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English Language Quiz For IBPS PO Mains: 16th November

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English Language Quiz For IBPS PO

IBPS PO Prelims and exam result is out. Now the next step is to clear the Mains examination. Thus, the English Language can be an impetus for your success by saving time and scoring well. So, instead of boiling the ocean, try building up a strong vocabulary, an effective knowledge of grammar, and efficient comprehension skills so as to be on the ball to face this particular section. Here is a quiz on English Language being provided by Adda247 to let you practice the best of latest pattern English Questions for upcoming IBPS PO Mains exam 2018.

Directions (01-05): Given below is a paragraph consisting of blanks. Identify the correct option among the five alternative pairs that should fill the blank against the number to make the paragraph contextually meaningful and grammatically correct. 

Q1. The proposal to cut more than 16,500 trees in different parts of Delhi to make way for government complexes represents both ___(01)_____ and hypocrisy. It is shocking that felling of such a large number of trees – many of which are decades old – was even conceived in a place like Delhi which over recent years has become a _______(02)______gas chamber. Delhiites have to suffer poor air quality throughout the year with the intensity of air pollution increasing during the winter months. In this scenario, cutting down trees is absolutely _____(03)_______-. These trees are the lungs of Delhi and getting rid of them is a crime against every resident of the city. While government might need space for its functioning and employees, solutions can be found without cutting trees through smart building design. Every tree is precious here and the government’s ____(04)_______-that it will plant 10 new saplings for every tree felled simply doesn’t cut ice. Do the authorities even have an idea how long it takes for a sapling to grow into a full tree that can generate large volumes of oxygen? This is nothing but utter ____(05)______ for the people of Delhi.

Callousness is a noun which means insensibility and insensitiveness towards a thing, here it is used to show the attitude of government towards environment . Here the suggestion by government to cut down so many trees to build government complexes is being criticized. Also, we can get a cue from the word hypocrisy that the blank preceding it should take a noun that should denote a negative trait of the government. Insensitiveness is another noun that can be used in place of callousness to denote the indifference of government towards the environment. All other choices fail to fit grammatically and contextually in the sentence. Hence, option (a) is the most viable choice.
Q2. The proposal to cut more than 16,500 trees in different parts of Delhi to make way for government complexes represents both ___(01)_____ and hypocrisy. It is shocking that felling of such a large number of trees – many of which are decades old – was even conceived in a place like Delhi which over recent years has become a _______(02)______gas chamber. Delhiites have to suffer poor air quality throughout the year with the intensity of air pollution increasing during the winter months. In this scenario, cutting down trees is absolutely _____(03)_______-. These trees are the lungs of Delhi and getting rid of them is a crime against every resident of the city. While government might need space for its functioning and employees, solutions can be found without cutting trees through smart building design. Every tree is precious here and the government’s ____(04)_______-that it will plant 10 new saplings for every tree felled simply doesn’t cut ice. Do the authorities even have an idea how long it takes for a sapling to grow into a full tree that can generate large volumes of oxygen? This is nothing but utter ____(05)______ for the people of Delhi.
Petite/ Diminutive
Veritable is an adjective which is used as an intensifier or to denote something real or actual. Here, it is used to qualify the gas chamber (noun) to denote the state of Delhi that has emerged as a gas chamber in real sense due to the presence of smog and other pollutants. Indubitable is an adjective which means too obvious to be doubted or unquestionable. Both Veritable and Indubitable can be used interchangeably to make the sentence contextually meaningful and grammatically correct. All other words fail to fit contextually and grammatically in the sentence. Hence, option (a) is the most viable choice.
Q3. The proposal to cut more than 16,500 trees in different parts of Delhi to make way for government complexes represents both ___(01)_____ and hypocrisy. It is shocking that felling of such a large number of trees – many of which are decades old – was even conceived in a place like Delhi which over recent years has become a _______(02)______gas chamber. Delhiites have to suffer poor air quality throughout the year with the intensity of air pollution increasing during the winter months. In this scenario, cutting down trees is absolutely _____(03)_______-. These trees are the lungs of Delhi and getting rid of them is a crime against every resident of the city. While government might need space for its functioning and employees, solutions can be found without cutting trees through smart building design. Every tree is precious here and the government’s ____(04)_______-that it will plant 10 new saplings for every tree felled simply doesn’t cut ice. Do the authorities even have an idea how long it takes for a sapling to grow into a full tree that can generate large volumes of oxygen? This is nothing but utter ____(05)______ for the people of Delhi.
Unconscionable is an adjective which means greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation or lacking a conscience. Here in the context it is used to criticize the step of cutting down the trees considering the prevailing condition of Delhi when it is struggling with pollution and trees needs to be planted to contain the effects of pollution but instead of taking curative steps the trees are being felled in order to create space for accommodation. Unethical is the synonym for Unconscionable and can be used interchangeably to make the sentence grammatically and contextually meaningful. 
However, all other alternatives fail to fit contextually in the sentence.
Incumbent means obligatory or binding,
Profligate and libertine mean immoral.
Requisite means something that is essential or important.
Hence, option (a) is the most viable choice.
Q4. The proposal to cut more than 16,500 trees in different parts of Delhi to make way for government complexes represents both ___(01)_____ and hypocrisy. It is shocking that felling of such a large number of trees – many of which are decades old – was even conceived in a place like Delhi which over recent years has become a _______(02)______gas chamber. Delhiites have to suffer poor air quality throughout the year with the intensity of air pollution increasing during the winter months. In this scenario, cutting down trees is absolutely _____(03)_______-. These trees are the lungs of Delhi and getting rid of them is a crime against every resident of the city. While government might need space for its functioning and employees, solutions can be found without cutting trees through smart building design. Every tree is precious here and the government’s ____(04)_______-that it will plant 10 new saplings for every tree felled simply doesn’t cut ice. Do the authorities even have an idea how long it takes for a sapling to grow into a full tree that can generate large volumes of oxygen? This is nothing but utter ____(05)______ for the people of Delhi.
Assertion is a noun which is used for declaration or positive statement and Pronouncement is a noun which means a declaration or a statement and hence both assertion and pronouncement can be used interchangeably to make the sentence grammatically and contextually meaningful. All other choices fail to fit contextually and grammatically in the sentence. Here in the context it is used to state the government’s declaration or statement that for every tree felled 10 new saplings will be planted. All other choices fail to fit contextually and grammatically in the sentence.
Assumption means hypothesis or supposition.
Negation means a negative statement or a statement that is a refusal or denial of some other statement  Interpretation means make sense of something.
Denial means the act of refusing to comply.
Move means the act of deciding to do something.
Q5. The proposal to cut more than 16,500 trees in different parts of Delhi to make way for government complexes represents both ___(01)_____ and hypocrisy. It is shocking that felling of such a large number of trees – many of which are decades old – was even conceived in a place like Delhi which over recent years has become a _______(02)______gas chamber. Delhiites have to suffer poor air quality throughout the year with the intensity of air pollution increasing during the winter months. In this scenario, cutting down trees is absolutely _____(03)_______-. These trees are the lungs of Delhi and getting rid of them is a crime against every resident of the city. While government might need space for its functioning and employees, solutions can be found without cutting trees through smart building design. Every tree is precious here and the government’s ____(04)_______-that it will plant 10 new saplings for every tree felled simply doesn’t cut ice. Do the authorities even have an idea how long it takes for a sapling to grow into a full tree that can generate large volumes of oxygen? This is nothing but utter ____(05)______ for the people of Delhi.
Disregard and Contempt are the words that fit grammatically and contextually in the sentence. Disregard means showing disrespect and contempt means the disdain or disrespect. Both these words can be used interchangeably to make the sentence grammatically as well as contextually fit. All other choices fail to fit in the context of the sentence.
Reverence means deep respect.
Disdain means derision or disrespect.
Scorn means to show contempt
Deference means respect.
Approbation means approval or praise.
Deterrence means the action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.
Hence, option(a) is the most viable choice.
Directions (6-8): In the following question, a part of the sentence is given in bold; it is then followed by three sentences which try to explain the meaning of the phrase given in bold. Choose the best set of alternatives from the five options given below each question which explains the meaning of the phrase correctly without altering the meaning of the sentence given to the question. 

Q6. China’s Achilles heel has always been the environmental compromises it has had to make in order to accelerate its economic output, but it is now seriously committed to undo it by using its abundant capital and manufacturing prowess to scale clean renewable energy solutions.

(I) In past, in order to speed up its economic output, China has compromised with the environment which has always been its greatest shortcoming, but now China is honestly committed to reverse it by using its surplus capital and manufacturing expertise to scale clean renewable energy solutions.
(II) China’s greatest strength has always been its compromises that it made with the environment in order to accelerate its economic yield, but now, using its ample capital and manufacturing dexterity, China is trying to increase production of clean renewable energy.
(III) Compromising with the environment so as to speed up economic output has always been China’s greatest weakness, but now, China is seriously committed to undoing it by using its plentiful capital and manufacturing abilities to scale clean renewable energy provisions.
Only (I) is correct
Only (III) is correct
Both (I) and (III) are correct
Only (II) is correct.
All are correct
The phrase “Achilles heel has always been” means the greatest weakness or shortcoming has always been. Among the given statements, both sentences (I) and (III) express the meaning which complies with the meaning of the phrase and at the same time they make sure that the actual meaning of the sentence remains intact. Statement (II) is irrelevant as it alters the meaning of the sentence. Hence (c) is the correct option.
Q7. When James told me that he wanted to change his living room so he is giving all his furniture away, I wondered, why would he want to throw the baby out with the bath water, he could just paint some of the furniture in a different color and it would look new.
(I) No sooner did James tell me that he wanted to change his living room so he is giving all his furniture away, than I wondered, why would he want to throw his baby out of the house while he was throwing out the bath water, he could just paint some of his furniture in a different color and it would look brand new.
(II) When I was told by James that he is giving all his furniture away because he wanted to change his living room, I pondered, why would he want to give away all his furniture when he could reuse some of them in a new look by just painting them in a different color.
(III) When James informed me that he is giving all his furniture away because he wanted to change his living room, I was amazed to think that instead of coloring the furniture, he could just throw it all away as they are old and are of no use.
Only (I) is correct
Only (II) is correct
Only (III) is correct.
None is correct.
All are correct
The phrase “to throw the baby out with the bath water” means getting rid of something of importance while trying to get rid of something thought to be worthless or rejecting the favorable along with the unfavorable. Among the given statements, only the sentence (II) expresses the meaning which complies with the meaning of the phrase and at the same time it makes sure that the actual meaning of the sentence remains intact. Statements (I) and (III) are irrelevant as they alter the meaning of the sentence. Hence (b) is the correct option.
Q8. This is not to say that teachers and students are stupid, but that Max Weber’s famous text The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is an exceptionally compact text that ranges across a very broad subject area, written by an out-and-out intellectual at the top of his game. 
(I) It should not be assumed that the teachers and students are stupid, but the famous text by Max Weber named The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is an extraordinarily concise text as compared to its very wide subject coverage, written by an absolute genius when he was at his best. 
(II) Keeping in mind that the famous text by Max Weber The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is an unusually precise text that covers very large subject area, written by an absolutely sophisticated individual during the peak of his form, we should not conclude that the teachers and students studying it are brainless.
(III) Instead of saying that teachers and students are stupid, we should also understand the fact that Max Weber’s famous text The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is an outstandingly concise text in comparison to its very wide subject coverage, written by an utterly intelligent personality during the pinnacle of his form.
Only (I) I correct.
Both (I) and (II) are correct.
Both (II) and (III) are correct.
Both (I) and (III) are correct.
All are correct
The phrase “an out-and-out intellectual at the top of his game” means an absolutely intelligent person at the peak of his career or to be performing extremely well in a sport, job, etc. so that you could not perform any better. Among the given statements, all the three sentences express the meaning which complies with the meaning of the phrase and at the same time they make sure that the actual meaning of the sentence remains intact. Hence (e) is the correct option.
Directions (9-10): In question given below there are two statements, each statement consists of two blanks. You have to choose the option which provides the correct set of words that fits both the blanks in both the statements appropriately and in the same order making them meaningful and grammatically correct. 

Q9. [I] The ____________ has passed from the ____________stages of its origin into some settled and recognizable state before we have been called upon to cope with it.

[II] A/An ____________ is a ____________ and transformative event that attempts to change a nation, a region or society – and, in some cases, even the world.
anarchy, serene
revolution, tumultuous
capitulation, dissipated
submission, deleterious
stagnation, harmonious
The most appropriate set of words that appropriately fit in the context of the paragraph is ‘revolution, tumultuous’. ‘Revolution’ is a noun which means a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system. Moreover, ‘tumultuous’ is an adjective which means making an uproar or loud, confused noise. Since, all the other sets of words fail to form a comprehensive sentence, option (b) becomes the most suitable answer choice.
Anarchy means a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.
Serene means an expanse of clear sky or calm sea.
Capitulation means he action of ceasing to resist an opponent or demand.
Dissipated means (of a person or way of life) overindulging in sensual pleasures.
Deleterious means causing harm or damage.
Q10. [I] Various groups are using different messaging services like WhatsApp or such tools available on the internet to ____________ online radicalization and propaganda that led to disturb the ____________of law and order.
[II] A top security institution in G-7 has encroached upon a vast tract of land while media houses who ____________ ____________ of law should also respect the law, the IHC bench remarked.
burrow, imposition
disseminate, renunciation
promulgate, discharge
demolish, pursuance
propagate , enforcement
The most appropriate set of words that appropriately fit in the context of the paragraph is ‘propagate, enforcement’. ‘Propagate’ is a verb which means spread and promote (an idea, theory, etc.) widely. Moreover, ‘enforcement’ is a noun which means the act of compelling observance of or compliance with a law, rule, or obligation. Since, all the other sets of words fail to form a comprehensive sentence, option (e) becomes the most suitable answer choice.
Burrow means a hole or tunnel dug by a small animal, especially a rabbit, as a dwelling.
Imposition means the action or process of imposing something or of being imposed.
Disseminate means spread (something, especially information) widely.
Renunciation means the formal rejection of something, typically a belief, claim, or course of action.
Promulgate means promote or make widely known (an idea or cause).
Discharge means the action of discharging someone from a hospital or from the armed forces or police.
Pursuance means engagement in an activity or course of action.
Directions (11-15): In each of the given questions an inference is given in bold which is then followed by three paragraphs. You have to find the paragraph(s) from where it is inferred. Choose the option with the best possible outcome as your choice. 

Q11. Countering China in the Indo-Pacific by proactively further cooperating between India, Japan, the US and Australia to ensure prosperity and stability in the region. 

[I] We should focus on the link between Indo-China border area and the East China Sea. If India cooperates with Japan and the US, it will not need to deal with all the Chinese fighter jets at once, because China is likely to keep some of its fighter jets to defend its eastern front. Japan and the US are willing to support India’s efforts to modernize its defence in the Indo-China border area. The US has already exported transport planes (C-17 and C-130), attack helicopters (AH-64), heavy-lift helicopter (CH-47), ultra-light howitzers (M777) and carbines (M4) for Indian forces. Since 2014, Japan has invested in India’s strategic road project in the North-East region.

[II] Security cooperation between Japan, India, the US and Australia is on the rise. At the recently concluded Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the defence ministers of Japan, the US and Australia reiterated their shared commitment to the Indo-Pacific region. It was closely followed by Japan-India-US Malabar exercises in Guam. Japan, India, the US and Australia will also join Rimpac (Rim of the Pacific) exercises commencing on 27 June. India and the US are planning to hold the first two-plus-two dialogue (between their foreign and defence ministers) in Washington on 6 July. Security cooperation among Japan, India, the US and Australia is increasingly plausible to maintain military balance against China.
[III] There is a high possibility that in the near future India will be the most influential sea power in the Indian Ocean Region. Japan, the US and Australia will then be able to deploy more military force in the East China Sea and South China Sea to maintain the military balance against China. Therefore, these three countries should share the know-how related with anti-submarine capabilities and enhance India’s military preparedness. Unsurprisingly, the Japan-India joint statement in September 2017 mentioned cooperation on “anti-submarine aspects”.
only (III)
Both (II) and (III)
only (II)
all (I), (II), and (III)
none of these
The given inference means that, to encounter the military tactics of China, Countries India, Japan, the US and Australia must come together. Among the given paragraphs, both paragraph (II) and (III) satisfyingly conclude the given inference. Paragraph (II) has mentioned the military exercises these countries will undertake to establish the stability and prosperity in the Indo-pacific region. The inference can be drawn taking a hint from the sentence “Security cooperation…against China.”. Moreover, Paragraph (III) has described about enhancing India’s military capabilities with the support of Japan, the US and Australia to maintain the military balance against China. The inference can be drawn from the sentence “Japan, the US and Australia will then be able to deploy more military force in the East China Sea and South China Sea to maintain the military balance against China”. However, paragraph (I) has not mentioned anything about Australia playing a role to establish military support for Indo- pacific region. Since, only paragraph (II) and (III) conclude the given inference, option (b) becomes the most suitable answer choice.
Q12. Football’s roots in India are old and strong, but economic factors have kept it from flourishing. 

[I]The lack of private money in football is a significant element. Here’s the truth about the World Cup: national loyalty and rivalries give it a frisson that makes it a unique spectacle, but when it comes to the quality of football played, it is inferior to European leagues like the Premier League or La Liga. The club teams, backed by massive amounts of private capital, are where the best players in the world spend the bulk of their playing time, surrounded by peers and honing their skills. A national team is only as good as the club experience its players bring to the table.

[II] India’s football club culture was historically strong and had substantial private sector backing through the initial post-independence decades. That backing, however, didn’t translate into infrastructure and talent pipelines. Poor remuneration for players, forcing them to focus on their day jobs for financial security, didn’t help. And club culture couldn’t entirely make up for the national team’s poor performance post-1962.
[III] A sport of the British regiment and cantonment, it put down deep roots in the 19th century, particularly in Calcutta. Unlike cricket, which was initially the preserve of the Parsis, football started with the masses: sepoys who served with British soldiers; Calcutta colleges that fielded their own teams; children dragooned by British educators steeped in English public-school sporting culture; and missionaries exporting a muscular Christianity.
only (III)
Both (I) and (II)
only (II)
all (I), (II), and (III)
none of these
Among the given paragraphs, only paragraph (II) is depicting the given inference. The paragraph has mentioned about the strong historical roots of football in the country. However, its facing difficulties due to financial constraints. Whereas, paragraph (I) and (III) fail to infer the given conclusion. Paragraph (I) is describing merely about the limited funds available for the support, while paragraph (III) is solely describing about the history of the support in the country. Thus, both these paragraphs only include the partial information of the given conclusion. Hence, option (c) reflecting paragraph (III) becomes the most viable answer choice.
Q13. Fifa World Cup, a classroom for business leaders. 

[I] India may not have qualified for the finals of the 2018 Fifa World Cup but a strong contingent of Indian spectators will be there in Russia for the month-long carnival of football. Among them a whole host of Indian business leaders, there to savor the on-field action, soak in the atmosphere and in general, enjoy themselves. But it needn’t be all play and no work for them. The grand stage of the world’s most popular sport is also a good place to pick up a few lessons in running companies.

[II] Past success isn’t insurance against future failures. Italy won the World Cup in 2006. Yet, just four years later, in the 2010 World Cup, the Azzurri flopped miserably failing to even make it out of a group comprising lightweights Paraguay, Slovakia and New Zealand. It wasn’t the end of the team’s miseries. The team continued the trend in 2014 failing to make it to the second round and has now failed to qualify for the 2018 finals.
[III] Over the 20 editions of the world cup, there have been teams that have flattered to deceive with one flashy win or one great performance. But on the road to the pinnacle, only consistency counts. The winning teams prepare for the long haul, never mind the skirmishes on the way. In 2010, Spain lost its first pool game to outsider Switzerland. Yet, it went on to win the tournament. By contrast, North Korea created a sensation by beating Italy in a group game at the 1966 World Cup, as did Cameroon in 1990 when it beat Argentina but neither team went on to win the tournament.
only (I)
Both (II) and (III)
only (II)
all (I), (II), and (III)
none of these
The given inference means that the business leaders across the world can learn many business lessons from the game of Fifa. This is clearly reflected from paragraph (I). The clue for the same can be drawn from “the grand stage...running companies.”. However, paragraph (II) and (III) fail to conclude the given inference. Both the paragraphs have provided lessons to be learned from the game, such as continuously adding laurels to the team and resorting to no short cuts in order to succeed. Yet these, paragraphs do not mention anything about the business class specifically. Therefore, these include few lessons and facts of the inference, but they fail deduce the precise inference. Hence, option (a) is the most suitable answer choice.
Q14. Technological self-reliance in India has to be earned through internal reforms and not through protectionist attacks on foreign companies. 

[I] It makes no sense to allow, or even want, FDI, if we simultaneously want to put fetters on such capital. Industry can only prosper if we make clear choices, as evidenced in the case of telecom, the poster-child of India’s economic liberalization. In this industry, the extant national policy and licence conditions do not envision different requirements for foreign and Indian companies.

[II] In an effort to promote self-reliance, India has been trying to create preferential private sector partnerships in the defence industry for over a decade. Most recently, strategic partnerships were defined and envisioned under the defence procurement policy, 2016. However, this potentially meaningful modality of deep public-private partnerships has been throttled by reticence on part of the unions representing public sector enterprises, as well as an all-pervasive lack of trust in the private sector. These are challenges within government. The solutions cannot possibly lie outside, or in the politics of protectionism.
[III] Despite large volumes, the potential for earning large value from the domestic data market remains limited. Low average revenues per user in telecom and low transaction values in digital payments are indicative of this “high-volume and low-value” paradigm. The need for data services to achieve scale is almost a prerequisite to their survival.
only (I)
Both (II) and (III)
only (II)
all (I), (II), and (III)
none of these
The given inference means that India can achieve self-reliance in technology by bringing changes in internal reforms rather than shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports. None of the given paragraphs successfully deduce the given conclusion. The first paragraph does not mention anything about the technological self-reliance of the country, while second paragraph has mentioned about the challenges that the government would face while bringing changes in internal reforms of public-private relationship. Moreover, paragraph (III) stands irrelevant in the context of the inference. Hence, option (e) becomes the most suitable answer choice.
Q15. Rural distress can’t get buried in growth story. 

[I] Data released by the Central Statistics Office last month suggested a recovery in economic growth during the fourth quarter of 2017-18, with the economy expanding by 7.7% compared to that in the first quarter, when growth was at its lowest at 5.7%. This has given some cause for celebration in an economic situation where most other indicators were suggesting the economy was heading into some sort of crisis.

[II] The future of the growth story will depend not only on what happens to inflation, but also on what happens to rural India. The story on the export front or the investment front is dismal, suggesting that the two engines are yet to show any revival. But the so-called revival of growth driven by government expenditure may also not last long, with fiscal deficit breaching the comfort zone and current account deficit spiralling out of control in the face of rising petroleum prices and a weakening rupee. The real driver of the economy in the best to the worst of times has been domestic demand, led by the rural economy.
[III] A set of data released by the Labour Bureau that tracks rural wages shows that not all is well as far as the rural economy is concerned. Despite claims of an economic recovery, rural wage growth of non-agricultural labourers continues to be in negative territory for the fourth month in a row. The wage data is now available up to February 2018 and it shows that real non-agricultural wages have been declining since November 2017. While real wages of agricultural labourers have moved out of negative territory after declining for two consecutive months, the growth at 0.2% is negligible.
Both (I) and (II)
Both (I) and (III)
Only (III)
All (I), (II) and (III)
none of these
The given inference states that we cannot sweep the dissatisfaction among the rural population in the cover of economic growth. Among the given paragraphs, only paragraph (III) illustrates the meaning of the inference. It can be articulated from the sentence “Despite claims of economic growth… negative territory for the fourth month in a row”. However, paragraphs (I) and (II) fail to deduce the given conclusion, since paragraph (I) is merely providing the statistics on economic growth while paragraph (II) is describing about the role of rural growth in the overall growth of the country’s economy. Thus, option (c) becomes the most viable answer choice.


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