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Vocabulary for IBPS and Other Bank Exam 2016

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Meaning: simultaneous performance or utterance of action or speech.
Synonym:  (all) at once, at the same moment, (all) together, as one, in concert, in chorus
Sentence: “‘Yes, sir,’ said the girls in unison”

Meaning: a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill.
Synonym: quack, mountebank, sham, fraud, fake
Sentence: “a self-confessed con artist and charlatan”

Meaning: a future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty.
Synonym: incident, happening, occurrence, juncture, possibility,
Sentence: “a detailed contract which attempts to provide for all possible contingencies”

Meaning: (of a person) having an unemotional and stolidly calm disposition., not easily upset, excited, or angered
Synonym: composed; imperturbable,
Antonym:  histrionic, hot-blooded, impassioned,
Sentence: “the phlegmatic British character” 
a strangely phlegmatic response to what should have been happy news

Meaning:(of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.
Synonym:credible, reasonable, believable,
Antonym:unlikely, improbable
Sentence: “a plausible explanation”
Synonym:Excitement ,energy
Sentence: “ He approached every task with a boundless zest”

Meaning: in its original condition; unspoilt.
Synonym: immaculate, in perfect condition
Antonym: dirty, sullied
Sentence: “pristine copies of an early magazine”

Meaning: extremely hungry.
Synonym: starved, famished;
Antonym: full
Sentence: “I’d been out all day and was ravenous”

9. Alms
Meaning: Money or goods contributed to the poor
Synonym: dole, donation, assistance
Antonym: hindrance, injury
Sentence:She stopped, gave him an alms and then continued on her way.

Meaning: A conversation especially a formal one
Synonym: parley, conference, clambake
Antonym: quiet, silence
Sentence:They could scarcely have spoken a hundred words before their colloquy was at an end.

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Vocabulary for IBPS and Other Bank Exam 2016 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_5.1

Vocabulary for IBPS and Other Bank Exam 2016 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1
Vocabulary for IBPS and Other Bank Exam 2016 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_7.1

Vocabulary for IBPS and Other Bank Exam 2016 | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_8.1