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Sentence Connectors for SBI PO/CLERK Mains: 20th July 2018

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Sentence Connectors for SBI PO/CLERK Mains: 20th July 2018

Sentence Connectors for SBI PO-CLERK Mains
Its high time you should stick to your chairs and go through all the study matter which is very much needed to pass the exam along with the golden opportunity to let you score more. English  is thus counted as one of the among which creates heebie jeebies for most of the aspirants. Thus we are providing you with questions which will head you towards your goal. The provided quiz follows the study plan whose questions are structured according to the Mains level and through the medium of such types of questions covering one of the important topics like Reading Comprehension, Error Detection, Phrase Replacement etc., you can definitely crack any of the level as this is based on the type of questions that have come in the previous SBI PO mains exams and this quiz will also help aspirants preparing for BOB PO 2018.

Directions (1-15): In the following questions two columns are given containing three sentences/phrases each. In first column, sentences/phrases are A, B and C and in the second column the sentences/phrases are D, E and F. A sentence/phrase from the first column may or may not connect with another sentence/phrase from the second column to make a grammatically and contextually correct sentence. Each question has five options, four of which display the sequence(s) in which the sentences/phrases can be joined to form a grammatically and contextually correct sentence. If none of the options given forms a correct sentence after combination, mark (e), i.e. “None of the above” as your answer.
Column (1): Column (2):
(A) When grown on plastic culture plates, the mesenchymal stem cells (D) he couldn’t find any of the methods to solve it
(B) As Mohan ensured his mother of winning in the match (E) but she refused to take the help
(C) Shivali held her hand towards her friend (F) become large and flat, and also irregular in shape.
(a) (A-F)
(b) (C-E)
(c) Both (a)&(b)
(d) (A-D)
(e) None of the above

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S1. Ans.(c)


Column (1): Column (2):
(A) Removal of the cascading effect (D) the relationship of the two get still spoiled
(B) Random attempts were made against (E) is that she doesn’t know how to boil rice
(C) The reason behind such an extortion (F)  is one of the major outcomes of the demonetization
(a) (C-D)
(b) (C-E)
(c) Both (b)&(d)
(d) (A-F)
(e) None of the above
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S2. Ans.(d)


Column (1): Column (2):
(A) The removal of caps in FDI (D) has attracted the interest of many international investors
(B) The vision to create an India to use its own potential (E) in terms of economic growth for a country as a whole
(C) Some people claimed to be the eyewitness (F) is what is demanded by a developed country in terms of economy and social growth
(a) (C-E)
(b) (A-D) 
(c) (B-F)
(d) Both (b)&(c)
(e) None of the above
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S3. Ans.(d)


Column (1): Column (2):
(A) The ball stroked the window (D) which was too uncommon for a common person
(B) Her passion was to succeed in every field (E) got infused by the others
(C) The hand-held prop which was to be used in the play (F) breaking and entering the house 
(c)Both (a)&(b)
(e)None of the above
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S4. Ans.(b)


Column (1): Column (2):
(A) Her mother’s love was the only medicine (D) but remained useless to the matter of completion of the goal
(B) Lodhi wanted to conquer the kingdom (E) reason behind the failure of the venture of the two
(C) She was literally an insomniac (F) she needed to be healed
(a) (A-F)
(b) Both (c)&(d)
(c) (B-D)
(d) (A-E)
(e) None of the above
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S5. Ans.(a)


Column (1): Column (2):
(A) Globalization is a process of interaction and integration of people (D) happy atmosphere all round the world
(B) The under stated conception about the democracy had created a (E) companies and governments worldwide
(C) The movement evolved with the changes (F) made in the recipe of the dessert prepared by her
(a) Both (b)&(c)
(b) (C-D)
(c) (A-E)
(d) (A-F)
(e) None of the above
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S6. Ans.(c)


Column (1): Column (2):
(A) They stood by my side to provide (D) sudden decline in the shares of Mittals and Company
(B) I was hospitalized due to the (E) with bunch of flowers and garlands
(C) The community decided to fetter the thief (F) loads of confidence for the accomplishment of their objective related to the project
(a) (A-D)
(b) (B-E)
(c) (C-F)
(d) Both (a)&(c)
(e) None of the above
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S7. Ans.(e)
Sol. None of the statements connect


Column (1): Column (2):
(A) The awkward silence inside the hall was (D) composed a number of hit songs famous since 1986
(B) Shamsher was one of the best writers (E) too terrifying to be tolerated
(C) The overall development of a human (F) depends on how much intensified he/she is with the theories of evolution
(a) (A-E)
(b) Both (a)&(c)
(c) (C-F)
(d) (A-D)
(e) None of the above
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S8. Ans.(b)


Column (1): Column (2):
(A) In sarcasm, ridicule or mockery is used harshly, (D) often crudely and contemptuously, for destructive purposes.
(B) There will be a department devoted exclusively to the concerns of women, (E) with articles on fashions, on household decoration, on cooking, and the care and management of children, etc.
(C) The Manager of the company remained silent (F) but awarded as the “Best Female Actor” of the year. 
(a) (A-D)
(b) (B-E)
(c) Both (a)&(b)
(d) (C-F)
(e) None of the above
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S9. Ans.(c)


Column (1): Column (2):
(A) The problem becomes particularly acute in elderly patients (D) that curiosity can be easily seen in her voice
(B) You are so gorgeous (E) part of her daily routine however got thrashed
(C) The motivation seems to be the (F) as fewer number of mesenchymal stem cells can be recovered
(a) (A-F)
(b) (C-D)
(c) (C-E)
(d) (A-E)
(e) None of the above
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S10. Ans.(a)


Column (1): Column (2):
(A) There was none in the house (D) who is going to launch the 101th satellite
(B) My mother was astonished by the reactions (E) due to the heavy downpour happened on the same day
(C) The convocation was kept in abeyance (F) of my teacher at the parents-teacher meeting
(a) Both (b)&(c)
(b) (B-F)
(c) (C-E)
(d) (A-D)
(e) None of the above
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S11. Ans.(a)


Column (1): Column (2):
(A) The long awaited GST has been passed (D) wanted to be the CEO of the company
(B) For the propitious results, (E) he held everything in the hands of his father
(C) She wears high heels and sneakers (F) to simplify the tax regime in order to speed up the process
(a) (A-F)
(b) Both (a)&(c)
(c) (B-E)
(d) (C-D)
(e) None of the above
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S12. Ans.(b)


Column (1): Column (2):
(A) The remaining portion of the subject (D) the agenda to be discussed into the meeting 
(B) So it’s going to be forever (E) by the chef of the town who is most wanted personality of the year
(C) The laundry is about to be done (F) was to be taught by the another faculty of the department
(e)None of the above
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S13. Ans.(c)


Column (1): Column (2):
(A) My grandmother got a blank pan in the backyard of the house (D) and headed by the committee to resolve the issue 
(B) The head of the family has been treated (E) and demographic dividend explained very well
(C) She wrote a novel on the adversity (F) broken and shattered after his best friend left him
(d)Both (b)&(c)
(e)None of the above
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S14. Ans.(e)
Sol. None of the statements connect


Column (1): Column (2):
(A) The water of the flood ran down the (D) grocery store of the colony as a part of the end of season sale
(B) Bubble wrap had been stolen by the (E) lanes of the city creating a havoc all round
(C) The nourishment which was supposed to be given to the (F) children remained left alone
(e)None of the above
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S15. Ans.(d)

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