RBI has released advertisement for 926 posts of Assistant. Do not let this opportunity slip away. Adda 247 will provide you daily English Mock of “RBI Assistant Prelims English Daily Mock 18th January 2020. In today’s English Mock, we have the Cloze Test and Para Jumble Practice Set. Stay tuned with bankersadda to get English Quiz and boost your preparation for the upcoming bank exam. You can also prepare with the study plan for RBI Assistant available on the bankersadda website.
(A) He traced the lack of creativity to an education system that rewarded studiousness over independent thought.
(B) Building global IT giants may have more to do with an appetite for growing a business rather than anything else, Mr. Wozniak’s assessment of India’s education system is sharp.
(C) For good measure he likened this to the culture of Singapore, but here he may have missed a trick.
(D) He also managed an anthropological take when he identified the ‘MBA and the Merc’ as the mark of success in India’s corporate world.
(E) The per capita income of Singaporeans is quite close to that of Americans. And that country has achieved much of what it set out to do when it struck off on its own, which was to turn a swampy colonial port into a prosperous city state proudly independent of world powers.
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E
Hot weather is likely to lower children’s academic grades, said Harvard scientists, who have found that (6) temperatures make it (7) for students to study in lessons in school and concentrate on their homework. The research found that every 0.55-degree (8) above 21 degrees Celsius cost a child 1% in their exam scores.
Researchers from Harvard University in the U.S. (9) 10 million children’s test scores taken (10) 13 years. The study found that (11) weather made it harder to study lessons in school and to concentrate on homework out of school. It (12) air conditioning should be used to keep classrooms cool, the researchers said. Colder days did not damage achievement, however the reduction in learning accelerated once temperatures rose above 32 degrees Celsius and even more so above 38 degrees Celsius.
The data (13) that students were more likely to have lower scores in years with higher temperatures and (14) results in cooler years, ‘The Telegraph’ reported. This applied across the many different types of climate, whether in cooler northern U.S. states or in the southern states, where temperatures are (15) much higher.
(a) primeval
(b) current
(c) higher
(d) precocious
(e) evolved
(a) inhumane
(b) harder
(c) obdurate
(d) simpler
(e) malicious
(a) decline
(b) augment
(c) proliferate
(d) increase
(e) descent
(b) synthesized
(c) dissected
(d) amalgamated
(e) segmented
(a) through
(b) beyond
(c) after
(d) across
(e) about
(a) boiling
(b) freezing
(c) arctic
(d) moderate
(e) hotter
(a) judges
(b) suggests
(c) crosses
(d) focuses
(e) decides
(a) flaunted
(b) concealed
(c) absolved
(d) showed
(e) appeared
(a) inferior
(b) worst
(c) lofty
(d) subordinate
(e) better
(a) habitually
(b) radically
(c) typically
(d) voluminously
(e) strangely
Sol. The correct sequence of the sentences after rearrangement is BADCE. Hence, option (a) becomes the most suitable answer choice.
Sol. The correct sequence of the sentences after rearrangement is BADCE. Hence, option (b) becomes the most suitable answer choice.
Sol. The correct sequence of the sentences after rearrangement is BADCE. Hence, option (e) becomes the most suitable answer choice.
Sol. The correct sequence of the sentences after rearrangement is BADCE. Hence, option (c) becomes the most suitable answer choice.
Sol. The correct sequence of the sentences after rearrangement is BADCE. Hence, option (d) becomes the most suitable answer choice.
Sol. Option (c) is the correct choice. As mentioned in the previous statement that hot weather lowers children’s grades. So, the word “Higher” fits best in the context of the paragraph.
Primeval means of the earliest time in history.
Precocious means (of behaviour or ability) having developed at an earlier age than is usual or expected.
Evolved means develop gradually.
Sol. Option (b) is the correct choice. As mentioned in the previous statement that hot weather lowers children’s grades and we know that grades are lowered when students find it hard to study lessons in classroom and concentrate on their homework. So, the word “Harder” fits best in the context of the paragraph.
Inhumane means without compassion for misery or suffering; cruel.
Obdurate means stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action.
Malicious means characterized by malice; intending or intended to do harm.
Sol. Option (d) is the correct choice. As mentioned in the previous statement that hot weather lowers children’s grades. So, here the same is displayed with some statistics. The word “Increase” fits best in the context of the paragraph as certain amount of increase in the temperature above 21 degrees Celsius is costing 1% in the exam scores of students.
Augment means make (something) greater by adding to it.
Proliferate means increase rapidly in number; multiply.
Sol. Option (a) is the correct choice. “Analyzed” is the word that fits the best in context of the paragraph as researchers analyze data to reach to a conclusion.
Synthesized means combine (many things) into a coherent whole.
Dissected means having been cut up for anatomical study.
Amalgamated means combine or unite to form one organization or structure.
Segmented means consisting of or divided into segments.
Sol. Option (d) is the correct choice. Here a span of time is mentioned during which the experiment was conducted. So, “Across” is the word the fits the best here.
Beyond means at or to the further side of.
Sol. Option (e) is the correct choice. As the central idea of the passage revolves around decrease in marks of the students with increase in temperature, so, the word “Hotter” fits the best in context of the passage, as hotter weather will make it hard for the students to study lessons in school and to concentrate on homework out of school.
Arctic means (of weather conditions) very cold.
Sol. Option (b) is the correct choice. “Suggests” is the word that fits the best in context of the paragraph, as the study conducted will suggest measures that should be taken to eradicate the issue mentioned in the passage.
Sol. Option (d) is the correct choice. “Showed” is the word that fits the best in context of the paragraph, as the data of the study conducted will show some results.
Flaunted means display (something) ostentatiously, especially to provoke envy or admiration or to show defiance.
Concealed means kept secret; hidden.
Absolved means declare (someone) free from guilt, obligation, or punishment.
Sol. Option (e) is the correct choice. “Better” is the word that fits the best in context of the paragraph, as the results which are lowering in higher temperatures will get better in colder years.
Inferior means lower in rank, status, or quality.
Lofty means of imposing height.
Subordinate means of less or secondary importance.
Sol. Option (c) is the correct choice. “Typically” is the word that fits the best in context of the paragraph.
Typically means in most cases; usually.
Habitually means by way of habit; customarily.
Radically means in a thorough or fundamental way; completely.
Strangely means in an unusual or surprising way.