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Basic English Language Quiz for All Banking Exams- 13th May

Basic English Language Quiz for All Banking Exams- 13th May | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Directions (1-15): Find
out the error in each of the following sentences, if there is no error, answer
is (e).


Q1. (a) They said that the /(b)world
should take a/ (c) week of quarantine if we want/ (d)to control the pandemic.
/(e) no error


Q2. (a) Alice complained/ (b) that she
had / (c) spent all her pocket/ (d) money the last weekend. /(e) No error


Q3. (a) My sister said that she/(b)
studied hard so/(c) that she may get/(d) good marks. /(e) No error


Q4. (a) My father allowed/ (b) me
to/(c) do whatever /(d) I want. / (e) No error.


Q5. (a) Amit requested his friend/(b)
to take him to/(c) the doctor as he/(d) has very high fever. /(e) No error.


Q6. (a) Rohit said/ (b) that his/ (c) friends will
go/ (d) after few days. / (e) No error


Q7. (a) He suggested that/ (b) I should study hard/
(c) if I do not want/ (d) to get embarrassed after result declaration./ (e) No


Q8. (a) I asked Karan/ (b) if he was/ (c) going to/
(d) the party tomorrow. / (e) No error


She was admitted in Nemcare/ (b)
Hospital in February/ (c) as she is suffering/ (d) from prolonged illness. /
(e) No error


Q10. (a) In a new interview with / (b) the
magazine, the musician/ (c) was asked that what her/ (d) life was like while
social distancing. / (e) No error


Q11. (a) My mother asked / (b) me if I
knew / (c) the notorious boy / (d) or not. / (e) No error


Q12. (a) Ronak said that / (b) he will
visit / (c) me after / (d) the lockdown. / (e) No error


Q13. (a) She asked me / (b) that if I
/ (c) was doing well / (d) in my studies. / (e) No error


Q14. (a) The students exclaimed / (b)
with joy that / (c) they have completed / (d) their degree. / (e) No error


Q15. (a) The principal warned the /
(b) students that if they/ (c) tease the cleaning staff / (d) again they would
be suspended. / (e) No error




S1. Ans. (c)

Sol. ‘wanted’ should be used in place
of and ‘want’ in statements of past. Since, Reporting verb in past, hence, the
reported speech should also be in past.


S2. Ans. (d)

Sol. In the given statement, ‘last
weekend’ will be replaced with ‘previous weekend’. In indirect speech, ‘Last
night’ is changed to ‘The previous night’.


S3. Ans. (c)

Sol. ‘Might’ should be used in place
of ‘may’ because Helping Verbs of the reported speech are changed.


S4. Ans. (d)

Sol. ‘Wanted’ should be used in place
of ‘want’ since past form of verb should be used in reported speech is
reporting verb is in past.


S5. Ans. (d)

Sol. ‘had’ should be used in place of
‘has’. Since, ‘Simple Present Tense’ Changes into ‘Simple past Tense’ Indirect


S6. Ans. (c)

Sol. ‘Would’ should be used in place of ‘will’.
Since, Reporting verb is in past, hence the reported speech should also be in


S7. Ans. (c)

Sol. ‘did’ should be used in place of ‘do’.
Since, Simple present tense changes into Simple past tense.


S8. Ans. (d)

Sol. Change ‘tomorrow’ to ‘the next day’ because
in reported speech ‘tomorrow’ and ‘yesterday’ are never used instead ‘the next
day’ and ‘the previous day’ are used.


S9. Ans. (c)

Sol. ‘is’ should not be used here, replace it
with ‘was’ as reported speech is in past.


S10. Ans. (c)

Sol. ‘that’ should not be used here, since, when
an interrogative sentence starting with ‘wh’ family is reported then no
conjunction is used.


S11. Ans. (b)

Sol. Replace ‘if’ with ‘whether’
because the pair ‘whether or’ is used when we give choice between two


S12. Ans. (b)

Sol. Change ‘will’ into ‘would’
because the sentence is in the past form of reported speech (said- past form of
reporting verb).


S13. Ans. (b)

Sol. Here the usage of ‘that’ is wrong
and we need to remove it because if an interrogative sentence is not of ‘Wh’
family, only conjunction ‘if/whether’ is used.


S14. Ans. (c)

Sol. Replace ‘have’ with ‘had’ because
in indirect speech ‘simple past tense’ changes into ‘past perfect tense’.


S15. Ans. (c)

Sol. In indirect speech we change
‘simple present tense’ into ‘simple past tense’ so here ‘tease’ will be
replaced with ‘teased’.

Basic English Language Quiz for All Banking Exams- 13th May | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1