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English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 20th March – Practice Set

English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 20th March – Practice Set | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_3.1

TOPIC: Practice Set

Directions (1-5): In each of the
questions given below four words are given in bold. These four words may or may
not be in their correct position. The sentence is then followed by options with
the correct combination of words that should replace each other in order to
make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Find the correct
combination of the words that replace each other. If the sentence is correct as
it is then select option ‘
No correction required’ as your choice.


Q1. India taking up Russia’s violation (1) of discounted
crude oil would not be a/an offer (3) of US sanctions (4),
the White House has said.

(a) 2-4 and 1-3

(b) Only 2 and 4

(c) No correction required

(d) 1-4 and 2-3

(e) Only 1 and 3


Q2. The Russian woman (1) who held a “No
War” sign during live state TV news bulletin (2) to protest against
the attack (3) on Ukraine was fined 30,000 roubles (approximately
₹21,000) by a court (4).

(a) No correction required

(b) 2-4 and 1-3

(c) Only 1-4

(d) Only 2-3

(e) 1-2 and 3-4


Q3. Indian-American Station (1) Raja Chari, who
arrived on the Space astronaut (2) last year will walk out of the safety
of the airlock into the spacewalk (3) of space to conduct his first vacuum

(a) Only 3-4

(b) No correction required

(c) Both 3-4 and 1-2

(d) Both 1-4 and 2-3

(e) Only 1-2


Q4. Nearly all the world’s countries kicked off an
UN-backed meeting Monday livelihoods (1) at preventing the loss of biodiversity
which is seen as critical to avoid the extinction of many vulnerable
species, the emergence of pathogens like the coronavirus, and the
damage to both lives and aimed (4) of people around the world,
Indigenous peoples in particular.

(a) Only 2-4

(b) Both 2-3 and 1-4

(c) No correction required

(d) Only 1-4

(e) Both 1-3 and 2-4


Q5. The Hubble Telescope (1), which is all set to
get a new continues (2) in the James Webb Space Telescope, partner
to be the eyes and ears beyond Earth’s orbit (4).

(a) Both 2-4 and 1-3

(b) Only 2-3

(c) No correction required

(d) Only 1-2

(e) Both 1-2 and 3-4


Directions (6-10) There are certain words missing in the
passage given below. The options given contain an answer that will fit in those
given blanks. Choose the correct word to be used to make the sentence coherent
and grammatically correct.


We live in an age when the future is more 6) ________________
than it’s ever been before. Most of this uncertainty arises because of one
simple, inescapable fact the world is constantly changing. New words and terms
have been coined. Jobs have evolved. Skills have changed. An age of disruption
is upon us, and if the next generation is to survive and thrive in this new job
market, a major overhaul of the education system is 7) ________________
required. The gap between the skills taught in traditional education systems
and the skills required in the real world has never been wider. Traditional
classrooms have always approached education with a one-size-fits-all mindset. A/an
8) _____________, predetermined curriculum would be decided upon and every
student, no matter their aptitude or inclination, would be measured against its
standard. This left brain-centric approach, which 9) ____________________ the
teaching of logical and analytical skills, is rapidly being supplanted by
automation. Meanwhile, right-brain strengths such as creative thinking,
intuition, and problem-solving in short, all of the skills that can’t be
automated or assigned to computers remain ignored and underdeveloped. The 10)
_______________ to teach these vital life skills in classrooms comes down to
two simple reasons an inadequate and outdated curriculum, and a lack of
properly trained faculty.



(a) acrobatic

(b) addictive

(c) uncertain

(d) terrestrial

(e) materialistic



(a) urgently

(b) jaggedly

(c) daintily

(d) mockingly

(e) wearily



(a) cumbersome

(b) rigid

(c) eloquent

(d) effervescent

(e) triumphant



(a) castigates

(b) alienates

(c) deprives

(d) prioritises

(e) verbalizes



(a) honesty

(b) failure

(c) research

(d) assistance

(e) motivation

Directions (11-15): Choose the synonyms for the words given
in bold from the given options.


Q11. Fiendish

(a) Conscientious

(b) Intellectual

(c) Cruel

(d) Illiberal

(e) None of these


Q12. Synopsis

(a) Summary

(b) Obliged

(c) Theological

(d) Malicious

(e) None of these


Q13. Embargo

(a) Contemplative

(b) Conventional

(c) Apathetic

(d) Impediment

(e) None of these


Q14. Temerity

(a) Benevolence

(b) Defile

(c) Forsake

(d) Boldness

(e) None of these


Q15. Obsolete

(a) Obdurate

(b) Cloak

(c) Antiquated

(d) Reverence

(e) None of these


S1. Ans (e)

Sol. Here, 1-3 i.e., ‘offer- violation’ will be replaced to
make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

The sentence thus formed is: India taking up Russia’s offer
of discounted (2) crude oil would not be a violation (1)
of US sanctions (4), the White House has said.

Ans (a)

Sol. The sentence requires no correction as all the words
are in their designated places.

Ans (c)

Sol. Here, both 1-2 and 3-4 i.e., ‘Station – astronaut’
& ‘vacuum- spacewalk’ will be replaced to make the sentence grammatically
and contextually correct.

The sentence thus formed is: Indian-American astronaut
Raja Chari, who arrived on the Space Station (1) last year will
walk out of the safety of the airlock into the vacuum (4) of space to
conduct his first spacewalk (3).

Ans (d)

Sol. Here, 1-4 i.e., ‘aimed – livelihoods’ will be replaced
to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

The sentence thus formed is: Nearly all the world’s
countries kicked off an UN-backed meeting Monday aimed (4) at preventing
the loss of biodiversity (2) which is seen as critical to avoid the
extinction of many vulnerable (3) species, the emergence of pathogens
like the coronavirus, and the damage to both lives and livelihoods (1)
of people around the world, Indigenous peoples in particular.

Ans (b)

Sol. Here, 2-3 i.e., ‘partner – continues’ will be replaced
to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

The sentence thus formed is: The Hubble Telescope (1),
which is all set to get a new partner (3) in the James Webb Space
Telescope, continues (2) to be the eyes and ears beyond Earth’s orbit

Ans (c)

Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the sentence
coherent is uncertain.

It means not able to be relied on; not known or definite.

Acrobatic- performing, involving, or adept at spectacular
gymnastic feats.

Addictive- (of a substance or activity) causing or likely
to cause someone to become addicted.

Terrestrial- of or relating to the earth or its inhabitants.

Materialistic- excessively concerned with material
possessions; money-oriented.

Ans (a)

Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the
sentence coherent is urgently.

It means in a way which requires immediate action or

Jaggedly- having a harsh, rough, or irregular quality.

Daintily- in a way that shows fine or delicate manners or

Mockingly- in a way that involves laughing at someone

Wearily- with extreme tiredness.

Ans (b)

Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the
sentence coherent is rigid.

It means not able to be changed or adapted.

Cumbersome- large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry
or use; unwieldy.

Eloquent-expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively.

Effervescent-marked by high spirits or excitement.

Triumphant-experiencing victory.

Ans (d)

Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the
sentence coherent is prioritises.

It means the designate or treat (something) as being very
or most important.

Castigate-to reprimand harshly.

Alienates- make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.

Deprives- prevent (a person or place) from having or using

Verbalizes- express (ideas or feelings) in words,
especially by speaking out loud.

Ans (b)

Sol. The only word which will fit the blank to make the
sentence coherent is failure.

It means the neglect or omission of expected or required

Honesty- a refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way.

Research- investigate systematically.

Assistance- the action of helping someone by sharing work.

Motivation- a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a
particular way.

Ans (c)

Sol. The synonym of Fiendish (extremely cruel or
is Cruel. It means wilfully causing pain or suffering to
others, or feeling no concern about it.

Conscientious- wishing to do one’s work or duty well and

Intellectual- a very educated person who is interested in
complicated ideas and enjoys studying and careful thinking.

Illiberal- not broad-minded.

S12. Ans (a)

Sol. The synonym of Synopsis (a brief summary or general
survey of something)
is Summary. It means a brief statement or
account of the main points of something.

Obliged- make (someone) legally or morally bound to do

Theological- relating to the study of the nature of God and
religious belief.

Malicious- characterized by malice; intending or intended
to do harm.

Ans (d)

Sol. The synonym of Embargo [impose an official ban on
(trade or a country or commodity)]
is Impediment. It means a
hindrance or obstruction in doing something.

Contemplative- expressing or involving prolonged thought.

Conventional- based on or in accordance with what is
generally done or believed.

Apathetic- showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or

Ans (d)

Sol. The synonym of Temerity (excessive confidence or
boldness; audacity)
is Boldness. It means willingness to take risks
and act innovatively; confidence or courage.

Benevolence- the quality of being well meaning; kindness.

Defile- damage the purity or appearance of; mar or spoil.

Forsake- abandon or leave.

Ans (c)

Sol. The synonym of Obsolete (no longer produced or
used; out of date)
is Antiquated. It means old-fashioned or

Obdurate- stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or
course of action.

Cloak- something that hides, covers, or keeps something
else secret.

Reverence- deep respect for someone or something.



English Quizzes For ESIC- UDC, Steno, MTS Prelims 2022: 20th March – Practice Set | Latest Hindi Banking jobs_4.1