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Daily Vocabulary Word 2 December, 2020- Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings

Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings

Vocabulary अब हर Competitive Exam का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा बन चुकी हैं. चाहे बात बैंकिंग की हो या SSC की या किसी अन्य प्रतियोगी परीक्षा की सभी परीक्षाओं में vocabulary एक important part होती है. Reading comprehension को Solve करने से लेकर किसी भी को Solve करने के लिए Vocabulary अच्छी होना ज़रूरी है. इसलिए, Hindi Bankersadda आपको Daily Vocabulary प्रदान करता है जिससे आप आगामी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी को और बेहतर बना सकते होहम आपको यहाँ  2 October, 2020 की Vocabulary दे रहे हैं.  

INTRANSIGENCE (Noun) : कट्टरता
Meaning: refusal to change one’s views or to agree about something.
अर्थ: किसी के विचारों को बदलने या किसी चीज़ के बारे में सहमत होने से इनकार करना।
Synonyms: inflexibility, stubbornness, obstinacy
Usage: I can’t understand Rachel’s intransigence, considering that we have undeniable proof that her idea is incorrect.
WHINE (Noun) : कराहना
Meaning:to make a long, high, sad sound
अर्थ: लम्बी, ऊँची, उदास ध्वनि करना
Synonyms:gripe, moan
Antonyms:happiness, pleasure
Example:Leon’s dog was sitting by the door whining, so I thought I’d better take it for a walk.

Pursy(Adjective) : मोटा
Meaning: Fat; short-winded especially because of corpulence
अर्थ: मोटा, मोटापा
Synonym: Blown, panting
Antonym: Cleared, lanky
Usage: Never since he was a child did the pursy old gentleman run as fast as he did now.
WREST (Verb) : हथियाना
Meaning: forcibly pull (something) from a person’s grasp.
अर्थ: किसी व्यक्ति की समझ से जबरन (कुछ) खींचना।
Synonyms: wrench, snatch, seize, grab
Antonyms: give
Usage: Sita felt she had to wrest the weapon from the hostage-taker for the sake of her safety.

BACKSTOP (noun) : सुरक्षा 
Meaning: an emergency precaution or last resort.
अर्थ: एक आपातकालीन एहतियात या अंतिम उपाय।
Synonyms: safeguard, preventive measure, insurance.
Antonyms: constraint, limitation, restriction, sanction.
Usage: They want the Democrats to act as a backstop for this wild nonsense.
Contrition:(Noun) : पछतावा
Meaning:- the state of feeling sorry for bad behaviour: the state of repentance.
अर्थ:  बुरे व्यवहार के लिए खेद महसूस करने की स्थिति: पश्चाताप की स्थिति।
Synonyms: contriteness, guilt, penitence, regret, remorse, repentance
Antonyms:-impenitence, remorselessness
Usage:- The defendant pled guilty to the crime and expressed heartfelt contrition for the things he had done.

Plaintive (Adjective) : दर्दनाक
Meaning: expressing suffering or sadness, sounding sad and mournful.
अर्थ: दुख या दुख व्यक्त करना, दु: खी और शोकाकुल लगना।
Synonym: aching, agonized, bitter, mournful, sad, wistful, doleful, pathetic, pitiful, piteous, melancholy, lamentable
Antonym: delighted, exulting, glorying, happy, joyful, rejoicing, triumphant, jocus, blithesome, euphoric.
Usage:- We could hear the plaintive cry of the wounded animal in the woods.
CHRONIC (Adjective) : पुरानी
Meaning: continuing or occurring again and again for a long time,  happening or existing frequently or most of the time, always or often doing something specified
अर्थ: लंबे समय तक बार-बार जारी रहना या घटित होना, लगातार या अधिकतर समय, हमेशा या अक्सर कुछ किया जाना
Synonym: natural; persistent, regular,
Antonym: unaccustomed, unused; intermittent, occasional
Example: He suffers from chronic arthritis.

ABLUTION (Noun) : स्नान
Meaning:a cleansing with water or other liquid, especially as a religious ritual.
अर्थ: पानी या अन्य तरल के साथ सफाई, विशेष रूप से एक धार्मिक अनुष्ठान के रूप में।
Synonyms:purification, cleansing
Antonyms: impure
Example: While the bandaging no longer takes place, the ritual ablutions are still performed.

INACTION (noun) : निष्क्रियता
Meaning: lack of action where some is expected or appropriate.

अर्थ: कार्रवाई की कमी जहां कुछ अपेक्षित या उचित है।
Synonyms: inertia, passivity, stagnation, acedia
Antonyms: busyness, energy, happiness, liveliness
Example: Now every minute’s inaction increased this spirit of restlessness.

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Daily Vocabulary Word 2 December, 2020- Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

Daily Vocabulary Word 2 December, 2020- Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1