IBPS PO Prelims English Quiz
The English language perplexes most of the students and makes one nervous during the examination even if the answer to the question is known. But there are no formulas to cramp or the longer the calculation to deal with. The mistakes that occur are because of the lack of confidence. With proper strategy, Study Notes, Quizzes, Vocabulary one can calm his/her nerves and excel in no time. Make the reading newspaper, editorial a habit, and also participate in the daily quiz. The IBPS PO 2019 is just one step away from your reach. Here is the quiz under the Study Plan ‘FATEH’, on the IBPS PO Prelims English Quiz and we have English Misc Quiz for 24th of August 2019.
Directions (1-7): Given below the sentences each of which has been divided into four parts. Each of the questions is then followed by the five options which give the sequence of the rearranged parts. You must choose the option which gives the correct sequence of the parts. If the sentence is already arranged in the correct sequence or the correct sequence doesn’t match with any of the given sequence, mark option (e).i.e. “No rearrangement required” as your answer.
and the BJP have together sacrificed (A)/ at the end of the day, the Congress (B)/ altar of national security (C)/ individual liberties at the (D)/No arrangement required
(e)No rearrangement required
S1. Ans. (a)
While going through the passage, only arrangement (a) makes a contextually correct sentence. The sentence formed after the arrangement is “At the end of the day, the Congress and the BJP have together sacrificed individual liberties at the altar of national security”
the League could get up to 38% of (A)/ soon, Mr Salvini is on course to become PM (B)/the popular vote if polls are held (C)/ with opinion polls suggesting that (D)/No arrangement required
(e)No rearrangement required
S2. Ans. (b)
While going through the passage, only arrangement (b) makes a contextually correct sentence. The sentence formed after the arrangement is “With opinion polls suggesting that the League could get up to 38% of the popular votes if polls are held soon, Mr Salvini is on course to become PM”
essential Liberty, to purchase a (A)/ little temporary Safety, deserve (B)/ neither Liberty nor Safety (C)/ those who would give up (D)/ No arrangement required
(e)No rearrangement required
S3. Ans. (c)
While going through the passage, only arrangement (c) makes a contextually correct sentence. The sentence formed after the arrangement is “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety“
back door for identifying originators (A)/ pleaded inability to open a (B)/ end-to-end encryption have (C)/ technology companies that use (D)/ No arrangement required
(e)No rearrangement required
S4. Ans. (d)
While going through the passage, only arrangement (d) makes a contextually correct sentence. The sentence formed after the arrangement is “Technology companies that use end-to-end encryption have pleaded inability to open a back door for identifying originators”
The State government is batting (A)/for better assistance from (B)/ intermediaries and social media companies (C)/to trace offending messages (D)/ No arrangement required
(e)No rearrangement required
S5. Ans. (e)
While going through the parts of the sentence, it seems to be contextually and grammatically correct, hence no rearrangement is required
demonetisation year, is the best (A)/ as per the revised estimate the (B)/ as far as GDP growth is concerned (C)/ in the Modi government’s first tenure (D)/No arrangement required
(e)No rearrangement required
S6. Ans. (a)
While going through the passage, only arrangement (a) makes a contextually correct sentence. The sentence formed after the arrangement is “As per the revised estimate the demonetisation year, is the best in the Modi government’s first tenure as far as GDP growth is concerned”
to cause disaffection against India (A)/ almost any utterance on social media (B)/as one which causes or is intended (C)/ these days can be construed (D)/No arrangement required
(e)No rearrangement required
S7. Ans. (b)
While going through the passage, only arrangement (b) makes a contextually correct sentence. The sentence formed after the arrangement is “Almost any utterance on social media these days can be construed as one which causes or is intended to cause disaffection against India”
Directions (8-15): In the following questions, a word is given in bold followed by three sentences. Choose the appropriate option mentioning the sentence(s) that uses the highlighted word in a grammatically correct and contextually meaningful manner.
(I) Their disentangle and rhetoric are often hard to study in the autobiographical strata of the novel.
(II) In a progressive condition such as cystic fibrosis, it is difficult to disentangle the effects of age from those of disease severity.
(III) From the point of view of disentangle, it makes no difference whether we have before us a prose poem or rhymed verse.
(a)Both (I) and (II)
(b)Only (I)
(c)Only (II)
(d)Both (I) and (III)
(e)None of these
S8. Ans. (a)
“disentangle” means “Free something or someone from something that they are entangled with”. Here, only statement (I) and (II) carry a similar meaning thus making the sentence contextually correct.
(I)The extent to which other factors, such as experience or training, affect reading envisage is also helpful.
(II) Fiction, by envisaging new forms of social organization, may enable us to envisage new forms of social justice.
(III) Rheumatoid arthritis is an envisage disease associated with increased microparticle production.
(a)Both (I) and (II)
(b)Only (II)
(c)Only (I)
(d)Both (I) and (III)
(e)None of these
S9. Ans. (b)
“Envisage” means “Contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event”. Only statement (II) stands correct.
(I)With each new anti-fraud test, semblance olive oil importers discover new ways to get around the rule.
(II) The aforementioned birds are as semblance as humans, at least as far as habitat goes.
(III) Subsidies for inputs, extension services, and procurement assurances provide a semblance of stability to agricultural production.
(a)Both (I) and (II)
(b)Only (II)
(c)Only (III)
(d)Both (I) and (III)
(e)None of these
S10. Ans. (c)
“Semblance” means “The outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different”. Only statement (III) is correct carrying the actual meaning of the highlighted word.
(I) There is an unfailing meticulousness, consistency of approach, measured estranged , and a no-nonsense tone to his prose.
(II) During that period he became even more estranged from the majority of the republicans.
(III) The movie is a twisted satire on the feel-good genre in which an estranged family member returns to the fold and redeems himself.
(a)Both (I) and (II)
(b)Only (II)
(c)Only (III)
(d)Both (II) and (III)
(e)None of these
S11. Ans. (d)
“Estranged” means “Cause someone to be no longer on friendly terms with someone”. Here, only (II) and (III) statement are correct.
(I) Topics covered would include everything from base-level planning to commanding the airbase in a perilous
(II) Yarmouk Hospital has one of the busiest perilous and obstetrics wards in Baghdad.
(III) The next morning it became clear that Ireland was in the grip of a warlike state of national perilously.
(a)Both (I) and (II)
(b)Only (II)
(c)Only (III)
(d)Both (II) and (III)
(e)None of these
S12. Ans. (e)
The term “perilous” refers to “Full of danger or risk”. Here none of the statements given above have the correct usage of this term. Therefore, the answer will be (e) None of these.
(I)There has been enough mockery in the Western media concerning the proclivity of Chinese people to create counterfeit Western goods.
(II) Even the proclivity that fell were automatic, more a reflex action than reflection of any real emotion.
(III) This proclivity boast has been followed by a savage and shameless campaign of suicide bombings.
(a)Only (I)
(b)Only (II)
(c)Only (III)
(d)Both (II) and (III)
(e)None of these
S13. Ans. (a)
“Proclivity” means “A tendency to choose or do something regularly”. Only the statement (I) stand correct here.
(I)We need puritanical and a surveillance system that ensures early recognition of a disease problem.
(II) His coach believes in rules and regulations and has puritanical standards for behavior.
(III)They include puritanical, safe farm practices, prudent use of antibiotics and chemicals, pasteurisation and meat contamination.
(a)Only (I)
(b)Only (II)
(c)Only (III)
(d)Both (II) and (III)
(e)None of these
S14. Ans. (b)
“Puritanical” means “Having or displaying a very strict or censorious moral attitude towards self-indulgence”. Only statement (II) carries correct usage of the given word.
(I) As the community is small, complete transparency and traceability is guaranteed.
(II) In addition, traceability was extended to the sheep sector with the introduction of individual sheep tagging.
(III) Traceability from field to plate is essential in today’s consumer market.
(a)Only (I)
(b)Only (II)
(c)Only (III)
(d)All of the above
(e)None of these
S15. Ans. (d)
The term “traceability” means “The quality of having an origin or course of development that may be found or followed; trackable” All the three statements are correct. Thus, option (d) is the right answer choice.
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