Dubious (adjective) : संदिग्ध
Meaning : hesitating or doubting.
अर्थ: संकोच या संदेह करना।
Synonyms: unsure, doubtful, incertain, uncertain
Antonyms: sure, certain, uncertainty, diffidence
Example: she looks dubious about the idea.
Deliberate (adjective) : जान-बूझकर
Meaning : done consciously and intentionally.
अर्थ: होशपूर्वक और जानबूझकर किया।
Synonyms: conscious, meticulous, premeditated, prudent
Antonyms: careless, heedless, ignorant, imprudent
Example: “Very well,” he said, and paused, as if in deliberate contempt of the official cloc
Fracas (noun) : कोलाहल
Meaning: a noisy disturbance or quarrel.
भावार्थ: शोर-शराबा या झगड़ा।
Synonyms: altercation, bickering, brawl, brouhaha
Antonyms: agreement, calm, harmony, peace
Example: As a matter of fact, there was the finest sort of a fracas afoot.
Inherent (adjective) : निहित
Meaning: existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.
अर्थ: स्थायी, आवश्यक, या चारित्रिक विशेषता के रूप में किसी चीज में विद्यमान।
Synonyms: intrinsic, innate, fundamental, basic.
Antonyms: superficial, exterior, extraneous, extrinsic.
Example: Even as a youngster, Janice showed she had an inherent talent to be a great singer.
Unleash (verb) : उन्मुक्त
Meaning: to suddenly release a violent force that cannot be controlled.
अर्थ: अचानक एक हिंसक बल जारी करना जिसे नियंत्रित नहीं किया जा सकता है।
Synonyms: unchain, unfetter, unshackle, vent.
Antonyms: confine, enchain, fetter, bridle.
Example: Since the owner decided to unleash her dog on the street, it was only a matter of minutes before it ran a few hundred feet in front of a car.
Conflate(verb) : मिलाना
Meaning: combine (two or more sets of information, texts, ideas, etc.) into one.
अर्थ: एक में दो (सूचना, ग्रंथों, विचारों, आदि के दो या अधिक) संयोजन।
Synonyms: amalgamate, converge, unify, fuse.
Antonyms: divide, part, separate, rupture.
Example: To conflate art and science, teachers must design activities that blend the two.
Confabulate(verb): बातचीत करना
Meaning: to talk informally
अर्थ: अनौपचारिक रूप से बात करना
Synonyms: cackle, chat, patter, schmooze.
Antonyms: be silent, be quiet.
Example: Guests gathered in the hallway to confabulate about the weather and make small talk.
Valedictory(Noun) : विदाई भाषण
Meaning: a farewell address.
अर्थ: एक विदाई संबोधन।
Synonyms: farewell, leaving, parting, departing, going away, last, final
Antonyms: welcome, salutatory
Example: On the last day of school, seniors wrote a valedictory stating what they would miss about high school and read it in front of the class for their final grade.
Expeditious (Adjective) : अतिशीघ्र
Meaning: done with speed and efficiency.
अर्थ: गति और दक्षता के साथ किया।
Synonyms: speedy, swift, quick, rapid, fast; prompt
Antonyms: slow
Example: The man was saved because of the doctor’s expeditious diagnosis.
Unleash(verb) : उन्मुक्त
Meaning: to suddenly release a violent force that cannot be controlled.
अर्थ: अचानक एक हिंसक बल जारी करना जिसे नियंत्रित नहीं किया जा सकता है।
Synonyms: unchain, unfetter, unshackle, vent.
Antonyms: confine, enchain, fetter, bridle.
Example: Since the owner decided to unleash her dog on the street, it was only a matter of minutes before it ran a few hundred feet in front of a car.