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English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 6th February – Word Rearrangement

 English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 6th February – Word Rearrangement | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Word Rearrangement

Direction (1-15): In each of the following questions,
a sentence is given with three words highlighted which may or may not be in
their correct position and require rearrangement. Following each sentence are
given options with possible rearrangements of the highlighted words. Choose the
most suitable rearrangement of the words so as to make the sentence
grammatically and contextually sound. If the words are at their correct place
and need no rearrangement, mark (e), ‘no rearrangement required’ as your answer.


Q1. Some staff wanted to witnessed (A) concerns
about behaviors they unable(B) at work but at times felt raise (C) to
do so.

(a) BAC

(b) ACB

(c) CAB

(d) BCA

(e) No rearrangement required


Q2. The launch takes North Korea a step testing(A)to
fully scrapping a self-imposed moratorium on closer (B) its
longest-range intercontinental ballistic missiles (C).

(a) BAC

(b) ACB

(c) CAB

(d) BCA

(e) No rearrangement required


Q3. About 1,400 US flights were storm (A) after
the north-eastern part of the country was walloped (B) by a fierce
winter cancelled (C).

(a) BAC

(b) ACB

(c) CAB

(d) CBA

(e) No rearrangement required


Q4. No one can deny (A) that Dubai has developed
itself as one of the most popular hot spots (C) of world

(a) BAC

(b) ACB

(c) CAB

(d) BCA

(e) No rearrangement required

Q5. I am proposing (A) a new provision
permitting taxpayers to payment (B) an Updated Return on file(C) of
additional tax.

(a) BAC

(b) ACB

(c) CAB

(d) BCA

(e) No rearrangement required

Q6. The move is going to investment (A) improve
the investor sentiment, fueling growth (B) in the capital market,
resulting in economic greatly (C).

(a) BAC

(b) ACB

(c) CAB

(d) BCA

(e) No rearrangement required

Q7. Impending (A)
on income tax is a huge positive step for the crypto industry removing any clarity
people had about the fear (C) ban.

(a) BAC

(b) ACB

(c) CAB

(d) BCA

(e) No rearrangement required


Q8. The financial welcome (A) for
the digital payments ecosystem is a reaffirms (B) move and further support
the Government of India’s digital banking push.

(a) BAC

(b) ACB

(c) CAB

(d) BCA

(e) No rearrangement required


Q9. The US and its allies have warned
President Vladimir Putin that Russia will face swift (C) and
tough economic sanctions if he attacks (B) Ukraine.

(a) BAC

(b) ACB

(c) CAB

(d) BCA

(e) No rearrangement required


Q10. Willow, the cat, made jumped(A) an
impression on Dr Biden in 2020 when she quite (B) up on the stage and interrupted
her remarks during a campaign stop.

(a) BAC

(b) ACB

(c) CAB

(d) BCA

(e) No rearrangement required


Q11. Russia has massed (A) tens of thousands of
troops near the Ukrainian border as it arrangements (B) demands for a
redrawing of post-Cold War security presses (C) in Europe.

(a) BAC

(b) ACB

(c) CAB

(d) BCA

(e) No rearrangement required

Q12. Meanwhile, calls for Johnson to linger
as prime minister continue to resign (B) from the Opposition
benches as well as within (C) his own Conservative Party.

(a) BAC

(b) ACB

(c) CAB

(d) BCA

(e) No rearrangement required


Q13. The tensions have response (A) at a
particularly delicate moment (B), as President Putin reviews US surfaced
to his demands.

(a) BAC

(b) ACB

(c) CBA

(d) BCA

(e) No rearrangement required


Q14. Canadian authorities have determined (A) that
the death of all the persons have been informed (B) to be consistent
with exposure to the outdoor (C) elements.

(a) BAC

(b) ACB

(c) CAB

(d) BCA

(e) No rearrangement required


Q15. The two countries have a regular migration
dialogue which takes up issues related to territories (B) and
welfare of citizens in each other’s consular (C).

(a) BAC

(b) ACB

(c) CAB

(d) BCA

(e) No rearrangement required


S1. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct sequence of the highlighted words is
CAB. The sentence will be,

Some staff wanted to raise (C) concerns about
behaviors they witnessed (A) at work but at times felt unable(B)
to do so.

S2. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct sequence of the highlighted words is
BAC. The sentence will be,

The launch takes North Korea a step closer (B)
to fully scrapping a self-imposed moratorium on testing(A) its
longest-range intercontinental ballistic missiles (C).

S3. Ans.  (d)

Sol. The correct sequence of the highlighted words is
CBA. The sentence will be,

About 1,400 US flights were cancelled (C) after
the north-eastern part of the country was walloped (B) by a fierce
winter storm (A).

S4. Ans. (e)

Sol. The sentence is correct and there is no
rearrangement required.

S5. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct sequence of the highlighted words is
ACB. The sentence will be,

I am proposing (A) a new provision permitting
taxpayers to file(C) an Updated Return on payment (B) of
additional tax.

S6. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct sequence of the highlighted words is
CAB. The sentence will be,

The move is going to greatly (C) improve the
investor sentiment, fueling investment (A) in the capital market,
resulting in economic growth (B).

S7. Ans.(d)

Sol. The correct sequence of the highlighted words is
BCA.  The sentence will be,

Clarity (B) on income tax is a huge
positive step for the crypto industry removing any fear (C) people had
about the impending (A) ban.

S8. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct sequence of the highlighted words is
CAB. The sentence will be,

The financial support (C) for the digital
payments ecosystem is a welcome (A) move and further reaffirms (B)
the Government of India’s digital banking push.

S9. Ans.(e)

Sol. The sentence is correct and there is no
rearrangement required.  Hence, option
(e) is the right answer choice.

S10. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct sequence of the highlighted words is
BAC. The sentence will be,

Willow, the cat, made quite (B) an impression
on Dr Biden in 2020 when she jumped(A) up on the stage and interrupted
her remarks during a campaign stop.

S11. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct sequence of the highlighted words is
ACB. The sentence will be,

Russia has massed (A) tens of thousands of
troops near the Ukrainian border as it presses (C) demands for a
redrawing of post-Cold War security arrangements (B) in Europe.

S12. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct sequence of the highlighted words is
BAC. The sentence will be,

Meanwhile, calls for Johnson to resign (B) as
prime minister continue to linger (A) from the Opposition benches as
well as within (C) his own Conservative Party.

S13. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct sequence of the highlighted words is
CBA. The sentence will be,

The tensions have surfaced (C) at a
particularly delicate moment (B), as President Putin reviews US response
to his demands.

Hence, option (c) is the right answer choice.

S14. Ans. (a)

Sol. The correct sequence of the highlighted words is
BAC. The sentence will be,

Canadian authorities have informed (B) that the
death of all the persons have been determined (A) to be consistent with
exposure to the outdoor (C) elements.

S15. Ans. (c)

Sol. The correct sequence of the highlighted words is
CAB. The sentence will be,

The two countries have a regular consular (C)
dialogue which takes up issues related to migration (A) and welfare of
citizens in each other’s territories (B).

English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 8th January_70.1

English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 8th January_80.1

English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 6th February – Word Rearrangement | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1