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IBPS RRB परीक्षा 2017 के लिए टेस्ट ऑफ़ दी डे

प्रिय पाठकों,


हम आपको टेस्ट ऑफ़ दी डे प्रदान कर रहे हैं जो Dena PGDBF, IBPS RRB,आदि जैसी आगामी परीक्षाओं में आपकी काफी सहायता करेंगे.इस से आप टाइमर के साथ प्रश्नों का अभ्यास कर सकते हैं जो आपको गति में सुधार करने में मदद करेंगे.


Q1. मोबाइल मेकर कंपनी का नाम बताइए, जोकि आईपीएल के एक ही संस्करण में दो टीमों की फ्रंट जर्सी को प्रायोजित करने वाला पहला ब्रांड बन गया है और दोनों टीमों की फ्रंट जर्सी पर इसका लोगो फीचर होगा.


Gionee has become the first brand ever to sponsor front jerseys of two IPL teams in the same edition and will have its logo feature on the front jersey of both the teams.

Q2. निम्नलिखित किस भारतीय राज्य में हाल ही में (अप्रैल 2017) प्रसिद्ध ब्रह्मपुर ठाकुरनी यात्रा उत्सव का आरभं हुआ?

पश्चिम बंगाल

The famous Berhampur Thakurani Yatra festival is one of the biggest festivals of southern Odisha, has been celebrated in April 2017.

Q3. पेट्रोलियम और प्राकृतिक गैस राज्य मंत्री धर्मेंद्र प्रधान ने औपचारिक रूप से ओडिशा में “लॉ एमिशन भारत स्टेज” (बीएस) -IV ग्रेड ईंधन की शुरूआत की. ओडिशा का स्थापना दिवस सामान्यतः __________ के नाम से जाना जाता है.

निसाकल दिवस
आधार दिवस
उत्कल दिवस
परवन दिवस
गोथम दिवस

Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of State (I/C) for Petroleum and Natural Gas officially launched the low emission Bharat stage (BS)-IV Grade fuel in Bhubaneswar. The launch was made on the special occasion of Utkal Diwas which is the foundation day of Odisha.

Q4. निम्नलिखित में से किस राज्य में प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने हाल ही में साहेबगंज में गंगा नदी पर एक बहु-मोडल टर्मिनल का आधारशिला रखने की घोषणा की है?

उत्तर प्रदेश

Prime Minister Narendra Modi lay the foundation stone of a multi-modal terminal on River Ganga at Sahebganj in Jharkhand. The state of the art terminal, to be constructed at an estimated cost of 280 crore rupees, is an important component of the development of the National Waterway-1 from Varanasi to Haldia.

Q5.एक लीज्ड संपत्ति सहित, __________ एक परिसंपत्ति है, जो बैंक के लिए आय उत्पन्न करना समाप्त करने पर गैर निष्पादित हो जाती है.


Non ­performing Assets (NPA) is an asset, including a leased asset, becomes non­ performing when it ceases to generate income for the bank.

Directions (6-10): दी गई जानकारी का अध्ययन करें और प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें: जब शब्दों और संख्याओं की व्यवस्था करने वाली मशीन में शब्दों और संख्याओं के वाक्य का इनपुट दिया जाता है, तो वह उनको एक निश्चित नियम से व्यवस्थित करती है. इनपुट और पुनर्व्यवस्था का उदाहरण निम्नलिखित है. इनपुट: 18 was his 27 first 36 input 33 still 49 clear 42 चरण I: was 50 18 his 27 first 36 input 33 still clear 42 चरण II: still 41 was 50 18 his 27 first 36 input 33 clear चरण III: input 35 still 41 was 50 18 his 27 first 33 clear चरण IV: his 34 input 35 still 41 was 50 18 27 first clear चरण V: first 28 his 34 input 35 still 41 was 50 18 clear चरण VI: clear 17 first 28 his 34 input 35 still 41 was 50 चरण VI इनपुट की पुनर्व्यवस्था का अंतिम चरण है. उपरोक्त चरणों में प्रयुक्त नियम के अनुसार, दिए गये इनपुट के लिए उपयुक्त चरण ज्ञात कीजिए. इनपुट: 59 with broad 48 smile 35 then 24 hold 76 firmly 19 Q6. किस चरण में तत्व ‘75 broad 24’ समान क्रम में पाया जाता है

चरण I
चरण II
चरण III
चरण V
चरण IV

Solution (6-10): Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it. When we see the each step, then we can find that there is both number and words are arranged in each step.
1) For words arrangement- Words are arranged according to descending order given in English dictionary. In first step the words which comes last according to English dictionary arranged first to extreme left. And in second step next word are arranged to left.And this process is continued in further step.
2) For number arrangement- Number are arranged according to descending order. In first step greatest number arranged in left. And in second step next number is arranged. And this process is continued in further step( Each odd number is added by one(+1) while they are arranged and one is subtracted by each even number(-1) while they are arranged). Input: 59 with broad 48 smile 35 then 24 hold 76 firmly 19 Step I: with 75 59 broad 48 smile 35 then 24 hold firmly 19 Step II: then 60 with 75 broad 48 smile 35 24 hold firmly 19 Step III: smile 47 then 60 with 75 broad 35 24 hold firmly 19 Step IV: hold 36 smile 47 then 60 with 75 broad 24 firmly 19 Step V: firmly 23 hold 36 smile 47 then 60 with 75 broad 19 Step VI: broad 20 firmly 23 hold 36 smile 47 then 60 with 75

Q7. चरण V में, निम्नलिखित शब्दों में से कौन सा दायें छोर से 6वें के बाईं ओर से तीसरे स्थान पर होगा?


Q8. उपरोक्त व्यवस्था को पूरा करने के लिए कितने चरण की आवश्यकता है?


Q9. इनमें से कौन सा व्यवस्था का चरण 4 होगा?

hold 36 smile 47 then 60 with 75 broad 24 firmly 19
hold 36 smile 47 19 then 60 with 75 broad 24 firmly
36 hold smile 47 then 60 with 75 broad 24 firmly 19
hold 36 smile 47 then 60 with 75 broad 19 24 firmly
इनमे से कोई नहीं

Q10. चरण III में ‘smile’ ,‘60’ से संबंधित है और ‘with’,‘35’ से संबंधित है. इसी प्रकार ‘then’ किससे संबंधित होगा?

broad 35 24 hold firmly 19
इनमे से कोई नहीं

Direction (11 – 15): दी गई श्रृंखला में से विषम संख्या ज्ञात कीजिये.. Q11. -1 5 23 59 122 209

इनमे से कोई नहीं

IBPS RRB परीक्षा 2017 के लिए टेस्ट ऑफ़ दी डे | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

Q12. 0 15 52 105 192 315

इनमे से कोई नहीं

Pattern is (1×2×3)-(1+2+3) = 0 (2×3×4)-(2+3+4)=15 (3×4×5)-(3+4+5)=48& So on ∴ Replace 52 by 48.

Q13. 12 33 72 135 221 357


Pattern is (1×2×3)+(1+2+3)=12 (2×3×4)+(2+3+4)=33 (3×4×5)+(3+4+5)=72&So on ∴ Replace 221 by 228

Q14. 101 137 -79 -30 -378 -309

इनमे से कोई नहीं

IBPS RRB परीक्षा 2017 के लिए टेस्ट ऑफ़ दी डे | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1

Q15. 206 226 194 230 178 248

इनमे से कोई नहीं

Pattern is +10×1,-11×2,+12×3,-13×4,+14×5 ∴ Replace 226 → 216

Directions (16-20): In the following questions a part of the sentence is highlighted in bold. five options are given for each question, you need to find the grammatically correct replacement from the given options. 
Q16. Menlo University‘s range of graduate programmes have been developed to fulfil your needs whether you intend to pursue a career in industry, business, government, NGOs or academia, and whatever your background.

have been developed to fulfil your needs whether you intend to pursue a career in industry, business, government, NGOs or academia, and whatever
has been developed to fulfil your needs if you intend to pursue a career in industry, business, government, NGOs or academia, or whatever
have been developed for fulfilling your needs whether you intend to pursue a career in industry, business, government, NGOs or academia, and whatever
has been developed to fulfil your needs whether you intend to pursue a career in industry, business, government, NGOs or academia, and whatever
has been developed to fulfil your needs whether one intends to pursue a career in industry, business, government, NGOs or academia, or whatever

A - Singular Range‘ will take singular has‘ and not plural have‘. B - the usage of if‘ is incorrect since if‘ should be used only while making a conditional statement and whether‘ should be used to evaluate alternatives. The usage of or‘ is also incorrect since the two events are mutually exclusive, hence we need and‘ to make the meaning clear. C - Singular Range‘ will take singular has‘ and not plural have‘. For fulfilling‘ is unidiomatic E - your‘ needs is not parallel with one‘ intends. The usage of or‘ is also incorrect.

Q17. Nutritionists suggest that we should replace chips and sweetened soft drinks with healthier raw veggies, fruits, whole-grain biscuits and low-fat cheese.

we should replace chips and sweetened soft drinks with healthier raw veggies, fruits, whole-grain biscuits and low-fat cheese.
one replaces chips and sweetened soft drinks for healthier raw veggies, fruits, whole-grain biscuits and low- fat cheese.
we replace chips and sweetened soft drinks with healthier raw veggies, fruits, whole-grain biscuits and low-fat cheese.
us replace chips and sweetened soft drinks with healthier raw veggies, fruits, whole-grain biscuits or low-fat cheese.
we replace chips as well as sweetened soft drinks with healthier raw veggies including fruits, whole-grain biscuits and low-fat cheese.

Concepts Tested – Redundancy A - The use of suggest‘ and should‘ in the same sentence is an error of redundancy. B – Replaces‘ is incorrect since we need replace‘. Also you replace one thing with‘ another and not for‘ another. D – The use of us‘ is incorrect since the sentence needs the subject form we‘ and not the object form us‘ E – Unnecessarily wordy

Q18. Watching the TV or working on the computer leads to overeating.

Watching the TV or working on the computer leads to overeating
Watching the TV or working on the computer lead to overeating
To watch the TV and to work on the computer leads to overeating
Watching the TV and working on the computer leads to overeating
Watching the TV or to work on the computer leads to overeating

Concepts Tested – SV Agreement, Parallelism B - Since the connector is or‘ the subject is either watching‘ or working‘ , hence the verb should be singular leads‘ and not plural lead‘. C & D are incorrect because the connector is and‘ so the subject is both watching‘ and working‘, hence the verb should be the plural lead‘ and not the singular leads‘. E - watching‘ is not parallel with to work‘.

Q19. Trend Global is a company that will give its staff a 10 per cent pay hike, allows scooter rides in campus and even a massage facility.

will give its staff a 10 per cent pay hike, allows scooter rides in campus and even a massage facility
gives its staff a 10 per cent pay hike, allows scooter rides in campus and even offers a massage facility
is giving its staff a 10 per cent pay hike in addition to allowing scooter rides in campus and is even offering a massage facility
gives its staff a 10 per cent pay hike, allow scooter rides in campus and even offer a massage facility
will give its staff a 10 per cent pay hike, allow scooter rides in campus and even offers a massage facility

Concepts Tested – Parallelism, Wordiness In this sentence, three things need to be made parallel – pay hike, scooter rides and massage facility. B gets it right. A – ‘give‘ is not parallel with allows‘ C – Too wordy. is giving‘ is not needed since it is not an action that is ongoing at the moment. D – gives‘ is not parallel with allow‘ E – give‘ and allow‘ are not parallel with offers‘

Q20. Upset over the high-handedness of the security agencies, the Police Chief expressed his displeasure to the government.

Upset over the high-handedness of the security agencies, the Police Chief expressed his displeasure to the government.
Upset over the high-handedness of the security agencies, the displeasure of the Police Chief was expressed to the government.
Being that he was upset over the high-handedness of the security agencies, the Police Chief expressed his displeasure to the government.
Upset from the high-handedness of the security agencies, the Police Chief expressed his displeasure to the government.
The high-handedness of the security agencies upsetting him, the Police Chief expressed his displeasure to the government.

Concepts Tested – Modification, Idiom B – The modifying phrase at the beginning of the sentence refers to the police chief and not to his displeasure‘ C – Being‘ is redundant and awkward D – Upset from‘ is unidiomatic, the correct idiom is upset over‘. E – The phrase at the beginning of the sentence has a very awkward construction


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IBPS RRB परीक्षा 2017 के लिए टेस्ट ऑफ़ दी डे | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1


11000+ (RRB, Clerk, PO) Candidates were selected in IBPS PO 2016 from Career Power Classroom Programs.

9 out of every 10 candidates selected in IBPS PO last year opted for Adda247 Online Test Series.

IBPS RRB परीक्षा 2017 के लिए टेस्ट ऑफ़ दी डे | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_7.1