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English Quiz For SEBI GRADE A PHASE-I 2022- 1st February – Fillers

English Quiz For SEBI GRADE A PHASE-I 2022- 1st February – Fillers | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Fillers

Direction (1-20): In each of the following questions, a
sentence is given with a single blank followed by five options. Choose the most
appropriate word to fill in the blank and mark that as your answer.


Q1. The downturn in the economy since 2016 has led to ___________
in Uttar Pradesh.

(a) Cultivation

(b) Irritation

(c) Desperation

(d) Interaction

(e) Admonition


Q2. The firm, now ___________ as Capricorn Energy, expects
to get back ₹7,900 crore.

(a) Rechristened

(b) Obtained

(c) Warned

(d) Occasioned

(e) Trained


Q3. While the Government’s reflex position may be to deny
the request, it may prove wiser to give the proposal some ___________ consideration.

(a) Intimate

(b) Elaborate

(c) Adequate

(d) Allocate

(e) Deliberate


Q4. With an ever more globalised young generation, connectivity
is important as they are effective tools to ___________ people into action.

(a) Patronise

(b) Galvanise

(c) Humanise

(d) Agonise

(e) Caponise


Q5. The healthcare managers in the Tamil Nadu government
were not short-sighted while ___________ the policy.

(a) Beseeching

(b) Formulating

(c) Imparting

(d) Dissenting

(e) Fascinating


Q6. With the decision, the Union government has put the
rural healthcare delivery system from getting into   ___________.

(a) Slew



(d) Peril

(e) Fray


Q7. What lies behind all this, I believe, is a deep sense
of the fundamental ___________ between the government and the people it

(a) Criticism

(b) Rationalism

(c) Imperialism

(d) Aphorism

(e) Antagonism


Q8. Using biometric ___________, it would have been
possible to make a precise digital map of his face.

(a) Ingesting

(b) Raising

(c) Profiling

(d) Surrounding

(e) Conducting


Q9. Since James wanted his _______________ to be
successful, he made it one of his top priorities to teach his son good work

(a) Progeny

(b) Stock

(c) Property

(d) Instance

(e) Constitute


Q10. The ___________ brand owner benefited from selling its
products at full price and cutting down on promotions.

(a) League

(b) Denizen

(c) Confer

(d) Convince

(e) Venture


Q11. The elite wanted to ___________ with the Pakistanis
who had accepted Urdu as the national language.

(a) Unionize

(b) Scrutinize

(c) Fraternize


(e) Recognize


Q12. Neither should life be frittered away because of
endless ___________ and continuous introspection.

(a) Distinction

(b) Procrastination

(c) Dereliction

(d) Disapprobation

(e) Composition


Q13. Each day, a member of the
kitchen staff is responsible for researching a ___________ of information about

(a) Inclement

(b) Spark


(d) Confluence

(e) Squalor


Q14. The real situation of the Indian economy is much more ___________
if one considers rising inflation and high joblessness.

(a) Yielding

(b) Tending

(c) Countermanding

(d) Exceeding

(e) Forbidding


Q15. The battle for civilisation is not going to end with
an ___________ or some form of negotiated settlement.

(a) Armistice

(b) Justice 

(c) Practice

(d) Reticent

(e) Notice


Q16. Given that secrecy is the norm, however, the public
does not attach great ___________ to those who engage in the practice.

(a) Triumvirate

(b) Effluvium

(c) Odium

(d) Opprobrium

(e) Podium


Q17. A Pakistan-mediated power-sharing arrangement failed
to ___________ the competing parties into a national government.

(a) Dearth

(b) Coalesce

(c) Imposture

(d) Diadem

(e) Hubbub


Q18. Thankfully, not every ___________ journalist is
abandoned by management for perceived offenses against powerful newsmakers.

(a) Conscientious

(b) Captious

(c) Factitious

(d) Fractious

(e) Propitious


Q19. Whether Gandhi made her move out of ___________ calculation
or simple magnanimity, it was a political master stroke.

(a) Shrewd

(b) Impoverished

(c) Revealed

(d) Intended



Q20. The collectivists will always use such a ___________
to con the people into believing that private corporations are evil.

(a) Scarce

(b) Policy

(c) Apparent

(d) Fallacy

(e) Fancy




S1. Ans. (c)

Sol. Desperation: a state of despair, typically one which
results in rash or extreme behaviour.

Cultivation: the action of cultivating land, or the state
of being cultivated.

Irritation: the state of feeling annoyed, impatient, or
slightly angry.

Interaction: reciprocal action or influence.

Admonition: a firm warning or reprimand.


S2. Ans. (a)

Sol. Rechristened: give a new name to.

Obtained: get, acquire, or secure (something).

Warned: inform someone in advance of a possible danger,
problem, or other unpleasant situation.

Occasioned:  caused

Trained: having been taught a particular skill or type of
behaviour through practice and instruction over a period of time.


S3. Ans. (c)

Sol. Intimate: closely acquainted; familiar.

Elaborate: involving many carefully arranged parts or details;
detailed and complicated in design and planning.

Adequate: satisfactory or acceptable in quality or

Allocate: distribute (resources or duties) for a particular

Deliberate: done consciously and intentionally.


S4. Ans. (b)

Sol. Patronise: treat in a way that is apparently kind or
helpful but that betrays a feeling of superiority.

Galvanise: shock or excite (someone) into taking action.

Humanise: make (something) more humane or civilized.

Agonise: undergo great mental anguish through worrying
about something.

Caponise: castrate (a domestic cock).


S5. Ans. (b)

Sol. Beseeching:  asking
(someone) urgently and fervently to do something; implore; entreat.

Formulating: creating or preparing methodically.

Imparting: making (information) known.

Dissenting: holding or expressing opinions that are at
variance with those commonly or officially held.

Fascinating: extremely interesting.


S6. Ans. (d)

Sol. Slew: turn or slide violently or uncontrollably.

Usurp: take (a position of power or importance) illegally
or by force.

Depose:  remove from
office suddenly and forcefully.

Peril: serious and immediate danger.

Fray: (of a fabric, rope, or cord) unravel or become worn
at the edge, typically through constant rubbing.


S7. Ans. (b)

Sol. Criticism: the expression of disapproval of someone or
something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes.

Rationalism:  the
practice or principle of basing opinions and actions on reason and knowledge
rather than on religious belief or emotional response.

Imperialism:  a
policy of extending a country’s power and influence through colonization, use
of military force, or other means.

Aphorism:  a pithy
observation which contains a general truth.

Antagonism: active hostility or opposition.


S8. Ans. (c)

Sol. Ingesting:  take
(food, drink, or another substance) into the body by swallowing or absorbing

Raising: lifting or moving to a higher position or level.

Profiling:  the
recording and analysis of a person’s psychological and behavioural
characteristics, so as to assess or predict their capabilities in a certain
sphere or to assist in identifying categories of people.

Surrounding:  all
round a particular place or thing.

Conducting: organize and carry out.


S9. Ans. (a)

Sol. Progeny: a descendant or the descendants of a person,
animal, or plant; offspring.

Stock: the goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a
shop or warehouse and available for sale or distribution.

Property:  a thing or
things belonging to someone; possessions collectively.

Instance: an example or single occurrence of something.

Constitute: be (a part) of a whole.


S10. Ans. (b)

Sol. Denizen: a foreigner allowed certain rights in their
adopted country.

– a person, animal, or plant that lives or is found in a
particular place.

League: a collection of people, countries, or groups that
combine for mutual protection or cooperation.

Confer:  grant (a
title, degree, benefit, or right).

Convince: cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of

Venture: a risky or daring journey or undertaking.


S11. Ans. (c)

Sol. Unionize: become or cause to become members of a trade

Scrutinize:  examine
or inspect closely and thoroughly.

Fraternize: associate or form a friendship with someone,
especially when one is not supposed to.

Organize: arrange systematically; order.

Recognize: identify (someone or something) from having
encountered them before; know again.


S12. Ans. (b)

Sol. Distinction: a difference or contrast between similar
things or people.

Procrastination: the action of delaying or postponing

Dereliction: the state of having been abandoned and become

Disapprobation: strong disapproval, typically on moral

Composition: the nature of something’s ingredients or
constituents; the way in which a whole or mixture is made up.


S13. Ans. (c)

Sol. Inclement: Severe, of weather

Morsel: a small piece or amount of food; a mouthful.

Spark: A tiny or scarcely detectable amount

Confluence: A flowing together

Squalor: Sordid dirtiness


S14. Ans. (e)

Sol. Yielding: (of a substance or object) giving way under
pressure; not hard or rigid.

Tending: regularly or frequently behave in a particular way
or have a certain characteristic.

Countermanding:  revoking or cancelling (an order).

Exceeding: very great.

Forbidding: unfriendly or threatening in appearance.


S15. Ans. (a)

Sol. Armistice: An armistice is a formal agreement of
warring parties to stop fighting.

Justice: just behaviour or treatment.

Practice:  the actual
application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories
relating to it.

Reticent: not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily.

Notice: the fact of observing or paying attention to


S16. Ans. (d)

Sol. Triumvirate:  a
group of three powerful or notable people or things.

Effluvium: an unpleasant or harmful odour or discharge.

Odium: general or widespread hatred or disgust incurred by
someone as a result of their actions.

Opprobrium:  harsh
criticism or censure.

Podium: a platform raised above the surrounding level


S17. Ans. (b)

Sol. Dearth: an insufficient quantity or number

Coalesce: come together to form one mass or whole.

Imposture: an instance of pretending to be someone else in
order to deceive others.

Diadem; a jewelled crown or headband worn as a symbol of

Hubbub: a chaotic din caused by a crowd of people.


S18. Ans. (b)

Sol. Conscientious: wishing to do one’s work or duty well
and thoroughly.

Captious: tending to find fault or raise petty objections.

Factitious:  relating
or inclined to dissension.

Fractious: (typically of children) irritable and

Propitious: giving or indicating a good chance of success;


S19. Ans. (a)

Sol. Shrewd: having or showing sharp powers of judgement;

Impoverished: (of a person or area) made poor.

Revealed: make (previously unknown or secret information)
known to others.

Intended: planned or meant.

Conducted: led by a guide; managed.


S20. Ans. (d)

Sol. Scarce: (especially of food, money, or some other
resource) insufficient for the demand.

Policy: a course or principle of action adopted or proposed
by an organization or individual.

Apparent: clearly visible or understood; obvious.

Fallacy: a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound

Fancy: elaborate in structure or decoration


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English Quiz For SEBI GRADE A PHASE-I 2022- 1st February – Fillers | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1