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Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 3rd & 4th October 2021

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 3rd & 4th October 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

Vocabulary Words: For most banking Aspirants, vocabulary is a nightmare but it carries a great amount of importance in every competitive exam. It is very important to have a good hold on the vocabulary to increase efficiency in the language section and also to increase your overall scores. That is why Adda247 has started a new initiative to improve the vocabulary of the aspirants with the Visual vocabulary words and their meaning.

Visual Vocabulary Words:

  1. FAWNING (adjective) 

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 3rd & 4th October 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1

Meaning; Seeking favor by way of flattery; flattering, servile.

Synonyms: subservient, ingratiating 

Antonyms: opinionated, imperious 


  1. AGHAST (adjective) 

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 3rd & 4th October 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1

Meaning; Terrified; struck with amazement 

Synonyms: surprised, anxious 

Antonyms: unsurprised, calm 


  1. PLAINTIVE (adjective) 

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 3rd & 4th October 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1

Meaning; Sounding sorrowful, mournful 

Synonyms: painful, pathetic 

Antonyms: joyful, cheerful


  1. TWEAK (verb) 

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 3rd & 4th October 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_7.1

Meaning; A sharp pinch or jerk; a twist or twitch.

Synonyms: twist, change 

Antonyms: hold, grasp 


  1. LANGUID (adjective) 

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 3rd & 4th October 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1

Meaning; Lacking enthusiasm, energy 

Synonyms: lethargic, lazy 

Antonyms: active, energetic 


  1. STRIFE (noun) 

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 3rd & 4th October 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_9.1

Meaning; Bitter conflict, sometimes violent

Synonyms: conflict, disagreement 

Antonyms: peace, agreement


  1. PIQUANT (adjective) 

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 3rd & 4th October 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_10.1

Meaning; Favorably stimulating to the palate; pleasantly spicy

Synonyms: stimulating, fascinating 

Antonyms: dull, bland


  1. HEFT (noun) 

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 3rd & 4th October 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_11.1

Meaning; Heaviness, the feel of weight 

Synonyms: heavy, burdensome 

Antonyms: light, floaty 


9. HEAVE (verb) 

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 3rd & 4th October 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_12.1

Meaning; To lift with difficulty 

Synonyms: carry, pull 

Antonyms: unload, put 


10. HIATUS (noun) 

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 3rd & 4th October 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_13.1

Meaning; An interruption, break or pause. 

Synonyms: pause, break 

Antonyms: closure, end 


11. INADVERTENT (adjective) 

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 3rd & 4th October 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_14.1

Meaning; Not intentional; not on purpose; not conscious.

Synonyms: reckless, careless 

Antonyms: cautious, careful


12. DEMUR (verb) 

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 3rd & 4th October 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_15.1

Meaning; To scruple or object; to take exception; to oppose

Synonyms: object 

Antonyms: confirm 


13. WINSOME (adjective) 


Meaning; Charming, engaging, winning; inspiring approval and trust

Synonyms: appealing, attractive 

Antonyms: repulsive, unattractive


14. HASTY (Adjective) 

Meaning; acting in haste; being too hurried or quick 

Synonyms: expeditious, hurried 

Antonyms: careful, cautious


15. LUCRE (noun) 

Meaning; Money, riches, or wealth 

Synonyms: capital 

Antonyms: debt 


16. MANGLE (verb) 

Meaning; To change, mutilate or disfigure by cutting, tearing

Synonyms: contort 

Antonyms: repair

Importance of Vocabulary Words in the English Language

  • The reading comprehension from which 50% of the English language section questions are based requires the candidate to have good reading skills and requires a good hold on the English vocabulary. A good vocabulary will give the candidates of a better understanding of the comprehension which will benefit them in scoring maximum marks.
  • A good vocabulary also helps a candidate to crack the interview round of the banking exams. The candidate can form a sentence perfectly if he/she has a good vocabulary.
  • Apart from the reading comprehension section, there are multiple English tests where vocabulary can be used.

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 24th September 2021_150.1

Vocabulary Words: Improve Your Vocabulary with Antonyms & Synonyms: 3rd & 4th October 2021 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_17.1