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English Quiz for SBI Clerk Prelims: 24th June 2018

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English Quiz for SBI Clerk Prelims: 24th June 2018

English Quiz for SBI Clerk Prelims

This section can be easy as pie if your basics are clear. Sometimes, even those who can communicate very well in English, fail to perform to the best of their ability in the banking exams. So, instead of boiling the ocean, try building up a strong vocabulary, an effective knowledge of grammar, and efficient comprehension skills so as to be on the ball to face this particular section. Here is a quiz on English Language being provided by Adda247 to let you practice the best of latest pattern English Questions.

Directions (1-5): Rearrange the following five sentences (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.

Q1. (A) His newest persona, Oscar the Swoon — inducing singer.
(B) Oscar’s debut album is a collection of love ballads in English and Spanish.
(C) It’s not enough that Oscar won the world welterweight championship six times or an Olympic gold medal in 1992. 
(D) Or that the dairy industry’s untest milk moustache model was the only presenter at last month’s Latin Grammys to inspire louder girlie screams from the audience than N Sync.
(E) Oscar, 27, wants more.

S1. Ans.(e)
Sol. CD is a mandatory pair with ‘It’s not enough that’ and ‘or that’. AB again is a mandatory pair with ‘singer’ and ‘debut album’.

Q2. (A) “Or tchi, tchi, like the snap of a whip.”
(B) “Noises,” he says, “have erupted from the walls without warning.”
(C) Tanaka mimics the sounds that convinced him his new home is haunted.
(D) “Ban, ban, ban,” blurts the 60-year-old carpenter, pounding his first on the wall.
(E) “Last spring, the curtains in the room slid open, as if dragged by a spirit,” he asserts. 

S2. Ans.(b)
Sol. The paragraph naturally starts by introducing Tanaka in C. Whatever he says follows.

Q3.(A) It’s Saturday night and the streets of Johannesburg are thumping.
(B) But tonight, taxis and cars packed beyond capacity jam the avenues.
(C) South Africans usually avoid the crime-ridden downtown area after dark.
(D) Music blares from every open window.
(E) Women sell beer and kids in the street dance kwasa kwasa, a jig.

S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. The depressing observation about South Africa downtown starts the paragraph in C. ‘But’ in B contrasts C. DE makes a mandatory pair with ‘music’ and ‘dance’.

Q4. (A) That is what the owner did.
(B) In 1993, Jorge Elias tried to dissolve the Congress.
(C) When he failed, he fled the country and ended up in Panama.
(D) At the Hactenda Club, the clubhouse overlooks a sparkling blue pool, a polo field and hundreds of green acres. 
(E) The brochure, which features horses grazing and diners toasting, teases–cone and experience a new style of life in Panama.

S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. EA is a mandatory pair — ‘teases . . . come and experience’ in E and ‘exactly what the owner did’ in A. BC also pairs with ‘Elias-he’.

Q5. (A) She is an Israeli.
(B) Ella and Jamil will never forget the day she took him to meet her family.
(C) They met just over a year ago at a workshop designed to foster greater understanding between people and soon discovered they shared a passion for more than peace. 
(D) “If I had walked in with a bomb in my hand, their reaction couldn’t have been worse, Jamil.
(E) He is a Palestinian from the West Bank.

S5. Ans.(e)
Sol. Interesting paragraph. ‘Family’ in B will have to go with ‘their’ in D. EAC makes interesting reading.

Directions (6-10): In each question, a sentence is given. Choose the option that best replaces the bold portion in the sentence.
Q6. As the shrill, piercing sound of the sirens approached, several of my neighbors’ dogs start to howl.
(a) No correction required
(b) approached, several of my neighbors’ dogs started
(c) approach, several of my neighbors’ dogs starts
(d) approach, several of my neighbors’ dog start
(e) approaches, several of my neighbors’ dogs started

S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. Use the same simple past tense for actions happening together — ‘approached . . . . started’. Parallelism error.

Q7. After reconsidering my original judgments, I fell obliged to reread the book I maligned and which initially seemed so inconsequential.
(a) No correction required
(b) the book in which I maligned what first seemed so inconsequential
(c) the maligned book which I initially deemed inconsequential 
(d) the book I malign initially and inconsequentially
(e) the book which I malign inconsequentially 

S7. Ans.(a)
Sol. Makes no sense, (c) does not say who maligned the book and (d) is grammatically wrong.

Q8. On arriving at Los Angeles International Airport, his friends met him and took him immediately to his wedding.
(a) No correction required
(b) Arriving at Los Angeles International Airport, his friends who met him immediately took him to his wedding. 
(c) When he arrived at Los Angeles International Airport, his friends met him and took him immediately to his wedding.
(d) When he arrived at Los Angeles International Airport, he was taken immediately to his wedding.
(e) On his arrival at Los Angeles International Airport, his friends took him to his wedding.

S8. Ans.(c)
Sol. (a) and (b) imply that ‘his friends’ arrived at the airport. (d) does not show gratitude to the ‘friends’. (c) is most accurate.

Q9. Among the members of the legal profession there are many who try to keep their clients out of court and save their clients’ money.
(a) No correction required
(b) ones who try to keep their clients out of court
(c) they who try to keep their clients out of court
(d) many of whom try to keep their clients out of court
(e) many of those who try to keep their clients out of court

S9. Ans.(a)
Sol. (b) may have been considered if ‘once’ had been replaced by ‘ones’. (c) with ‘they’ is too specific. (d) cannot be accepted on grammatical terms. (a) talks about the majority who do care for their clients.

Q10. Because she worked the night shift, arriving at 10 p.m. and leaving at 6 a.m.
(a) No correction required
(b) having arrived at 10 p.m. and leaving at 6 a.m.
(c) her arrival at 6 p.m. departure at 10 a.m.
(d) with an arrival at 6 and a departure at 10.
(e) she arrived at 10 p.m. and left at 6 a.m.

S10. Ans.(e)
Sol. The comma should be followed by the subject ‘she’.

Direction (11-15): In each of the questions given below a sentence is given which is then divided into five parts out of which last part is given bold and correct. There is no error in three out of four remaining parts and therefore only one of the parts is incorrect. You must choose the grammatically incorrect part as your answer. If no part is incorrect, choose option (e) as your answer.i.e. “No error”.
Q11.  The parties suggested measures to(A)/ restore peace and offered to support(B)/ any initiative towards achieve the(C)/ goal and concluded that violence and(D)/ killings will not achieve anything(E).
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) No error

S11. Ans.(c)
Sol. ‘achieve’ will change into ‘achieving’.

Q12. The construction material, depth and diameter of the(A)/ well cylinder, its location and the style adopted for(B)/ its superstructure depended on the nature(C)/ for the soil and terrain, the amount of (D)/ average rainfall and availability of masonry expertise(E).
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) No error

S12. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘of’ will replace ‘for’.

Q13. The updating exercise was(A)/ progressive smoothly when(B)/ the flood in the plains(C)/ and landslides in(D)/ the hills happened(E).
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) No error

S13. Ans.(b)
Sol. Change ‘progressive’ into ‘progressing’.

Q14. Jatav protested when the four men tried(A)/ to encroach on a piece of land leased(B)/ by him, following which(C)/ the accused allegedly set him(D)/ on fire after pouring petrol on him(E).
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) No error

S14. Ans.(e)
Sol. No error

Q15. In what is being tout as the one(A)/ of the country’s biggest private(B)/ investments in the health(C)/ sector, the State government(D)/ is looking to mobilize Rs.1,000 crore(E).
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) No error

S15. Ans.(a)
Sol. Replace ‘tout’ with ‘touted’.

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