Vocabulary अब हर Competitive Exam का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा बन चुकी हैं. चाहे बात बैंकिंग की हो या SSC की या किसी अन्य प्रतियोगी परीक्षा की सभी परीक्षाओं में vocabulary एक important part होती है. Reading comprehension को Solve करने से लेकर किसी भी को Solve करने के लिए Vocabulary अच्छी होना ज़रूरी है. इसलिए, Hindi Bankersadda आपको Daily Vocabulary प्रदान करता है जिससे आप आगामी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी को और बेहतर बना सकते हो. हम आपको यहाँ Daily Use Words with Hindi Meanings 21st November, 2021 की Vocabulary दे रहे हैं.
Steadily (Adjective) निरंतर : That happens at a predictable, reliable, unchanging pace
- Meaning: Happening at a regular pace
- अर्थ: एक नियमित गति से हो रहा है
- Synonyms: Regularly
- Example: With the growing popularity of International Kite Festival in Gujarat, the kite making industry is also growing steadily.
Sensitivity (Noun) संवेदनशीलता: Ability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment
- Meaning: Responsivenss to emotional feelings
- अर्थ: भावनात्मक भावनाओं के प्रति जिम्मेदारियां
- Synonyms: Nervousness, Feeling
- Example: The source declined to be identified by name or nationality due to the sensitivity of the evolving contacts
Advisory (noun) सलाहकार- Usually advising or warning the public about something.
- Meaning: Recommendations
- अर्थ: सिफारिशें
- Synonyms: Consultative, Consultatory
- Example: He also reiterated the agency’s plans to consult its vaccine advisory committee before making a decision.
Theoretically (adv) सिद्धान्त रूप से – In a theoretical manner
- Meaning: According to the assumed facts
- अर्थ: मान्यताओं के अनुसार
- Synonyms: Hypothetically, Apparently
- Example: Because I mean, theoretically, you emerged at the same time he was leaving.
Stretched (verb) ताना हुआ- Spread over a wide area or distance
- Meaning: Relieved of stiffness
- अर्थ: कठोरता से छुटकारा
- Synonyms: Flexible, Extended
- Example: Well- stretched muscles are less susceptible to injury
Probable (adj.) संभावित – Likely or not certain to be ture or real
- Meaning: Apparently Destined
- अर्थ: स्पष्ट रूप से नियत
- Synonyms: Likely
- Example: The probable consequences of going ahead with the scheme
Anticipated (adj.) प्रत्याशित- Little bit of hope
- Meaning: Expected Hopefully
- अर्थ: उम्मीद से की गई उम्मीद
- Synonyms: Awaited, Hoped-for
- Example: Following the holiday weekend, however, we anticipate an uptick in cases on campus in line with the anticipated national trend.
Discretionary (adj.) विवेकाधीन- Act according to your own judgement
- Meaning: Ability to decide by its own judgement
- अर्थ: अपने निर्णय से निर्णय लेने की क्षमता
- Synonyms: Unrestricted, Discretional
- Example: The commission has discretionary power to award extra funds
Procurement (noun) उपलब्धि
- Meaning: Act of getting possession of something
- अर्थ: किसी चीज पर अधिकार पाने का कार्य
- Synonyms: Procural, Procurance
- Example: He was responsible for the procurement of materials and supplies
DEBASE (Verb) : अवमूल्यन करना
- Meaning: reduce (something) in quality or value; degrade.
- अर्थ: गुणवत्ता या मूल्य में कमी (कुछ); नीचा।
- Synonyms: degrade, demean, disgrace, undermine
- Antonyms: enhance
- Example: The politician tried to debase his rival’s good reputation by spreading false rumors about him.
- Meaning: marked by settled sedateness and often prim self-restraint
- अर्थ: सुलझी हुई उदासीनता और अक्सर आत्म संयम द्वारा चिह्नित
- Synonyms: dignified, composed, earnest, grave, humorless, no-nonsense
- Antonyms: indecorous, frivolous, hilarious
- Example: She was given a staid title-‘The Iron Lady’.
NEUROSIS (NOUN) : विक्षिप्त
- Meaning: a mental and emotional disorder that affects only part of the personality
- अर्थ: एक मानसिक और भावनात्मक विकार जो व्यक्तित्व के केवल हिस्से को प्रभावित करता है
- Synonyms: aberration, dementia, hallucinosis, hypomania, paranoia
- Antonyms: lucidity, rationality, rationalness, reasonability
- Example: These are givers whose philanthropy has been absent neurosis and aggression.
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