Example/उदाहरण: As the country prepares to migrate to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime from July 1, textile and clothing exporters rest their hopes on the continuance of duty drawback taking into account all levies.
1. Levy [lev-ee]=उगाही
Noun/संज्ञा: an imposing or collecting, as of a tax, by authority or force; the amount owed or collected; the conscription of troops; the troops conscripted.
Verb/क्रिया: to impose; to conscript (troops); to , t or wage.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: burden, duty, excise, fee, tariff, collection, custom.
Example/उदाहरण: For an international buyer, it is what India brings to the table beyond product, quality, and reliability.
2. Reliability [ri-lahy-uh-bil-i-tee]=विश्वसनीयता
Noun/संज्ञा: the ability to be relied on or depended on, as for accuracy, honesty, or achievement.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: accuracy, authenticity, honesty, loyalty, safety, security, soundness.
Antonyms/विपरीतार्थी: danger, falsehood, disloyalty, inconstancy, treachery, unsteadiness.
Example/उदाहरण: However, there are certain levies that are not subsumed in the GST and these should be refunded, say exporters.
4. Subsume [suh b-soom]=किसी नियम के अंतर्गत करना
Verb/क्रिया: to consider or include (an idea, term, proposition, etc.) as part of a more comprehensive one; to bring (a case, instance, etc.) under a rule; to take up into a more inclusive classification.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: classify, contain, incorporate, involve.
Antonym/विपरीतार्थी: exclude.
Example/उदाहरण: From fibre upwards in the value chain, the textile and clothing sector is strong in spinning and garmenting segments.
5. Spin [spin]=घूमना
Verb/क्रिया: to make (yarn) by drawing out, twisting, and winding fibers; to form (the fibers of any material) into thread or yarn; (of spiders, silkworms, etc.) to produce (a thread, cobweb, gossamer, silk, etc.) by extruding from the body a long, slender filament of a natural viscous matter that hardens in the air.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: spiral, twist, circuit, gyration, revolution, roll.
Antonyms/विपरीतार्थी: stagnation, immobility, inaction, inactivity.
Example/उदाहरण: This requires substantial incentives to strengthen the weaving and processing segments.
6. Substantial [suh b-stan-shuh l]=पर्याप्त
Adjective/विशेषण: of ample or considerable amount, quantity, size, etc.; of a corporeal or material nature; tangible; real; of solid character or quality; firm, stout, or strong; basic or essential; fundamental.
Noun/संज्ञा: something substantial.
Example/उदाहरण: Rancour is no substitute for due diligence.
7. Rancour [rang-ker]=विद्वेष
Noun/संज्ञा: bitter, rankling resentment or ill will; hatred; malice.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: acrimony, animosity, animus, antagonism, bad blood, enmity, grudge, harshness, hatred.
Antonyms/विपरीतार्थी: friendliness, friendship, good will, kindness, likeliking.
8. Diligence [dil-i-juh ns]=परिश्रम
Noun/संज्ञा: constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken; persistent exertion of body or mind; Law. the degree of care and caution required by the circumstances of a person.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: alertness, earnestness, intensity, quickness, vigor, activity, application.
Antonyms/विपरीतार्थी: inactivity, lethargy, carelessness, disregard, idleness, ignorance, inattention.
Example/उदाहरण: All criticisms against the article flow from a rejoinder written by Anil Kumar Suri, a materials scientist.
9. Rejoinder [ri-join-der]=पत्युत्तर
Noun/संज्ञा: an answer to a reply; response; Law. a defendant’s answer to a plaintiff’s replication.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: rebuttal, repartee, retort, comeback, confutation, counterargument, countercharge.
Antonyms/विपरीतार्थी: question, request.
Example/उदाहरण: They then deploy due diligence to scan the copy for journalistic rigour before it is put out in the public domain.
10. Deploy [dih-ploi]=तैनात
Verb/क्रिया: Military. to spread out (troops) so as to form an extended front or line; to arrange in a position of readiness, or to move strategically or appropriately.
Synonyms/समानार्थी: expand, open, set up, use, arrange, display, dispose, extend.
Antonyms/विपरीतार्थी: conclude, end, finish, conceal, disarrange, disorder, displace.