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Fillers for SBI Clerk Prelims: 18th May 2018

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Sentence Connectors for SBI Clerk Prelims: 16th May 2018

Today is the Day 27 of the SBI Clerk 60 Days Study Plan. This section can be easy as pie if your basics are clear. Sometimes, even those who can communicate very well in English, fail to perform to the best of their ability in the banking exams. So, instead of boiling the ocean, try building up a strong vocabulary, an effective knowledge of grammar, and efficient comprehension skills so as to be on the ball to face this particular section. Here is a quiz on Sentence Connectors being provided by Adda247 to let you practice the best of latest pattern English Questions.

Directions(1-15):In each of the following sentence, there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence, there are five options and each blank is to be filled with the same word given below to make the sentence correct. Fill up the sentences with the correct word.

Q1. (I) If I receive ………… service in a restaurant, I generally will not return to that establishment.
(II) I hope the medicine is not causing you to be sleepy and …………
(a) healthy
(b) filthy
(c) lackadaisical
(d) flabbergasted
(e) hackneyed

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S1. Ans.(c)
Sol. lackadaisical- lazy; showing no interest

Q2. (I) There are ………. passages in the system, but it is now rapidly becoming a major thoroughfare.
(II) Though these reasons were very insufficient and ………, no one made any rejoinder.
(a) pinnacle
(b) bewildered
(c) exasperated
(d) amaze
(e) obscure

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S2. Ans.(e)
Sol. obscure- hidden or out of sight

Q3. (I) He had the imagination that invested with personal being and ethical qualities the most ……… notions.
(II) This investigation was first published in 1824 and in ……… and difficult form, and afterwards (1826) more elaborately in the first volume of Crelle’s Journal.
(a) whimsical
(b) abstruse
(c) violent
(d) tranquil
(e) moderate

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S3. Ans.(b)
Sol. abstruse- hard to understand

Q4. (I) Moreover, his attention was engaged on studies which ultimately led to his doctrine of ……… heat.
(II) While possessing considerable gifts of mind and a ……… fund of energy, he seldom acted or reflected until the favorable moment had passed.
(a) latent
(b) vague
(c) opaque
(d) obvious
(e) stigmatic

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S4. Ans.(a)
Sol. latent- hidden

Q5. (I) I’m sure God has forgiven their little transgressions and the two of them are ……… for their actions.
(II) At the airport, the meter registers nine pounds, and of course he had said six or seven. I have a sense now of his feeling somewhat ………, or perhaps only abashed.
(a) pardoning
(b) contrary
(c) contrite
(d) trite
(e) alleged

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S5. Ans.(c)
Sol. contrite- sincerely penitent or feeling regret or sorrow; apologetic

Q6. (I) The ………. defiance was so sweetly uttered, he didn’t know how to respond.
(II) Sofia watched, astonished at the ……… display, and almost didn’t prep herself for her first encounter.
(a) combative
(b) cacophonous
(c) bold
(d) blatant
(e) belligerent

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S6. Ans.(d)
Sol. blatant- disagreeably clamorous; sounding loudly and harshly

Q7. (I) So long as they were powerful, the crown had treated with them, but when once their power began to …….., it was certain that the crown would crush them.
(II) These latter are few in number, and some of them barely suffice for purposes of agricultural irrigation, and in summer ……….. down to small nills.
(a) weak
(b) dwindle
(c) fragile
(d) demolish
(e) swindle

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S7. Ans.(b)
Sol. dwindle– to decrease or shrink; reduce

Q8. (I) He ……….. his last remaining strength, took hold of his left hand with his right, and reached the bushes.
(II) Lethington was to be tried, but his armed friends ……… in great numbers, and, secure in the castle, he and Kirkcaldy upheld the cause of Mary.
(a) contributed
(b) approached
(c) formed
(d) mobbed
(e) mustered

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S8. Ans.(e)
Sol. mustered- gathered

Q9. (I) She ………. into the food on her plate, discovering that Brandon wasn’t bragging about his mother’s cooking.
(II) She shivered despite her lamb’s wool coat, her hands ……….. deep into pockets that contained weapons.
(a) hidden
(b) drowned
(c) sank
(d) plunged
(e) kept

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S9. Ans.(d)
Sol. plunged– the act of submerging

Q10. (I) Let every one mind his own business, and ……….. to be what he was made.
(II) Do not stay to be an overseer of the poor, but ……….. to become one of the worthies of the world.
(a) endeavor
(b) enthusiasm
(c) strife
(d) attempt
(e) try

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S10. Ans.(a)
Sol. endeavor– efforts

Q11. (I) Wynn’s breath caught at the stark pronouncement from the ………… deity.
(II) These ………. speeches were all that the multitudes got, but the disciples in private were taught their lesson of hope.
(a) roaring
(b) bombastic
(c) enigmatic
(d) ill-famed
(e) barbarous

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S11. Ans.(c)
Sol. enigmatic– maze; difficult to understand

Q12. (I) If driven over hard they ……….. to the towns, where hands were needed as much as in the countryside, or migrated to districts where the statute was laxly administered.
(II) There upon he ……….. by night, and took sanctuary in the abbey of Beaulieu.
(a) eluded
(b) eloped
(c) abstained
(d) absconded
(e) vanished

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S12. Ans.(d)
Sol. abscond- to flee

Q13. (I) Pierre walked along, looking from side to side, counting his steps in threes, and ……….. them off on his fingers.
(II) But what then is to be made of the above ………… when it was taken over by the Apocalyptist who wrote in Domitian’s reign ?
(a) reckoning
(b) beckoning
(c) writing
(d) hiding
(e) maintaining

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S13. Ans.(a)
Sol. reckoning– the action of calculating or estimating

Q14. (I) Among the other invertebrate groups there is also a large proportion of …….. species.
(II) Most notable of all, yellow fever was eradicated where it had been ………. for centuries.
(a) epidemic
(b) endemic
(c) endangered
(d) prevailing
(e) residing

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S14. Ans.(b)
Sol. endemic– native to particular area or culture

Q15. (I) During the dry season the climate is healthy, but dysentery and ………. fever are not uncommon.
(II) By reason of their ……… action they are only suited for use in driving galleries or in pillar-and-stall workings.
(a) intermittent
(b) internment
(c) scattered
(d) rapidly
(e) drastic

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S15. Ans.(a)
Sol. intermittent- stopping and starting at intervals

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