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English Quizzes For RBI Grade B/ECGC PO/ SIDBI Grade A Prelims 2022 : 10th April – Practice set

English Quizzes For RBI Grade B/ECGC PO/ SIDBI Grade A Prelims 2022 : 10th April – Practice set | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Practice set


(1-10): In the following questions, a part of the sentence is given in bold
which may or may not be fitting into the sentence either due to grammatical
error or contextual error. There are four expressions given below each
sentence, out of which one of them can be used to replace the existing
highlighted phrase to make the sentence both grammatically and contextually correct.
Choose the most appropriate alternative among the five options that determine
the correct phrase that should replace the phrase given in bold. If the phrase
given in bold doesn’t require any replacement, choose option (e) i.e., “No
correction required” as your answer.


Q1. The banking industry had begun already incorporating blockchain.

(a) began already

(b) has already begun

(c) have already begun

(d) will began already

(e) no replacement required

Q2. Thoughts are helpful in the field of
science, rather thinking cannot be given
the touch of experience of the supreme truth, the inner core.

(a) however, thinking merely must not give

(b) since thinking merely would not give

(c) yet mere thanking should not

(d) but mere thinking cannot give

(e) no replacement required

Q3. Predicting how an industry will fare
further down the line has never been
more difficult
because of the swift changes brought on by technology—and
with such swift changes comes uncertainty.

(a) have been more difficult

(b) is most difficult

(c) have never been difficult

(d) had not become more difficult

(e) no replacement required

Q4. As we settle into another long summer, I am finding for first time I am ready
for the holidays.

(a) me finding for the first time

(b) I did found for the first time

(c) I find that for the first time

(d) I have found that for first time

(e) no replacement required

Q5. The hospital restrict the number of visitor who can enter the intensive care

(a) restricting the number of visitor

(b) restricts the number of visitors

(c) restricted the number for visitors

(d) restriction for number of visitors

(e) no replacement required

Q6. Next time I switch jobs, I needed work that could let me make
use of the experience I’ve gained up to now.

(a) I need work that will

(b) I would work that

(c) I would need work that would

(d) I needed work that will

(e) no replacement required

Q7. They would probably be leaving very soon
and anything she had done hurrying
the process meant they would get to Ashley sooner.

(a) she did hurriedly

(b) she might have done hurriedly

(c) she do to hurry

(d) she could do to hurry

(e) no replacement required

L1Difficulty 2

QTags sentence improvement


Q8. The dacoits looted the house and before the
police arrived the things were taken

(a) the things was taken away

(b) they took away the things

(c) the things were taken off

(d) they taken away the things

(e) no replacement required


Q9. The
changing Henry’s life is drastic
when he lost all his money on the stock

(a) Henry’s drastically changing life

(b) Henry’s life changed drastically

(c) The drastic changes in Henry’s life

(d) The life of Henry changed drastically

(e) no replacement required

Q10. Everyone felt sorry for Kevin since his
wife’s immoderate shopping bills always exceeded the amount of money he made.

(a) amount of money he makes

(b) the amount of money he have made

(c) amount for money he made

(d) the amount makes by him

(e) no replacement required

Directions (11-15):
In each of the following sentence, there are two blank spaces. Below in each
sentence, there are five options and each option consists of two words which
can be filled up in the provided blanks respectively to make the sentence
grammatically and coherently correct. Find the most appropriate set of words
that fit into the blanks contextually.

Q11. ______________ of capitalism across the
border ______________ the entire economy of the once struggling country.

(a) diffusion, changed

(b) distribution, viewed

(c) achievement, gained

(d) recognition, held

(e) accumulation, developed


Q12. She was a healthy, vigorous woman, and,
by______________ of great pains, succeeded in ______________ her beauty late
into life.

(a) dint, retaining

(b) ability, transforming

(c) ineptitude, protecting

(d) suffer, viewing

(e) effort, revamping


Q13. The______________ surfaced after Congress
decided to explore ways to overhaul the______________ federal tax system.

(a) programs, efficient

(b) plans, livid

(c) propositions, simplified

(d) proposals, cumbersome

(e) applications, convenient

Q14. Despite a huge ______________ of Jews from
Russia, the congestion within the pale is the cause of terrible ______________
and misery.

(a) exile, affluence

(b) emigration, destitution

movement, luxuriance

(d) settlement, poverty

occupancy, execution

Q15. The head of the country ______________
parliament so he could establish a/ an ______________ and rule without

(a) destroyed, competition

(b) transferred, tyranny

(c) developed, dictatorship

(d) studied, democracy

(e) abolished, autocracy



S1. Ans. (b)

Sol. To make the sentence grammatically
correct, replace the phrase given in bold with [has already begun]. Here,
“already” is an adverb which should be placed in the mid position in the
sentence i.e., after the first auxiliary verb or after a modal verb when more
than one verb is present. Moreover, the subject [The banking industry] is
singular, therefore, the verb associated with the subject should also be in its
singular form. Hence, option (b) becomes the most suitable answer choice.

S2. Ans. (d)

Sol. The sentence can be made grammatically
correct and contextually meaningful by replacing the phrase given in bold by
[but mere thinking cannot give]. “rather” is an adverb which is used to
indicate one’s preference in a particular matter. However, there’s no
comparison provided. Therefore, the correct conjunction to provide the sentence
a contextual meaning should be “but” or “yet”. 
The conjunction “but” is used to introduce a phrase or clause
contrasting with what has already been mentioned. However, option (c) is
contextually incorrect. Hence, option (d) becomes the most viable answer

S3. Ans. (e)

Sol. The given sentence is grammatically
correct and contextually meaningful. As, the phrase given in bold completely
justifies the grammatical and contextual structure of the sentence, it does not
require any correction or replacement. Hence, option (e) becomes the most
suitable answer choice.

S4. Ans. (c)

Sol. To make the sentence grammatically
correct, replace the phrase given in bold by [I find that for the first time].
It is to be noted that the definite article “the” is used before ordinal
numbers such as ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’ etc. Moreover, the correct phrase
with no grammatical errors is option (c) which is making the sentence
contextually correct. Thus, it becomes the most suitable answer choice.

S5. Ans. (b)

Sol. The correct phrase that should replace the
incorrect phrase in bold should be “restricts the number of visitors”. It is to
be noted that the subject [the hospital] in the sentence is singular which
should be associated with the singular verb, hence the correct form of verb
should be “restricts”. Moreover, the expression “the number of”
always takes a plural noun hence, option (b) becomes the most viable choice to
replace the phrase given in bold to make the sentence grammatically correct.

S6. Ans. (a)

Sol. The sentence can be made grammatically
correct and contextually meaningful by replacing the phrase given in bold [I
needed work that could] by [I need work that will]. All the other given
expressions fail to be grammatically correct. Hence, option (a) becomes the
most suitable answer choice.

S7. Ans. (d)

Sol. The sentence can be made grammatically
correct and contextually meaningful by replacing the phrase given in bold [she
had done hurrying] by [she could do to hurry]. All the other given expressions
fail to be grammatically correct. Hence, option (d) becomes the most suitable
answer choice.

S8. Ans. (b)

Sol. When the actions performed by the doer is
more than one then we use active voice for those actions.

S9. Ans. (b)       

Sol. The correct phrase that should replace the
incorrect phrase given in bold should be “Henry’s life changed drastically”. It
is to be noted when a living thing owns something, apostrophe (‘) and “s” is
used while when a non-living thing “owns” something, “of” is used; example–
“Mr. Sharma’s hat” and, “The cap of the pen”. Therefore, option (b) becomes
grammatically as well as contextually correct answer choice.

S10. Ans. (e)

Sol. The given sentence is grammatically
correct and contextually meaningful. As, the phrase given in bold completely
justifies the grammatical and contextual structure of the sentence, it does not
require any correction or replacement. Hence, option (e) becomes the most
suitable answer choice.

S11. Ans. (a)

Sol. The most appropriate set of words that
perfectly fits in the blanks of the sentence is ‘diffusion, changed’.
‘Diffusion’ is a noun which means the spreading of something more widely,
while; ‘changed’ means make or become different. As, only these two words
provide absolute meaning to the given sentence, option (a) becomes the most
suitable answer choice.

Recognition means the action or process of recognizing
or being recognized, in particular.

Accumulation means the acquisition or gradual
gathering of something.

S12. Ans. (a)

Sol. The most appropriate set of words that
perfectly fits in the context of the sentence is ‘dint, retaining’. ‘Dint’ is a
noun which means ‘force of attack; impact’. ‘retaining’ is a verb which means
to continue to have (something); keep possession of. As, only these two words
provide absolute meaning to the given sentence, option (a) becomes the most
suitable answer choice.

Ineptitude means lack of skill or ability.

Revamping means to give new and improved form,
structure, or appearance to.

S13. Ans. (d)

Sol. The most appropriate set of words that
perfectly fits in the context of the sentence is ‘proposals, cumbersome’. ‘Proposals’
is a noun which means ‘a plan or suggestion, especially a formal or written
one, put forward for consideration by others’. ‘Cumbersome’ is an adjective
which means ‘slow or complicated and therefore inefficient’. As, only these two
words provide absolute meaning to the given sentence, option (d) becomes the
most suitable answer choice.

S14. Ans. (b)

Sol. The most appropriate set of words that
perfectly fits in the context of the sentence is ‘emigration, destitution’.
‘Emigration’ is a noun which means the act of leaving one’s own country to
settle permanently in another; moving abroad. ‘destitution’ is a noun which
means poverty so extreme that one lacks the means to provide for oneself. As,
only these two words provide absolute meaning to the given sentence, option (b)
becomes the most suitable answer choice.

Exile means the state of being barred from
one’s native country, typically for political or punitive reasons.

Affluence means the state of having a great
deal of money; wealth.

Execution means the carrying out of a plan,
order, or course of action.

S15. Ans. (e)

Sol. The most appropriate set of words that
perfectly fits in the context of the sentence is ‘abolished, autocracy’.
‘Abolished’ is a verb which means formally put an end to (a system, practice,
or institution). ‘autocracy’ is a noun which means a system of government by
one person with absolute power. As, only these two words provide absolute
meaning to the given sentence, option (e) becomes the most suitable answer

Tyranny means cruel and oppressive government
or rule.

Dictatorship means a country governed by a



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English Quizzes For RBI Grade B/ECGC PO/ SIDBI Grade A Prelims 2022 : 10th April – Practice set | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_6.1