)
only (B)
Both (A) and (C)
only (D)
Both sentences (b) and (d) are not the part of coherent paragraph. As other options tells us about the LPG summit that is going to be held in Delhi , options (b) is talking about the key feature of WLPGA. Option (d) is not in continuation and changes the point of the topic quite abruptly hence (b) and (d) are correct even though they are from the same article.
(A) The proposed project will be financed by heavily-subsidised loans 
(B) CPEC is clutch of projects valued at $51 billion project which aims at rapidly expanding and upgrading Pakistan’s infrastructure and strengthening the economic ties between the People’s Republic of China and Pakistan. 
(C) It includes building roads, laying railway lines and pipelines to carry oil and gas. 
(D) But to look at the bright side, a more economically stable Pakistan may be quite good for India, as both countries can then look to de-escalate tensions across the border and talk trade. 
(E) India should stop making intermittent and tentative overtures and instead adopt a robust policy on PoK.
only option(A)
Both (B) and (C)
only (C)
Both (D) and (E)
only (E)
Both sentences (d) and (e) are not a part of coherent sentences. As other options tells us about what CPEC is while option (d) and (e) are not in agreement of the passage, even though they are from the same article but they are from different paragraphs. A tip for solving this kind of question is to approach it like the way you approach sentence arrangement but most importantly match the theme of the sentences.
(A) Under the treaty, control over six north Indian rivers were divided between the two countries. India got control over the rivers Beas, Ravi and Sutlej whereas Pakistan got control over Indus, Chenab and Jhelum. 
(B) Signed in 1960 by then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and then Pakistan President Ayub Khan, the treaty allocates 80% of water from the six-river Indus water system to Pakistan. 
(C) This is a unique treaty involving a third party. It was brokered by the World Bank. 
(D) The Treaty also provides arbitration mechanism to solve disputes amicably. 
(E) A Permanent Indus Commission was set up as a bilateral commission to implement and manage the Treaty. The Commission solves disputes arising over water sharing.
Both (D) and (E) are correct
Only (C) is correct
Both (B) and (C) are correct.
Only (A) is correct.
None of these
All the given options are the part of the paragraph as they are telling us about the treaty, hence option (e) is the correct choice for the given question.
Q15. (A) India blames Pakistan both for the civilian protests and for a militant attack at an army base in Uri in Kashmir that left 17 soldiers dead. 
(B) Recently, ties between India and Pakistan have gotten even worse. 
(C) The chain of events has left the relations between India and Pakistan at their worst in recent memory. 
(D) In response, India claimed to have conducted cross-LoC “surgical strikes” in Pakistan. 
(E) But amid the hostilities, India and Pakistan continue to trade between the parts of Kashmir administered by each side, across the militarized Line of Control (LoC).
Both (D) and (E) are correct
Only (C) is correct
Both (B) and (C) are correct.
Only (A) is correct.
None of these
All the given options are part of the coherent paragraph with the correct sequence being badce and every part is in continuation of the previous part and is carrying forward the idea very well.

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